www.twitter.com/adnanrawa www.nasharrawy.webs.com ( SUFISM OF D NEW MILLENNIUM )
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/headline/23281-jpp-kenapa-persekutuan-nak-langgar-undang-undang … " JPP " IS AGAINST D FED. CONSTITUTION N D CONCEPT OF FEDERALISM N D BASIC PRINCIPLES OF DEMOCRACY!!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/sudut-dakwah/23275-popularkan-jihad-daripada-hijrah … EVERY MUKMEEN MUST JIHAD; MODERN PEACEFUL N UNARMED SIT-INS JIHAD IN R4BIA!! THIS IS HIJRAH AS TOLD BY D PROPHET !!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/terbaik-dari-blog/23274-surat-pemuda-kristian-untuk-dr-mursi … COPTIC CHRISTIAN RECOGNIZES MURSI AS WORLD FREEDOM FIGHTER; 4 MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS N YAHOOD AS WELL!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/23277-pas-gesa-siasat-dalang-mykad-palsu-pendatang … PAS WANTS A SPECIAL TRIBUNAL 2 CATCH D MASTER MIND OF FAKE IC'S SYNDICATES! WHICH HAD CAUSED MANY DEATHS!!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/23272-membazir-pm-tpm-guna-pesawat-eksekutif-rm182-juta … NAJIB N MAHYUDDIN WASTED PUBLIC MONEY RM182m 4 EXECUTIVE JETS!!! N RAKYAT BEING FORCED 2 PAY GST! 4 THEIRS LUXURY !!
http://my.news.yahoo.com/sungai-limau-pas-tolak-dakwaan-mca-pengundi-cina-064254321.html … WILL UMNO ACCEPT D FACT THAT IT HAS LOST MALAY VOTES IN SG LIMAU! http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/23268-perisikan-panggil-duta-amerika-beri-penjelasan … DESPITE CIA IN AG'S N APCO ZIONIST IN BKT AMAN WE'VE SNOOPERS IN D EMBASSY A THREAT 2 NATIONAL SECURITY! WITH TPPA !!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/23269-pas-gesa-karpal-sendiri-beri-penjelasan … CLARIFICATIONS MUST B DONE BY KARPAL HIMSELF! IF IT'S DEFAMATION KARPAL MUST TAKE LEGAL ACTION OTHERWISE, APOLOGISE!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/headline/23267-apa-pun-muslihat-mahathir-gani-perlu-disiasat- … AG PATAIL MUST B INVESTIGATED DESPITE OF CIA IN AG'S N SELECTIVE PROSECUTIONS ! EXEMPTED MALAY RACIST PERKASAM!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/terbaik-dari-blog/23262-bukan-24-bulan-tapi-24-tahun-pegang-identiti-palsu … BRIBED NRD RM250/- GOT " FAKE IC " 4 24YRS ! WHERE'S " SPRM " WHAT ABOUT 30,000 ALIEN SECURITY GUARDS IN KLANG VALLEY
http://en.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/8087-us-spying-scandal-najibs-weak-reaction-an-embarrassment.html … STOP TPPA: TERMA PEROMPAK, PENYANGAK AMERICA NEGOTIATIONS ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE'S CIA SNOOPS N APCO IN AG N BKT AMAN
http://shahbudindotcom.blogspot.com/2013/11/ghani-patail-najib-bakal-kepanasan-tak.html … D POLITICS OF MAHTHIR VS NAJIB REVEALS D TRUTH UMNO IS APCO ; APCO IS UMNO N CIA IN AG'S! NAJIB N PATAIL IN HOT SUP!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/23258-intipan-as-permulaan-kepada-penjajahan … CIA N MOSSAD MONITOR ISLAMIC MOVEMENTS IN M'SIA AT D EMBASSY N APCO ZIONIST IN BUKIT AMAN SECURITY SYS WITH ZIONIST!!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/terbaik-dari-blog/23259-kasut-jenama-fly-feet-hina-islam … MUSLIMS MUST BOYCOTT " FLY FEET " SHOES !! http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/terbaik-dari-blog/23260-perang-besar-umat-islam-ketakutan-al-sisi-memuncak … VICTORIOUS AWWAL HIJRI INSHA AL LAHU ! 3,000 MARTYRS NOT A WASTE 4 D PLIGHT OF ISLAM !! http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/headline/23255-karpal-mahu-pas-dibatal-hanya-putar-belit … KARPAL DENIED HE SAID PAS REGISTRATION MUST B CANCELLED DUE 2 HIS STATEMENTS BEING TWISTED BY ANTI PAKATAN MEDIA!
http://en.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/8085-something-very-wrong-as-slush-funds-for-pms-department-hit-rm20-bil-since-2011.html … NAJIB'S DISCRETIONARY FUNDS SPENT LIKE GRANDFATHER'S MONEY SPENDTHRIFT POLITICALSIZED UMNO PROGRAMMES USING PUBLIC RM
http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/sideviews/article/what-message-has-the-sungai-limau-by-election-conveyed-sin-chew-daily … VOTES R SECRETS ! IF THIS IS TRUE; THEN UMNO HAS LOST MORE MALAY VOTES !! IN SG LIMAU !! http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com
http://www.sinarharian.com.my/nasional/dr-m-petronas-kena-tolong-melayu-1.218275 … PETRONAS MUST HELP D MALAYS ; ACTUALLY HELPS PETRONAS ADVISER'S CO. GIVEN AN OIL FIELD N MAS BUY FR, PETRON INSTEAD
http://my.news.yahoo.com/investigate-gani-wrongdoing-don-t-badmouth-him-says-225625806.html … AG , POLICE N " SPRM " R NOT FREE FR. POLITICAL INTERFERENCE; ABSENT OF FAIR, INDEPENDENT N TRANSPARENCY!!
http://my.news.yahoo.com/pas-debate-pakatan-partnership-muktamar-230400403.html … 2 STRENGTHEN P'TAN ALLIES;KARPAL MUST 'VE FACE 2 FACE DISCOURSE WITH NIK AZIZ ABOUT ISLAM DON BECOME MAHTHIR SINGH!!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/23248-kami-hidup-suasana-harmonis--cina-kelantan … KELANTAN UNDER PAS RULE IS D MODEL OF TRUE BANGSA MALAYSIA NON RACIST N NATIONAL UNITY! PAS 4 ALL !!
http://en.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/8083-discounted-sugar-and-rice-sale-during-by-election-is-ok-says-ec.html … WHAT D PRICE AFTER ELECTION N NOW AT PRESENT! IF THAT IS NOT POLITICS OF CORRUPTIONS THAN WHAT EC : ELECTORAL CHEATER
http://en.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/8084-international-sugar-price-going-down-but-not-in-malaysia.html … STUPID SUGAR CONTRACT RAKYAT PAYS HIGH PRICE 2 COVER-UP INTERESTED PARTY CONTRACT PRICE BY SUBSIDY DEDUCTIONS!!
http://en.harakahdaily.net/index.php/headline/8086-pas-ticks-off-karpal-over-sensitive-statement.html … KARPAL TALKS THRU' HIS ASS ; MUST APOLOGIZE 2 PAS ! AS DAP CHAIRMAN FACE 2 FACE DISCUSSION WITH NIK AZIZ IS BETTER!
http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/cheap-sugar-rice-no-element-of-bribery-in-sungai-limau-says-election-commis … U R A REAL EC : ELECTORAL CHEATER!! Y NOW DURING BY ELECTION N AFTER THAT D PRICE OF SUGAR N RICE BACK 2 NORMAL HIKE
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/23214-pas-pr-kembali-ke-persada-kuasa-politik-kedah … ALHAMDU LIILA HU TA'ALA ! EC ; ELECTORAL CHEATER FAILED IN ITS STRATEGY BY ELECTION ON WORKING DAY! TIL WHEN AS BARUA
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/23216-isyarat-cabaran-senisyarat-mahfuz-beri-cabaran-sengit-kepada-mukhriz-pru14git-mahfuz-buat-mukhriz-pru14 … MAHFUZ VS MUKHRIZ 4 GE14! STARTS WITH D OPENING OF D HIJRAH CALENDER!! VICTORY 4 ONE MALAYSIA ISLAMIC PARTY VS RACIST
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/terbaik-dari-blog/23218-mursi-bersemangat-hadapi-pertuduhan-di-mahkamah … MORSI STEADFAST WITH ISLAMIC PLIGHT READY 2 FACE COUP D'TATE JUDGES! WARNS D JUDGE !! http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/23221-mesir-tidak-patut-halang-osama-morsi-ke-malaysia … OSAMA MORSI HAS HIS INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS N DESEVES 2 GIVEN JUSTICE !!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/headline/23200-kemenangan-hari-pertama-tahun-hijrah-tg-nik-aziz … OPENING CALENDER OF HIJRAH VICTORY! D ALMIGHTY IS D GREATEST!! http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com
http://en.harakahdaily.net/index.php/headline/8076-reject-bn-to-protest-rampant-corruption-power-abuses-voters-told.html … " SPRM " N EC ( ELECTORAL CHEATERS ) R ACTING AS SPECIAL BRANCHES OF UMNO !!SHAME ON U ! WHAT IS INTEGRITY DAY ! SHIT
http://my.news.yahoo.com/another-blow-mukhriz-sungai-limau-rejects-barisan-nasional-140156483.html … CORRUPTIONS, SWEETENERS BRIBERY N ABUSE GOVT. MACHINERIES DID NOT WORK IN SG LIMAU! UMNO IRRELEVANT! CONGRAT !!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L-GOHa5-YQ&list=RD02C_QEvHnzpzA … WA HUWA 'ALA KUL LISHAI IN QODIR !! ( HUWA HAS D POWER OVER ALL THINGS ! ) http://www.nasharrwy.webs.com
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/headline/23197-pas-kekal-di-sg-limau-majoriti-1084-undi … INTEGRITY DAY!! WHERE'S EC ( ELECTORAL CHEATERS ) N POLICE INTEGRITY ! R U PAID B D MASSES OR UMNO AS UR PAY MASTER!
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/23198-sg-limau-presiden-pas-ucap-terima-kasih … PRESIDENT WARMEST THANKS 2 D ELECTORATES , PARTY WORKERS N PAKATAN RAKYAT ! MAY D ALMIGHT BLESSES U ALL! THANK U !!
http://en.harakahdaily.net/index.php/headline/8079-sg-limau-pas-win-exceeds-target-set.html … THANKS 4 VOTING PAS! DESPITE OF UMNO ABUSE OF D GOVT. MACHINERIES SWEETENERS BRIBERY N MEDIA SLANDERS! GOD D GREATEST
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/columnist/ketua-pemuda-pas/23194-menjaga-kerukunan-hidup-bermasyarakat … D COMMUNITY N LEADERS SHOULD'VE SUFI IN THEIR HEARTS!! http://www.nasharrawy.webs.com
http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/letter/23192-rakyat-makin-susah-umno-makin-bertapak … KAMPONG APPROACH MODUS OPERANDI ONE-OFF ; UMNO PLAYING D FOOL WITH D POOR ! THIS IS UMNO OUT-DATED PARTY! CORRUPTED !
PLS C : http://bloggerpakatan.com/v/2840
Between racism, nationalism and Islam by:
nash ar-rawyhttp://nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/10/nash-ar-rawys-articles.html
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Sunday, November 7,
The Politics Of
Lingua, Race And Nation by: Nash Ar-Rawy
1. The Politics of
Lingua, Race And Nation by : Nash Ar-Rawy/08.11.10
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com ) ( http://www.twitter.com/nasharrawy )
Being a Malay racist and nationalist party , Umno could not resist itself as
being chauvinist Malay as to MCA a Chinese based party and MIC an Indian based
party in BN. Therefor, the slogans of priority to nationalism through one
language , one race and one nation is only an eye-washed of it’s true character
and features .
Umno talks about one language . But Umno and Bn itself had forced the students
to except the enforcement of English language as the medium of instruction in
schools and in tertiary educations in teaching mathematics and science.
Where is ‘Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa’ for all Malaysians in upholding Bahasa Malaysia
as the National Language which has been distorted and refuted by UBN. A plain
mockery of Lingua politics of Umno , an act of treachery to the Federal
Constitution. Even Indonesia , Japan , Korea could survive and develop using
their ‘Mother Tongue” as the National Language. But , ofcourse, it’s for the
cronies that benefit a lot with that projects costing Billion of Dollars
neglecting the students in the remote places who could not afford to a private
computer and paying for the tuition fees.
There were suggestions in the parliament by Umno’s parliamentarians that
Chinese and Tamil schools be converted into Bahasa Malaysia ; no more teaching
in Mandarin and Tamil. We cannot deny other languages . It’s the ethnic right
of all races to have their ‘Mother Tongue” language as the medium of instuction
in their school whilst Bahasa Malaysia remains the major subject taught in
these schools.
This provision in the Federal Constitution is uphold by PAS, DAP and PKR in
PAKATAN RAKYAT and Pakatan never play politics in this matter because there’s
no point to make innocent students to be the victims of Umno’s /Bn’s experiment
which endangers the students’ future and creates ‘hay –wire’ among the
To create and buiding up a great race of ‘Bangsa Malaysia” or the Malaysian
Race ; Umno and Bn has played racial issues and resulted a great blunder to the
nation.Such as Nasir Safar being the hench-man of the premier said ,” Chinese
are prostitutes and Indians are beggers”. Even the premier once played racial
sentiments with Lim Kim Sai just to portray a drama to the electorates to
continue voting for Umno and MCA . Lately , PERKASA has taken the role of Umno
because the voters are sick and tired of UBN’s racist game and it’s not
feasible in the cyber world and world peace for that matter.
That is why we see that Malaysian are for PAS FOR ALL and DAP and PKR i.e.
JUSTICE FOR ALL which is the main agenda for the Malaysians through PAKATAN
Now is not the era of racism, chauvinism and nationalism. Because the only
thing that could save our language , race and nation is not through racism and
nationalism but it must be through UNIVERSAL JUSTICE : PAS and PAKATAN FOR ALL
for the nation bulding , all races and languages as sustained in the Federal
Constitution .PAS/PAKATAN uphold these and there is no racial sentiments being
played by PAS/PAKATAN to win over the heart of the electorates as Umno /Bn do .
If Umno, MCA and MIC are really non-racist and non-communal parties; prove it
by denouncing it’s racist name and form a new party which is not racist-based
as in PAS ( Islam for All ) and in DAP and PKR ( Justice for all)
Where is “ONE NATION “ when democracy is dead and Federalism is not being
practiced by the federal government ???. NO royalty being given to Kelantan
State Government just because it’s under PAS/Pakatan rule and UBN is the State
opposition party. Is these democracy and is this Federalism ??? . When
democracy and federalsm is dead; there is no one nation except for the
rhetorics of the premier making it a plain mockery to catch voters for UBN in
the 13th GE which is just at the corner. Will it works ? Pakatan got to work
harder because autocracy in Malaysia gives no rights to Pakatan leaders a
proper ‘air-time’ to promote it’s socio-political agenda and manifesto to the
electorates whereas UBN is given the fullest ‘democracy’ taking the utmost
control and manipulations of the prime media and TV manipulating its propaganda
using the people’s money !. This is ‘ democracy ‘ and UBN in Malaysia.
“ One-Nation’ of Umno/Bn is precisely for ‘One Crony” and ‘ONE-PARTY ONLY “ selling
off the nation wholesale as in the Pertonas RM320B lost donated to Brunei,
Tanjung Pagar the NATION’S HERITAGE gone with wind to Singapore, Sungai Besi as
the ‘Nation’s Defence System and Top Secret Security being sold easily to One
Crony, One Corporate, One Malaysia on sale.
Where is ‘Nationalism” or is it ‘Umnoism” or Ubnism’ of CRONISM making use of
the nation like their ‘grandfather’s property at the expense of the people .
This is the true face of Umno/Bn.To save the nation is not through ‘Nationalism’
but for World Peace based on world socio-economic universal justice not on
opressions and aggressions of America-Zionist world order . The world is for
every nation and every race . One Nation and One World is not for a particular
race to conquer . There must be no ‘nationalism’ as ‘nationalism’destroys the
Arab world and dethrone the last Islamic Caliphate rule in Turkey and till now
the Arab World is not united because their political ideology is ‘Nationalism’
not Islam as to Umnoism which in the end rejected Hudud Act in the parliament
tabled by TGHA the President Of PAS. What that will save the Lingua Franca,
race and nation is not racism and nationalism but Islam for the whole world “
Rahmatan Lil A’alamiin” ( A blesseth to the world world ) regardless of race,
ethic groups, Political ideology and religion. This is the utmost agenda of PAS
in its socio-economic political programmes in PAKATAN RAKYAT for all
Malaysians. Remember, 13thMay did not happen in Kelantan under PAS rule . A
Historical fact and prove which Umno could not deny because PAS is not for
racism as taught by Islam and it’s system as ordained in the Holy Qur’an and
Assunnah( the tradition of the prophet ).
Islam is not only feasible in a multi –racial nation like Malaysia but it could
out- fit racism in Umno/Bn and natianalism itself through ISLAMIC SYSTEM
justice for all not only to Malaysia implacing ‘nationalism” but as a NEW MODEL
OF A JUST World Order in ther future and the Holy Qur’an and the Assunnah as
the NEW WORLD CONSTITUTION as Islamic System is not meant for a particular race
and strictly against any kind and any form of injustice, racism , chauvinism
and cronism. As the Holy Qur’an says , “ The wealth of a nation must not be
stipulated or circulated among the crony only. “ and the prophet Muhammad
s.a.w. said in his hadis, “ Who ever touches the non-muslims is like touching
me “ . Thus, in Islam everybody is protected. Here is where PAS new wing i.e.
PAS SUPPORTERS’ CONGRESS plays an important role in promoting ‘Justice For All”
GOD the owner of sovereignty.
By: Nash Ar-Rawy/08.11.10
Friday, July 2, 2010
1. An Understanding Of
The Islamic System In Malaysia By: Nash Ar-Rawy
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com )
The implementation of the Islamic system in Malaysia has been introduced by an
Islamic Movement ( PAS ) through it’s model which is recognised by
Transparentcy International as ‘Zero Corruption “ i.e , being a The Welfare
State of Kelantan; based on ‘Islam Just For All” regardless of ethnics, race
and religion ; within the jurisdiction empowered by The State Assembly of
Kelantan is the first state in Malaysia to passed out the Hudud Law or the
Islamic Jurisprudence known as Syariah or Islamic Penal Code . But the
implementation was blocked by the President of the Malay secular racist party ;
i.e., Umno by a letter of threat and blackmail ; the repercussions that may
occur to the state by Umno. This is the peak of Mahathir’s cosmetik Islam ;
i.e. assimilation of Islamic values. Such as, Islamic Bank, Islamic University,
and Islamic Insurance which is in the final stage is to refute or violation of
the Hudud Law and the latest being supporting Najib’s agenda ; i.e. gambling
license given for world cup soccer. Assuming that it is a culture of the
Chinese community which is a plain humiliation to the Chinese because it has
been refuted by Gerakan, and DAP as well.
Thus Islamic Hadhari( civilization ) of Badawi’s agenda has fled away because
it has no substance due to it’s cosmetic approach which finally sustained
gambling of all kinds in this country. Umno truly rejects Islamic system and
implements Islamic agenda that gives them profits and material gains such as,
Islamic Banking . Whereas, Hudud has no profitable interests and is totally
discarded in the race for the purpose of worldly and material gains only.
The same Islamic Penal Code has been tabled and approved by the State Assembly
of Trengganu during PAS rule but failed to be implemented due to the Federal
Government and Federal Constitution obstacles. Therefor, the muslims of one
Malaysia are obligatory to vote and support PAS ( The Islamic Party Of One
Malaysia ) in order to comply with the syahadatain’s testimonial ( There’s No
God But Allah and Muhammad Is The Messenger Of God ) into practice . That is,
the implementation of the Hudud Law, Qisos( Battery) and Ta’azir (Judge’s
discretions ) into being. Thus , the implementation of the Hudud Law is
obligatory to every muslim and therefore refuting Umno in any election is also
obligatory .On that basis , it is obligatory for the muslims to assure that PAS
and PAKATAN to take over Putrajaya and the Parliament in the 13 th GE. By the
grace of God!
Refuting and violating the Hudud Law for a muslim means refuting ‘The Absolute
Law Giver ‘and would lead to “ Apostacy “ or “Riddah” ( murtad ) i.e.
denouncing the syahadatain testimony and faith to God!.nauzubillahiminzalik!.
It’s true that Hudud is already ordained in the Holy Qur’an but it’s
implementations needs it to be tabled and formulated in the Parliament and the
State Assembly as well. Law is authority . Therefor Hudud must be authorized in
it’s implementation; Hudud Law must be legalized in the Parliament such as the
formulation of the Hudud Act! Which were tabled thrice by TGHH but rejected by
Umno in the Parliament. Thus, the Pakatan government in Kedah , Selangor and
Penang should proceed with the necessary actions towards the legalization of
the Hudud Law, Qisos and Ta’azir regardless of it’s objection and violations by
Umno in the parliament because it is the government’s obligation to the muslims
which do not affect or jeopardize the non-muslim at all. “ La iqro hafiddeen” (
There’s no compulsion in religion ) to the non-muslims as ordained in the Holy
Qur’an . This conception is respected by PAS in Pakatan. Non-muslims could opt
for the existing “ Civil Law “ which is not also a Chinese, or Indian or Malay
Law for that matter, but an English/British Law. Especially when Penang CM ;
Lim Guan Eng of DAP said his agenda in the administration is to follow the
foot-steps of the Caliph namely , Umar Abdul Aziz .; “ Justice For All “ being
the motto of Pakatan.
PAS government of Kelantan is the first State in Malaysia which eliminates
gamblings of all sorts. The Secular Federal government instead, after more than
50 yrs of UBN’s rule stil sustains the colonial system of engaging with
gamblings by giving licenses through the Ministry of Finance.Nevertheless,
casino gambling centre was introduced by Tunku ( the former PM ) as told by the
gambling ‘taukeh” in his book . Switching from being a resort place to a casino
. As a matter a fact, Genting Highland is known as the NO. 1 casino in the
world outbit Las Vegas as revealed by a casino portal and both Najib and cousin
Hishamuddin are now the biggest share holders of the gambling centre inherited
from their grandfather; Tan Sri Noah ( Noh ) .
Caliph Saidina Umar Al-Kattab once permitted non-muslims merchants to import
liquor for personal use only . This precedent and sirah ( history ) is followed
by TGNA ; a prominent Islamic Movement Spiritual leader of PAS , who is also
the CM of Kelantan in his rule. Islamic system permits the non-muslims to drink
but not in the open or publicly. But, liquor is sold only in certain premises
and could only be bought and carry back home only and not to drink in the
premises. Thus, public safety is being protected from drinkers.This is Islamic
system which is totally different from Umno’s psuedo Islam.
For Umno’s psuedo Islam. Liquor is freely available at hand around Kuala Lumpur
and other major cities. Youngsters got drunk especially during new year eve .
In Langkawi , a can of beer is much cheaper than a can of 7up and ofcourse
‘Bottoms Up” .Remember, during Britsih rule , liquor were imported for personal
use . But , in post-independent, Liquor industry has been erected by UBN’s
government in Klang and officiated opened by Tunku ( former Umno’s President )
. Mukriz Mahathir is also one of the share holders of a liquor industry abroad.
PAS State governmet of Kelantan is the fist government in Malaysia to introduce
Islamic mortgage system which is followed by many banks and federal government
agencies. As a matter a fact, Kelantan PAS government has tried intoducing
Islamic finance system which is based on the use of ‘Dinar” but it could not be
implemented in one Malaysia due to the blockate of Umno and Kelantan being not
a Federal Government. Nevertheless, ‘Dinar” as a sovenuer is much popular among
the people. Thus, the usage of ‘ Dinar’ in the Islamic economy system is a
vital weapon of the Islamic World when it was efficiently and successfully
widely used by the Caliphs Islamic Rule. This is due to ‘Dinar” ( Gold ) as a
stable currency to the world; and it has a vital force to supercede American
Dollar ! for good and stabalize the world ecomomic recessions against the
aggression and suppression of the the world’s capitalist and monopoly system.
Many of the afforts taken by PAS/Pakatan to curb gamblings and liquor has been
violated by Umno and PAS/Pakatan is determine in it’s plight to dethrone UBN in
the parliament in the 13th GE and take over office in Putrajaya . by the grace
of God !. PAS government of Kelantan has implemented ‘ The People’s
Plantations” and violate the secular systems of capitalism , cronyism and
monopolism and chauvanism as performed by the UBN’s rule. In an Islamic system;
racism, cronyism and monopolism is strictly prohibited and the richness of the
nation should not be circulated amongst the rich only as ordained in the Holy
Qur’an. Such as the elite crony umnoputra which has stipulated and manipulated
the lost of RM 52 Billion of the Bumiputra Shares; undetected and gone with the
wind .
The People’s Plantations is offered to all citizens of Kelantan regardless of
race , ethnics and religion. How nice if it could be applied in one Malaysia
through Pakatan! As a matter a fact, Kelantan’s government has appointed
Non-Malays as Penghulus ( Ketua Kampung/ Village Chiefs ) amongst the Siamese ;
which will never be done by Umno being a chauvanist racist Malay party . The
appplications of erecting a buddhist temple has been rejected by UBN’s rule in
Kelantan. But , Islamic system and Islamic justice for all has made PAS
Kelantan government approved the buddhist followers in Kelantan to erect their
Buddha statue and buddhist temple; because this is the teachings of Justice in
Islam. Permitting the non- muslims to have their religious rights. Thus, the
afflictions by Umno’s propagandas that PAS rule will force the non-muslims to
convert into Islam is all nonsense and it’s only falsehood of Umno. As in Kedah
‘s PAS rule ; the swine issues have been settled for good which Umno failed to
do so after 30 years of conflictions. This proves that “ Islam Just For All “
being the policy of PAS’s rule is being motivated theorically and practically
Uniquely, Mursyidul Am of Islamic Movement PAS ; TGNA has even proposed that
state government formation law be amended so as to allow the non-muslims to be
appointed as an assembly man if there were no non-muslims won in the election.
And further more a Non- Malay muslim who is pious and piety, charismic ,
intelligent , prominent , not bias, not corrupted or polluted and accepted by
all to be the future Non-Malay Muslim CM in Kelantan , by the grace of God!.
Will Umno do this ? This is where Islamic System is not based on racist but “
Islam Is Just For All “ .Even a non Malay could be a leader if he is more pious
and piety muslim. Now the non-muslims plight has been engaged in PAS through
its new wing ; i.e. “ PAS SUPPORTERS ASSEMBLY COUNCIL “ stands as equal as The
Youth Council, Women’s wing and the Ulama’s wing as well. Will Umno tolerates
this ? This is Islamic political justice for all in PAS being it’s fundamental
As in Selangor, Pakatan’s efforts has reviewed and given the people a fair
water bills especially to the poors. But in Trengganu and Perak , land approved
to the people by the Pakatan government were cancelled by UBN’s rule . This
portrays the true colour of Umno to the people as a whole . Undemocratic and
unjust ? There’s no Islamic justice at all . In practice it’s only cosmetic and
propaganda of Islamic Hadhari which is now gone with the wind of Najib’s
cronies and fantasies deceiving the people with MEB which is a dupilcate of NEB
failures due to cronyism and corruptions; where Malaysia is at the verge of
bankruptcy by the year 2019 according to Idris . The minster in the Prime
Minister Department as due to subsidies which was actually due to the scandals
in UBN’s rule. Such as the two oil wells worth RM320Billion given to Brunei,
Bumiputra shares lost RM 52 Billion, Bakun RM 1 Billion. Forex lost RM 32
Billion by Rosmahnajib’s gamble of Bank Negara’s money but broker survives ,
PKFZ etc.
DS Nizar has allocated 1,000 hec. of land to SAR ( Public Religious School )and
also the same acerage were given to the Chinese Schools . But the coup or
court’s CM ( Zambry ) has cancelled it out ; and in addition has allocated
money the sum of RM400,00 to the Chineses schools ( 7 schools all together )
whilst SAR are being ignored ; just to wow the Chinese votes in the next 13th
GE. But, the worst part is, as came out in the media . All MCA’s branches ,
each will be given RM50,000. What rights as the CM to use the government money
which is actually the people’s money; given to a particular party . This is a
plain mockery of Umno’s political bribery without any attempt of investigations
by SPRM which apparently being a tool of Umno as an unregistered member of UBN.
This obviously proves that Umno is a typical tool of MCA not PAS or DAP
perfoming this act or political mockery . Umno supporters just ‘mouth wide
openend ‘ seeing their leaders deceiving the followers by abusing the ‘People’s
Money “
While in Penang, the CM Lim Guan Eng, amazingly has allocated the sum of RM1
Million to SAR. Because he said we need educated citizens as an asset for the
future of the nation. The CM has also strictly prohibited the use of crony and
introduced ‘e- Tender’ which is the only viable cable use by all.This system
coincides with the Islamic system which is agaist cronyism and monopoly of any
kind. The CM has also engaged the State Governmet with the newly form State
Ulama Council to check and balance the government as a direct advisor not as
Najib engaged APCO( Zionist based agency ) as the national consultant. Thus ,
Umno is APCO and APCO is Umno as revealed by the Pakatan’s parliamentarians.
By : Nash Ar-Rawy/ 2.7.10 ( http://www.ureka.asia )
Sunday, July 18, 2010
1. The Desperate
Politics Of Umno by : Nash Ar-Rawy
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com )
Umno desperate politics is a second failure attempts after losing hope on PAS
in its entrapment of the Unity Government by manipulating and speculating its
agenda in the media which had caused confusion and conflicts among PAS top
leaders. Umno motive was to create distrust among the Chinese and Indian voters
towards PAS . But , it did not materialize at all ; instead PAS is getting
stronger and stronger everyday despite of the ruling party’s propaganda and
The current attempt is by hoping that a third-party will come into being to
convince PAS in making a political collaboration with Umno. Umno has made a big
mistake and a blunder by misconceived that PAS is as Umno in term of its
principle, policy , ideology and approach.
Umno is a racist based Malay Nationalist Party . Whereas PAS is a Universal
based Islamic Party . PAS has proven its Universal and Islamic course by
engaging the non – muslims regardless of race to be members of its new wing or
council called PAS SUPPORTERS ASSEMBLY COUNCIL . Which operates on its own
within the sphere of PAS’s by law . It stands at par and independent as the
Ulama Wing , Women and the Youth Wing.
It has about 20,000 members and it has its representatives in the branch, state
and national level of PAS leadership. Umno being a racist and Malay nationalist
party could not tolerate this phenomena which was once a proposal of PAS Deputy
President; the second man after Almarhum Prof. Dr. Burhanuddin in PAS
leadership i.e. Almarhum Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Muhammad which materialized in the
new millennium, alhamdulillah.
Umno could not accept Non-Malays as members in PAS wing . So , PAS has being
accused as a traitor to the Malays and also as transgressor or astray. Umno
could not prove it in an open debate with PAS. But as a desperado party now ;
it’s hoping for any third-party to merge PAS with Umno. PAS is the most
pretties girl in the world for Umno to elope from PAKATAN. It’s extremely
important for Umno to continue its life span. PAS is the only source or the
only party that could bring Umno to life.
PAS leadership’s stand , let it be TGNA ( Mursyidul Am) the highest post in PAS
or TGHA ( PAS President) and also in PAS Muktamar in Ipoh , Perak and in
Kelantan has reaffirmed its solid collaboration with PAKATAN in its plight to
save one Malaysia with Keadilan , DAP and SNAP in its course to form a “
welfare based sovereign “. Kelantan being its living model recognized by
Transparency International as ‘ZERO CORRUPTION. Thus, ‘Justice For All “ really
materializes in practice.
Umno’s sentiment of Malay racist has opened the eyes of the masses that it is
only a play for the benefits of its cronies . In the name of Bumiputra and
Malays .Umno has deceived the Malays for more than 50 years. What happened to
RM52 Billion of the Bumipurtras shares; gone with the wind with its
psychopants. RM 1 Billion of the masses money dumped in Bakun and the latest
being the lost of Felda’s cash flow amounted to RM 2 Billion; which is the
sweats of the innocent peasants.
No sober Malay will trust Umno anymore . Don’t talk about PAS, but Malays as a
whole being the core electorates are swaying to PAKATAN now . In constituencies
of 90% Malays. Umno is due to lose to Pakatan i.e. to PAS as in Kelantan and
Kedah . The next target of PAS is specifically Trengganu ,and Perlis while
maintaing Kelantan and Kedah by the grace of God with Pakatan.
For constituencies of 65% Malay electorates Umno/BN has lost to Pakatan such as
in Selangor, Perak ( before the coup incident ) and also in Penang because the
Chinese electorates are fed up of UBN . The next targets of PAKATAN are Perak,
Pahang, Negeri Sembilan and giving a close fight in Johor and Malacca; while
maintaining the present ruling states. The most promising new ventures are
Sarawak and Sabah . Sibu , being its ‘CATALYST” . This means that, there’s no
more state which is secured or a ‘fixed deposit’ for Umno / BN now. A
frightening phenomena for Umno/BN which has never occurred before.
That’s why Umno is yearning for the beautiful gorgeous lady called PAS despite
of kicking out PAS from BN and accusing PAS as astray and traitor.
Remember, the top leader of PAS, Keadilan and DAP have reaffirmed to defend the
Federal Constitution and defend Islam as the official religion and the
bumiputra special rights while maintaining other race Malaysian rights and
religious beliefs.
But Umno through NEP has betrayed the Bumiputras and forgo the Hudud Law which
is only meant for the muslims . Umno is the actual traitor of Islam ( astray )
and the Bumiputras.
Umno could only be supported by the Malay electorates in the remote rural
areas, ‘orang asli’, Felda settlers and postal voters. Whereas the middle
–class and educated Malays are for a change with PAKATAN as the best only
choice for the better future of Malaysia. Malaysians do no want racial
sentiments such as ‘ Perkasa ‘ or “Perkasa Cina or Perkasa India’. We are
educated people and civilized post –‘merdeka ‘ voters. We want ‘Justice For All
“ coincide with ‘ ISLAM FOR ALL “ being the plight of PAS in PAKATAN
PAS , Keadilan, DAP and SNAP in PAKATAN is the best political and social
platform for universal justice for it is not racial based as in UBN. A two
party system may emerge after the 13th GE by the grace of God when PAKATAN
takes over and dethrone Umno/BN in Putrajaya and the Parliament. This is a
scary dream of UMNO and PAS is not giving a damn to Umno . PAS political pact
with PAKATAN ; i.e. with DAP , Keadilan and SNAP is FINAL in accordance with
the people’s trust and plight . So, to be in the save side , it’s better for
Umno followers to join in PAS or Keadilan or DAP for that matter . Rather than
to be the tools of the traitors and cronies in UMNO and let as save Malaysia.
Let’s leave the leaders in Umno in insanity without followers. Besides,
Umno/UBN is a sinking ship now ; fighting with each other. Subsidies being cut
off due to the scandals after scandals in UBN’s rule , mismanagement,
corruptions, breach of trust and abuse of power . Right from BMF, Perwaja
Steel, PKFZ , Felda and what not coming soon .
The MEB is just a replica of DEB of the same source and practices . Vincent Tan
the gambler tycoon is still in the MEB’s vultures group together with Mukhriz
and Anaconda Krishnan. This is what Umno and BN really is! . Sayonara UBN and
welcome to PAKATAN RAKYAT! Najib and Muhyiddin should face the reality of the
Malaysian cyber politics now and be prepared to be the new future OPPOSITION
LEADERS in a new two system party after the 13th GN by the grace of God. It’s a
’wheel –turned’ for PAKATAN .
By : Nash Ar-Rawy / 18.7.10
Umno Loses Power Not Malay by:
Nash Ar-Rawy
Thursday, September 23, 2010
1. Umno Loses Power Not
Malay By: Nash Ar-Rawy
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com ) ( http://www.twitter.com/adnanrawa ) What a stupid
racist game of Umno to win over the heart of the Malay electorates when
Mahadthir said that Malay will lose power . Aren’t TGNA, Ustaz Azizan and
Khalid Ibrahim being the Chief Ministers of the State of Kelantan, Kedah and
Selangor from PAS and PKR are Malay leaders in Pakatan Rakyat ? As to Guan Eng
from DAP of Penang in Pakatan Rakyat?( Before was Soo Koon of Gerakan ) These
are the contemporary reality of Malaysia’s cyber politics of anti racism and
anti Umno and BN where the masses are not for racist based party and they don’t
buy racism.
It has been proven that that one Malaysia Malaysian has ousted Umno racist
Malay plight and MCA racist Chinese for good. What the people want now is to
oust racist based parties such as Umno , MCA and MIC .
The rakyat are politically aware and literate with the internet . They are not
the victims of racist game and manipulations of UBN in RTM and the media .They
want dedicated and good Malay , Chinese and Indian leaders and leadership in
PAS , PKR and DAP as in Pakatan Rakyat giving them good governance as seen in
Kelantan , Selangor, Kedah and Penang.
Whereas Umno is a bunch of liars as the lost of RM52Billion untraceable
Bumiputra shares by Umno’s psychopans . Feclra settlers in Kelantan being
manipulated and won three court cases with million of dollars . Felda ‘s
settlers cash flow RM 9Billion gone . Bahasa Melayu being emforced and widely
used in schools, Universities and courts during Razak’s time now being
discarded and terminated by Umno/Mahathir/Najib . Royalty for the people of
Kelantan being denied ; worth RM2 Billion.
Umno/Mahathir denounced the Royalties immunities and introduced a special court
to punish them . Scholarships granted by the Federal Constitution to Bumiputras
are terminated by Umno/Mahathir/Najib.
These are the treacherous acts of Umno to the Malays as a whole. Who did this .
Is it DAP or PAS or PKR ? If not Umno betraying the Malays who else ? Don’ play
racist sentiment Umno/ Mahadthir/ Najib! Remember, 13May did not occur in
Kelantan even the muslims are there Majority . Umno not only betrayed the
Malays but also the nation as well.
Just to satisfy Umno’s cronies . RM32Billion worth of two oil wells were given
to Brunei without the prior consent of the parliament and DYMM Yang Di Pertuan
Agong . Malaysia is on sale by Umno traitors . Tanjung Pagar being the assets
of Malaysia ( KTMB ) wihich is higly historical and meaningful as the nation’s
heritage easily given to Umno’s psychopans and Singapore . The nation has also
lost RM32 Billion of Rosmah gamble with Bank Negara’s Forex . But broker
benefits ! It’s our money lost just like that ! RM32 Billion is equivalent to
Penang State Budget for 100 YEARS ! according to Nga of DAP. Just imagine
RM32Billion( Rosmah ) , RM 320 Billion( Oil Wells ) , RM 9 Billion( Felda) , RM
52Billion ( Bumiputras’ Shares ) RM 8Billion ( MAS ) and what not . Thus, if
the nation turns bankrutcy as the minster in the Prime Minister Department said
it’s not because of subsidies allocated to the ‘rakyat ‘ precisely is because
of UMNO/BN treachery to the nation for the sake of their psychopans . Umno can
do anyuthing under the sun !
What a hypcricy! When Guan Eng announced RM400 be given to the government
servants for raya . Immediately Najib up RM100 making it RM500! Whereas the
money allocated for it is more than the total amount of money for the five( 5)
subsidies than has been withdrawn by the government. ( How come that’s money n
let the rakyat suffer with GST !
PAS is an Islamic Party , not a racist chauvinist Malay party as Umno is .
Don’t bulshit that PAS leaders met Tunku to eliminate the Chinese and forfeit
their proverty . Did it happen in Kelantan where the muslims are the majority .
As a matter a fact , there are about 20,000 non –muslims in PAS now under it’s
Umno is a threat for peace and harmony to the nation . Beware of Umno. Umno is
not Malay and Malay is not Umno . Umno has been ousted by the Malays in
Kelantan, Kedah , Selangor and Penang and by HIS Grace more States will come
under PAS, PKR and DAP in Pakatan Rakyat . Malay electorates are getting
literate and enlightened with the policies of Pakatan Rakyat and PAS i.e. ISLAM
JUST FOR ALL regardless of race, ethnic religion and political ideology . There
are many achivements as an advocating State and good governance. Just one
example is the ‘ Ladang Rakyat” for all . Chinese, Malays , Indians , Siamese
etc who are poor are allocated the shares and getting a monthly dividen .
Thus , Umno is playing with fire and it is dangerous to the nation as a whole .
We want peace and harmony in this country and justice be given to everybody
regardless of race and religion. The issues of “cow’s head” , burning of
churches , non-muslims in the mosque etc . These are not the true teachings of
Islam . Leave Umno alone with their racist groups ; MCA and MIC and Perkasa (
Ibrahim Perkasam /pickles) and Mahathir with their unwanted recipees which are
not meant for one Malaysia .
Malays and Non-Malays electorates have to detrone Umno from power for good and
let PAS and PKR to take over the country with a good and dedicated MALAY
LEADERSHIP and oust the Malay leaders in Umno. PAS/Pakatan will make a better
good governance for the people with the IGP, Lord President, AG, SPRM , SPR and
IC Department come under the Parliament; no more being the subordinate of PM .
Oust Malay leaders in Umno and empower good Malay leadership in PAS and PKR
with DAP ( oust MCA and MIC ) in PAKATAN RAKYAT for a new just Malaysia in the
13th GN by the Grace of God. Peace Be Upon You ! “ God Is The Greatest ! “
By: Nash Ar-Rawy / 24.9.10 ( Ureka.Asia ) Guest Writer.
Posted by Nash Ar-Rawy at 8:17
PM 0 comments http://nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/10/nash-ar-rawys-articles.html
1. The Politics of
Lingua, Race And Nation by : Nash Ar-Rawy/08.11.10
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com ) ( http://www.twitter.com/nasharrawy )
Being a Malay racist and nationalist party , Umno could not resist itself as being chauvinist Malay as to MCA a Chinese based party and MIC an Indian based party in BN. Therefor, the slogans of priority to nationalism through one language , one race and one nation is only an eye-washed of it’s true character and features .
Umno talks about one language . But Umno and Bn itself had forced the students to except the enforcement of English language as the medium of instruction in schools and in tertiary educations in teaching mathematics and science.
Where is ‘Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa’ for all Malaysians in upholding Bahasa Malaysia as the National Language which has been distorted and refuted by UBN. A plain mockery of Lingua politics of Umno , an act of treachery to the Federal Constitution. Even Indonesia , Japan , Korea could survive and develop using their ‘Mother Tongue” as the National Language. But , ofcourse, it’s for the cronies that benefit a lot with that projects costing Billion of Dollars neglecting the students in the remote places who could not afford to a private computer and paying for the tuition fees.
There were suggestions in the parliament by Umno’s parliamentarians that Chinese and Tamil schools be converted into Bahasa Malaysia ; no more teaching in Mandarin and Tamil. We cannot deny other languages . It’s the ethnic right of all races to have their ‘Mother Tongue” language as the medium of instuction in their school whilst Bahasa Malaysia remains the major subject taught in these schools.
This provision in the Federal Constitution is uphold by PAS, DAP and PKR in PAKATAN RAKYAT and Pakatan never play politics in this matter because there’s no point to make innocent students to be the victims of Umno’s /Bn’s experiment which endangers the students’ future and creates ‘hay –wire’ among the teachers.
To create and buiding up a great race of ‘Bangsa Malaysia” or the Malaysian Race ; Umno and Bn has played racial issues and resulted a great blunder to the nation.Such as Nasir Safar being the hench-man of the premier said ,” Chinese are prostitutes and Indians are beggers”. Even the premier once played racial sentiments with Lim Kim Sai just to portray a drama to the electorates to continue voting for Umno and MCA . Lately , PERKASA has taken the role of Umno because the voters are sick and tired of UBN’s racist game and it’s not feasible in the cyber world and world peace for that matter.
That is why we see that Malaysian are for PAS FOR ALL and DAP and PKR i.e. JUSTICE FOR ALL which is the main agenda for the Malaysians through PAKATAN RAKYAT as a NEW POLITICAL MODEL TO SAVE MALAYSIA.
Now is not the era of racism, chauvinism and nationalism. Because the only thing that could save our language , race and nation is not through racism and nationalism but it must be through UNIVERSAL JUSTICE : PAS and PAKATAN FOR ALL for the nation bulding , all races and languages as sustained in the Federal Constitution .PAS/PAKATAN uphold these and there is no racial sentiments being played by PAS/PAKATAN to win over the heart of the electorates as Umno /Bn do .
If Umno, MCA and MIC are really non-racist and non-communal parties; prove it by denouncing it’s racist name and form a new party which is not racist-based as in PAS ( Islam for All ) and in DAP and PKR ( Justice for all)
Where is “ONE NATION “ when democracy is dead and Federalism is not being practiced by the federal government ???. NO royalty being given to Kelantan State Government just because it’s under PAS/Pakatan rule and UBN is the State opposition party. Is these democracy and is this Federalism ??? . When democracy and federalsm is dead; there is no one nation except for the rhetorics of the premier making it a plain mockery to catch voters for UBN in the 13th GE which is just at the corner. Will it works ? Pakatan got to work harder because autocracy in Malaysia gives no rights to Pakatan leaders a proper ‘air-time’ to promote it’s socio-political agenda and manifesto to the electorates whereas UBN is given the fullest ‘democracy’ taking the utmost control and manipulations of the prime media and TV manipulating its propaganda using the people’s money !. This is ‘ democracy ‘ and UBN in Malaysia.
“ One-Nation’ of Umno/Bn is precisely for ‘One Crony” and ‘ONE-PARTY ONLY “ selling off the nation wholesale as in the Pertonas RM320B lost donated to Brunei, Tanjung Pagar the NATION’S HERITAGE gone with wind to Singapore, Sungai Besi as the ‘Nation’s Defence System and Top Secret Security being sold easily to One Crony, One Corporate, One Malaysia on sale.
Where is ‘Nationalism” or is it ‘Umnoism” or Ubnism’ of CRONISM making use of the nation like their ‘grandfather’s property at the expense of the people . This is the true face of Umno/Bn.To save the nation is not through ‘Nationalism’ but for World Peace based on world socio-economic universal justice not on opressions and aggressions of America-Zionist world order . The world is for every nation and every race . One Nation and One World is not for a particular race to conquer . There must be no ‘nationalism’ as ‘nationalism’destroys the Arab world and dethrone the last Islamic Caliphate rule in Turkey and till now the Arab World is not united because their political ideology is ‘Nationalism’ not Islam as to Umnoism which in the end rejected Hudud Act in the parliament tabled by TGHA the President Of PAS. What that will save the Lingua Franca, race and nation is not racism and nationalism but Islam for the whole world “ Rahmatan Lil A’alamiin” ( A blesseth to the world world ) regardless of race, ethic groups, Political ideology and religion. This is the utmost agenda of PAS in its socio-economic political programmes in PAKATAN RAKYAT for all Malaysians. Remember, 13thMay did not happen in Kelantan under PAS rule . A Historical fact and prove which Umno could not deny because PAS is not for racism as taught by Islam and it’s system as ordained in the Holy Qur’an and Assunnah( the tradition of the prophet ).
Islam is not only feasible in a multi –racial nation like Malaysia but it could out- fit racism in Umno/Bn and natianalism itself through ISLAMIC SYSTEM justice for all not only to Malaysia implacing ‘nationalism” but as a NEW MODEL OF A JUST World Order in ther future and the Holy Qur’an and the Assunnah as the NEW WORLD CONSTITUTION as Islamic System is not meant for a particular race and strictly against any kind and any form of injustice, racism , chauvinism and cronism. As the Holy Qur’an says , “ The wealth of a nation must not be stipulated or circulated among the crony only. “ and the prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said in his hadis, “ Who ever touches the non-muslims is like touching me “ . Thus, in Islam everybody is protected. Here is where PAS new wing i.e. PAS SUPPORTERS’ CONGRESS plays an important role in promoting ‘Justice For All” in accordance with ; The ISLAMIC SYSTEM OF GOOD GOVERNANCE “ IN PAKATAN ‘ VOTE FOR PAS/PAKATAN SAVE MALAYSIA!” TAKING OVER PUTRAJAYA” by the Grace of GOD the owner of sovereignty.
By: Nash Ar-Rawy/08.11.10
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com ) ( http://www.twitter.com/nasharrawy )
Being a Malay racist and nationalist party , Umno could not resist itself as being chauvinist Malay as to MCA a Chinese based party and MIC an Indian based party in BN. Therefor, the slogans of priority to nationalism through one language , one race and one nation is only an eye-washed of it’s true character and features .
Umno talks about one language . But Umno and Bn itself had forced the students to except the enforcement of English language as the medium of instruction in schools and in tertiary educations in teaching mathematics and science.
Where is ‘Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa’ for all Malaysians in upholding Bahasa Malaysia as the National Language which has been distorted and refuted by UBN. A plain mockery of Lingua politics of Umno , an act of treachery to the Federal Constitution. Even Indonesia , Japan , Korea could survive and develop using their ‘Mother Tongue” as the National Language. But , ofcourse, it’s for the cronies that benefit a lot with that projects costing Billion of Dollars neglecting the students in the remote places who could not afford to a private computer and paying for the tuition fees.
There were suggestions in the parliament by Umno’s parliamentarians that Chinese and Tamil schools be converted into Bahasa Malaysia ; no more teaching in Mandarin and Tamil. We cannot deny other languages . It’s the ethnic right of all races to have their ‘Mother Tongue” language as the medium of instuction in their school whilst Bahasa Malaysia remains the major subject taught in these schools.
This provision in the Federal Constitution is uphold by PAS, DAP and PKR in PAKATAN RAKYAT and Pakatan never play politics in this matter because there’s no point to make innocent students to be the victims of Umno’s /Bn’s experiment which endangers the students’ future and creates ‘hay –wire’ among the teachers.
To create and buiding up a great race of ‘Bangsa Malaysia” or the Malaysian Race ; Umno and Bn has played racial issues and resulted a great blunder to the nation.Such as Nasir Safar being the hench-man of the premier said ,” Chinese are prostitutes and Indians are beggers”. Even the premier once played racial sentiments with Lim Kim Sai just to portray a drama to the electorates to continue voting for Umno and MCA . Lately , PERKASA has taken the role of Umno because the voters are sick and tired of UBN’s racist game and it’s not feasible in the cyber world and world peace for that matter.
That is why we see that Malaysian are for PAS FOR ALL and DAP and PKR i.e. JUSTICE FOR ALL which is the main agenda for the Malaysians through PAKATAN RAKYAT as a NEW POLITICAL MODEL TO SAVE MALAYSIA.
Now is not the era of racism, chauvinism and nationalism. Because the only thing that could save our language , race and nation is not through racism and nationalism but it must be through UNIVERSAL JUSTICE : PAS and PAKATAN FOR ALL for the nation bulding , all races and languages as sustained in the Federal Constitution .PAS/PAKATAN uphold these and there is no racial sentiments being played by PAS/PAKATAN to win over the heart of the electorates as Umno /Bn do .
If Umno, MCA and MIC are really non-racist and non-communal parties; prove it by denouncing it’s racist name and form a new party which is not racist-based as in PAS ( Islam for All ) and in DAP and PKR ( Justice for all)
Where is “ONE NATION “ when democracy is dead and Federalism is not being practiced by the federal government ???. NO royalty being given to Kelantan State Government just because it’s under PAS/Pakatan rule and UBN is the State opposition party. Is these democracy and is this Federalism ??? . When democracy and federalsm is dead; there is no one nation except for the rhetorics of the premier making it a plain mockery to catch voters for UBN in the 13th GE which is just at the corner. Will it works ? Pakatan got to work harder because autocracy in Malaysia gives no rights to Pakatan leaders a proper ‘air-time’ to promote it’s socio-political agenda and manifesto to the electorates whereas UBN is given the fullest ‘democracy’ taking the utmost control and manipulations of the prime media and TV manipulating its propaganda using the people’s money !. This is ‘ democracy ‘ and UBN in Malaysia.
“ One-Nation’ of Umno/Bn is precisely for ‘One Crony” and ‘ONE-PARTY ONLY “ selling off the nation wholesale as in the Pertonas RM320B lost donated to Brunei, Tanjung Pagar the NATION’S HERITAGE gone with wind to Singapore, Sungai Besi as the ‘Nation’s Defence System and Top Secret Security being sold easily to One Crony, One Corporate, One Malaysia on sale.
Where is ‘Nationalism” or is it ‘Umnoism” or Ubnism’ of CRONISM making use of the nation like their ‘grandfather’s property at the expense of the people . This is the true face of Umno/Bn.To save the nation is not through ‘Nationalism’ but for World Peace based on world socio-economic universal justice not on opressions and aggressions of America-Zionist world order . The world is for every nation and every race . One Nation and One World is not for a particular race to conquer . There must be no ‘nationalism’ as ‘nationalism’destroys the Arab world and dethrone the last Islamic Caliphate rule in Turkey and till now the Arab World is not united because their political ideology is ‘Nationalism’ not Islam as to Umnoism which in the end rejected Hudud Act in the parliament tabled by TGHA the President Of PAS. What that will save the Lingua Franca, race and nation is not racism and nationalism but Islam for the whole world “ Rahmatan Lil A’alamiin” ( A blesseth to the world world ) regardless of race, ethic groups, Political ideology and religion. This is the utmost agenda of PAS in its socio-economic political programmes in PAKATAN RAKYAT for all Malaysians. Remember, 13thMay did not happen in Kelantan under PAS rule . A Historical fact and prove which Umno could not deny because PAS is not for racism as taught by Islam and it’s system as ordained in the Holy Qur’an and Assunnah( the tradition of the prophet ).
Islam is not only feasible in a multi –racial nation like Malaysia but it could out- fit racism in Umno/Bn and natianalism itself through ISLAMIC SYSTEM justice for all not only to Malaysia implacing ‘nationalism” but as a NEW MODEL OF A JUST World Order in ther future and the Holy Qur’an and the Assunnah as the NEW WORLD CONSTITUTION as Islamic System is not meant for a particular race and strictly against any kind and any form of injustice, racism , chauvinism and cronism. As the Holy Qur’an says , “ The wealth of a nation must not be stipulated or circulated among the crony only. “ and the prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said in his hadis, “ Who ever touches the non-muslims is like touching me “ . Thus, in Islam everybody is protected. Here is where PAS new wing i.e. PAS SUPPORTERS’ CONGRESS plays an important role in promoting ‘Justice For All” in accordance with ; The ISLAMIC SYSTEM OF GOOD GOVERNANCE “ IN PAKATAN ‘ VOTE FOR PAS/PAKATAN SAVE MALAYSIA!” TAKING OVER PUTRAJAYA” by the Grace of GOD the owner of sovereignty.
By: Nash Ar-Rawy/08.11.10
1. An Understanding Of
The Islamic System In Malaysia By: Nash Ar-Rawy
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com )
The implementation of the Islamic system in Malaysia has been introduced by an Islamic Movement ( PAS ) through it’s model which is recognised by Transparentcy International as ‘Zero Corruption “ i.e , being a The Welfare State of Kelantan; based on ‘Islam Just For All” regardless of ethnics, race and religion ; within the jurisdiction empowered by The State Assembly of Kelantan.
Kelantan is the first state in Malaysia to passed out the Hudud Law or the Islamic Jurisprudence known as Syariah or Islamic Penal Code . But the implementation was blocked by the President of the Malay secular racist party ; i.e., Umno by a letter of threat and blackmail ; the repercussions that may occur to the state by Umno. This is the peak of Mahathir’s cosmetik Islam ; i.e. assimilation of Islamic values. Such as, Islamic Bank, Islamic University, and Islamic Insurance which is in the final stage is to refute or violation of the Hudud Law and the latest being supporting Najib’s agenda ; i.e. gambling license given for world cup soccer. Assuming that it is a culture of the Chinese community which is a plain humiliation to the Chinese because it has been refuted by Gerakan, and DAP as well.
Thus Islamic Hadhari( civilization ) of Badawi’s agenda has fled away because it has no substance due to it’s cosmetic approach which finally sustained gambling of all kinds in this country. Umno truly rejects Islamic system and implements Islamic agenda that gives them profits and material gains such as, Islamic Banking . Whereas, Hudud has no profitable interests and is totally discarded in the race for the purpose of worldly and material gains only.
The same Islamic Penal Code has been tabled and approved by the State Assembly of Trengganu during PAS rule but failed to be implemented due to the Federal Government and Federal Constitution obstacles. Therefor, the muslims of one Malaysia are obligatory to vote and support PAS ( The Islamic Party Of One Malaysia ) in order to comply with the syahadatain’s testimonial ( There’s No God But Allah and Muhammad Is The Messenger Of God ) into practice . That is, the implementation of the Hudud Law, Qisos( Battery) and Ta’azir (Judge’s discretions ) into being. Thus , the implementation of the Hudud Law is obligatory to every muslim and therefore refuting Umno in any election is also obligatory .On that basis , it is obligatory for the muslims to assure that PAS and PAKATAN to take over Putrajaya and the Parliament in the 13 th GE. By the grace of God!
Refuting and violating the Hudud Law for a muslim means refuting ‘The Absolute Law Giver ‘and would lead to “ Apostacy “ or “Riddah” ( murtad ) i.e. denouncing the syahadatain testimony and faith to God!.nauzubillahiminzalik!. It’s true that Hudud is already ordained in the Holy Qur’an but it’s implementations needs it to be tabled and formulated in the Parliament and the State Assembly as well. Law is authority . Therefor Hudud must be authorized in it’s implementation; Hudud Law must be legalized in the Parliament such as the formulation of the Hudud Act! Which were tabled thrice by TGHH but rejected by Umno in the Parliament. Thus, the Pakatan government in Kedah , Selangor and Penang should proceed with the necessary actions towards the legalization of the Hudud Law, Qisos and Ta’azir regardless of it’s objection and violations by Umno in the parliament because it is the government’s obligation to the muslims which do not affect or jeopardize the non-muslim at all. “ La iqro hafiddeen” ( There’s no compulsion in religion ) to the non-muslims as ordained in the Holy Qur’an . This conception is respected by PAS in Pakatan. Non-muslims could opt for the existing “ Civil Law “ which is not also a Chinese, or Indian or Malay Law for that matter, but an English/British Law. Especially when Penang CM ; Lim Guan Eng of DAP said his agenda in the administration is to follow the foot-steps of the Caliph namely , Umar Abdul Aziz .; “ Justice For All “ being the motto of Pakatan.
PAS government of Kelantan is the first State in Malaysia which eliminates gamblings of all sorts. The Secular Federal government instead, after more than 50 yrs of UBN’s rule stil sustains the colonial system of engaging with gamblings by giving licenses through the Ministry of Finance.Nevertheless, casino gambling centre was introduced by Tunku ( the former PM ) as told by the gambling ‘taukeh” in his book . Switching from being a resort place to a casino . As a matter a fact, Genting Highland is known as the NO. 1 casino in the world outbit Las Vegas as revealed by a casino portal and both Najib and cousin Hishamuddin are now the biggest share holders of the gambling centre inherited from their grandfather; Tan Sri Noah ( Noh ) .
Caliph Saidina Umar Al-Kattab once permitted non-muslims merchants to import liquor for personal use only . This precedent and sirah ( history ) is followed by TGNA ; a prominent Islamic Movement Spiritual leader of PAS , who is also the CM of Kelantan in his rule. Islamic system permits the non-muslims to drink but not in the open or publicly. But, liquor is sold only in certain premises and could only be bought and carry back home only and not to drink in the premises. Thus, public safety is being protected from drinkers.This is Islamic system which is totally different from Umno’s psuedo Islam.
For Umno’s psuedo Islam. Liquor is freely available at hand around Kuala Lumpur and other major cities. Youngsters got drunk especially during new year eve . In Langkawi , a can of beer is much cheaper than a can of 7up and ofcourse ‘Bottoms Up” .Remember, during Britsih rule , liquor were imported for personal use . But , in post-independent, Liquor industry has been erected by UBN’s government in Klang and officiated opened by Tunku ( former Umno’s President ) . Mukriz Mahathir is also one of the share holders of a liquor industry abroad.
PAS State governmet of Kelantan is the fist government in Malaysia to introduce Islamic mortgage system which is followed by many banks and federal government agencies. As a matter a fact, Kelantan PAS government has tried intoducing Islamic finance system which is based on the use of ‘Dinar” but it could not be implemented in one Malaysia due to the blockate of Umno and Kelantan being not a Federal Government. Nevertheless, ‘Dinar” as a sovenuer is much popular among the people. Thus, the usage of ‘ Dinar’ in the Islamic economy system is a vital weapon of the Islamic World when it was efficiently and successfully widely used by the Caliphs Islamic Rule. This is due to ‘Dinar” ( Gold ) as a stable currency to the world; and it has a vital force to supercede American Dollar ! for good and stabalize the world ecomomic recessions against the aggression and suppression of the the world’s capitalist and monopoly system.
Many of the afforts taken by PAS/Pakatan to curb gamblings and liquor has been violated by Umno and PAS/Pakatan is determine in it’s plight to dethrone UBN in the parliament in the 13th GE and take over office in Putrajaya . by the grace of God !. PAS government of Kelantan has implemented ‘ The People’s Plantations” and violate the secular systems of capitalism , cronyism and monopolism and chauvanism as performed by the UBN’s rule. In an Islamic system; racism, cronyism and monopolism is strictly prohibited and the richness of the nation should not be circulated amongst the rich only as ordained in the Holy Qur’an. Such as the elite crony umnoputra which has stipulated and manipulated the lost of RM 52 Billion of the Bumiputra Shares; undetected and gone with the wind .
The People’s Plantations is offered to all citizens of Kelantan regardless of race , ethnics and religion. How nice if it could be applied in one Malaysia through Pakatan! As a matter a fact, Kelantan’s government has appointed Non-Malays as Penghulus ( Ketua Kampung/ Village Chiefs ) amongst the Siamese ; which will never be done by Umno being a chauvanist racist Malay party . The appplications of erecting a buddhist temple has been rejected by UBN’s rule in Kelantan. But , Islamic system and Islamic justice for all has made PAS Kelantan government approved the buddhist followers in Kelantan to erect their Buddha statue and buddhist temple; because this is the teachings of Justice in Islam. Permitting the non- muslims to have their religious rights. Thus, the afflictions by Umno’s propagandas that PAS rule will force the non-muslims to convert into Islam is all nonsense and it’s only falsehood of Umno. As in Kedah ‘s PAS rule ; the swine issues have been settled for good which Umno failed to do so after 30 years of conflictions. This proves that “ Islam Just For All “ being the policy of PAS’s rule is being motivated theorically and practically indeed.
Uniquely, Mursyidul Am of Islamic Movement PAS ; TGNA has even proposed that state government formation law be amended so as to allow the non-muslims to be appointed as an assembly man if there were no non-muslims won in the election. And further more a Non- Malay muslim who is pious and piety, charismic , intelligent , prominent , not bias, not corrupted or polluted and accepted by all to be the future Non-Malay Muslim CM in Kelantan , by the grace of God!. Will Umno do this ? This is where Islamic System is not based on racist but “ Islam Is Just For All “ .Even a non Malay could be a leader if he is more pious and piety muslim. Now the non-muslims plight has been engaged in PAS through its new wing ; i.e. “ PAS SUPPORTERS ASSEMBLY COUNCIL “ stands as equal as The Youth Council, Women’s wing and the Ulama’s wing as well. Will Umno tolerates this ? This is Islamic political justice for all in PAS being it’s fundamental policies.
As in Selangor, Pakatan’s efforts has reviewed and given the people a fair water bills especially to the poors. But in Trengganu and Perak , land approved to the people by the Pakatan government were cancelled by UBN’s rule . This portrays the true colour of Umno to the people as a whole . Undemocratic and unjust ? There’s no Islamic justice at all . In practice it’s only cosmetic and propaganda of Islamic Hadhari which is now gone with the wind of Najib’s cronies and fantasies deceiving the people with MEB which is a dupilcate of NEB failures due to cronyism and corruptions; where Malaysia is at the verge of bankruptcy by the year 2019 according to Idris . The minster in the Prime Minister Department as due to subsidies which was actually due to the scandals in UBN’s rule. Such as the two oil wells worth RM320Billion given to Brunei, Bumiputra shares lost RM 52 Billion, Bakun RM 1 Billion. Forex lost RM 32 Billion by Rosmahnajib’s gamble of Bank Negara’s money but broker survives , PKFZ etc.
DS Nizar has allocated 1,000 hec. of land to SAR ( Public Religious School )and also the same acerage were given to the Chinese Schools . But the coup or court’s CM ( Zambry ) has cancelled it out ; and in addition has allocated money the sum of RM400,00 to the Chineses schools ( 7 schools all together ) whilst SAR are being ignored ; just to wow the Chinese votes in the next 13th GE. But, the worst part is, as came out in the media . All MCA’s branches , each will be given RM50,000. What rights as the CM to use the government money which is actually the people’s money; given to a particular party . This is a plain mockery of Umno’s political bribery without any attempt of investigations by SPRM which apparently being a tool of Umno as an unregistered member of UBN. This obviously proves that Umno is a typical tool of MCA not PAS or DAP perfoming this act or political mockery . Umno supporters just ‘mouth wide openend ‘ seeing their leaders deceiving the followers by abusing the ‘People’s Money “
While in Penang, the CM Lim Guan Eng, amazingly has allocated the sum of RM1 Million to SAR. Because he said we need educated citizens as an asset for the future of the nation. The CM has also strictly prohibited the use of crony and introduced ‘e- Tender’ which is the only viable cable use by all.This system coincides with the Islamic system which is agaist cronyism and monopoly of any kind. The CM has also engaged the State Governmet with the newly form State Ulama Council to check and balance the government as a direct advisor not as Najib engaged APCO( Zionist based agency ) as the national consultant. Thus , Umno is APCO and APCO is Umno as revealed by the Pakatan’s parliamentarians.
By : Nash Ar-Rawy/ 2.7.10 ( http://www.ureka.asia )
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com )
The implementation of the Islamic system in Malaysia has been introduced by an Islamic Movement ( PAS ) through it’s model which is recognised by Transparentcy International as ‘Zero Corruption “ i.e , being a The Welfare State of Kelantan; based on ‘Islam Just For All” regardless of ethnics, race and religion ; within the jurisdiction empowered by The State Assembly of Kelantan.
Kelantan is the first state in Malaysia to passed out the Hudud Law or the Islamic Jurisprudence known as Syariah or Islamic Penal Code . But the implementation was blocked by the President of the Malay secular racist party ; i.e., Umno by a letter of threat and blackmail ; the repercussions that may occur to the state by Umno. This is the peak of Mahathir’s cosmetik Islam ; i.e. assimilation of Islamic values. Such as, Islamic Bank, Islamic University, and Islamic Insurance which is in the final stage is to refute or violation of the Hudud Law and the latest being supporting Najib’s agenda ; i.e. gambling license given for world cup soccer. Assuming that it is a culture of the Chinese community which is a plain humiliation to the Chinese because it has been refuted by Gerakan, and DAP as well.
Thus Islamic Hadhari( civilization ) of Badawi’s agenda has fled away because it has no substance due to it’s cosmetic approach which finally sustained gambling of all kinds in this country. Umno truly rejects Islamic system and implements Islamic agenda that gives them profits and material gains such as, Islamic Banking . Whereas, Hudud has no profitable interests and is totally discarded in the race for the purpose of worldly and material gains only.
The same Islamic Penal Code has been tabled and approved by the State Assembly of Trengganu during PAS rule but failed to be implemented due to the Federal Government and Federal Constitution obstacles. Therefor, the muslims of one Malaysia are obligatory to vote and support PAS ( The Islamic Party Of One Malaysia ) in order to comply with the syahadatain’s testimonial ( There’s No God But Allah and Muhammad Is The Messenger Of God ) into practice . That is, the implementation of the Hudud Law, Qisos( Battery) and Ta’azir (Judge’s discretions ) into being. Thus , the implementation of the Hudud Law is obligatory to every muslim and therefore refuting Umno in any election is also obligatory .On that basis , it is obligatory for the muslims to assure that PAS and PAKATAN to take over Putrajaya and the Parliament in the 13 th GE. By the grace of God!
Refuting and violating the Hudud Law for a muslim means refuting ‘The Absolute Law Giver ‘and would lead to “ Apostacy “ or “Riddah” ( murtad ) i.e. denouncing the syahadatain testimony and faith to God!.nauzubillahiminzalik!. It’s true that Hudud is already ordained in the Holy Qur’an but it’s implementations needs it to be tabled and formulated in the Parliament and the State Assembly as well. Law is authority . Therefor Hudud must be authorized in it’s implementation; Hudud Law must be legalized in the Parliament such as the formulation of the Hudud Act! Which were tabled thrice by TGHH but rejected by Umno in the Parliament. Thus, the Pakatan government in Kedah , Selangor and Penang should proceed with the necessary actions towards the legalization of the Hudud Law, Qisos and Ta’azir regardless of it’s objection and violations by Umno in the parliament because it is the government’s obligation to the muslims which do not affect or jeopardize the non-muslim at all. “ La iqro hafiddeen” ( There’s no compulsion in religion ) to the non-muslims as ordained in the Holy Qur’an . This conception is respected by PAS in Pakatan. Non-muslims could opt for the existing “ Civil Law “ which is not also a Chinese, or Indian or Malay Law for that matter, but an English/British Law. Especially when Penang CM ; Lim Guan Eng of DAP said his agenda in the administration is to follow the foot-steps of the Caliph namely , Umar Abdul Aziz .; “ Justice For All “ being the motto of Pakatan.
PAS government of Kelantan is the first State in Malaysia which eliminates gamblings of all sorts. The Secular Federal government instead, after more than 50 yrs of UBN’s rule stil sustains the colonial system of engaging with gamblings by giving licenses through the Ministry of Finance.Nevertheless, casino gambling centre was introduced by Tunku ( the former PM ) as told by the gambling ‘taukeh” in his book . Switching from being a resort place to a casino . As a matter a fact, Genting Highland is known as the NO. 1 casino in the world outbit Las Vegas as revealed by a casino portal and both Najib and cousin Hishamuddin are now the biggest share holders of the gambling centre inherited from their grandfather; Tan Sri Noah ( Noh ) .
Caliph Saidina Umar Al-Kattab once permitted non-muslims merchants to import liquor for personal use only . This precedent and sirah ( history ) is followed by TGNA ; a prominent Islamic Movement Spiritual leader of PAS , who is also the CM of Kelantan in his rule. Islamic system permits the non-muslims to drink but not in the open or publicly. But, liquor is sold only in certain premises and could only be bought and carry back home only and not to drink in the premises. Thus, public safety is being protected from drinkers.This is Islamic system which is totally different from Umno’s psuedo Islam.
For Umno’s psuedo Islam. Liquor is freely available at hand around Kuala Lumpur and other major cities. Youngsters got drunk especially during new year eve . In Langkawi , a can of beer is much cheaper than a can of 7up and ofcourse ‘Bottoms Up” .Remember, during Britsih rule , liquor were imported for personal use . But , in post-independent, Liquor industry has been erected by UBN’s government in Klang and officiated opened by Tunku ( former Umno’s President ) . Mukriz Mahathir is also one of the share holders of a liquor industry abroad.
PAS State governmet of Kelantan is the fist government in Malaysia to introduce Islamic mortgage system which is followed by many banks and federal government agencies. As a matter a fact, Kelantan PAS government has tried intoducing Islamic finance system which is based on the use of ‘Dinar” but it could not be implemented in one Malaysia due to the blockate of Umno and Kelantan being not a Federal Government. Nevertheless, ‘Dinar” as a sovenuer is much popular among the people. Thus, the usage of ‘ Dinar’ in the Islamic economy system is a vital weapon of the Islamic World when it was efficiently and successfully widely used by the Caliphs Islamic Rule. This is due to ‘Dinar” ( Gold ) as a stable currency to the world; and it has a vital force to supercede American Dollar ! for good and stabalize the world ecomomic recessions against the aggression and suppression of the the world’s capitalist and monopoly system.
Many of the afforts taken by PAS/Pakatan to curb gamblings and liquor has been violated by Umno and PAS/Pakatan is determine in it’s plight to dethrone UBN in the parliament in the 13th GE and take over office in Putrajaya . by the grace of God !. PAS government of Kelantan has implemented ‘ The People’s Plantations” and violate the secular systems of capitalism , cronyism and monopolism and chauvanism as performed by the UBN’s rule. In an Islamic system; racism, cronyism and monopolism is strictly prohibited and the richness of the nation should not be circulated amongst the rich only as ordained in the Holy Qur’an. Such as the elite crony umnoputra which has stipulated and manipulated the lost of RM 52 Billion of the Bumiputra Shares; undetected and gone with the wind .
The People’s Plantations is offered to all citizens of Kelantan regardless of race , ethnics and religion. How nice if it could be applied in one Malaysia through Pakatan! As a matter a fact, Kelantan’s government has appointed Non-Malays as Penghulus ( Ketua Kampung/ Village Chiefs ) amongst the Siamese ; which will never be done by Umno being a chauvanist racist Malay party . The appplications of erecting a buddhist temple has been rejected by UBN’s rule in Kelantan. But , Islamic system and Islamic justice for all has made PAS Kelantan government approved the buddhist followers in Kelantan to erect their Buddha statue and buddhist temple; because this is the teachings of Justice in Islam. Permitting the non- muslims to have their religious rights. Thus, the afflictions by Umno’s propagandas that PAS rule will force the non-muslims to convert into Islam is all nonsense and it’s only falsehood of Umno. As in Kedah ‘s PAS rule ; the swine issues have been settled for good which Umno failed to do so after 30 years of conflictions. This proves that “ Islam Just For All “ being the policy of PAS’s rule is being motivated theorically and practically indeed.
Uniquely, Mursyidul Am of Islamic Movement PAS ; TGNA has even proposed that state government formation law be amended so as to allow the non-muslims to be appointed as an assembly man if there were no non-muslims won in the election. And further more a Non- Malay muslim who is pious and piety, charismic , intelligent , prominent , not bias, not corrupted or polluted and accepted by all to be the future Non-Malay Muslim CM in Kelantan , by the grace of God!. Will Umno do this ? This is where Islamic System is not based on racist but “ Islam Is Just For All “ .Even a non Malay could be a leader if he is more pious and piety muslim. Now the non-muslims plight has been engaged in PAS through its new wing ; i.e. “ PAS SUPPORTERS ASSEMBLY COUNCIL “ stands as equal as The Youth Council, Women’s wing and the Ulama’s wing as well. Will Umno tolerates this ? This is Islamic political justice for all in PAS being it’s fundamental policies.
As in Selangor, Pakatan’s efforts has reviewed and given the people a fair water bills especially to the poors. But in Trengganu and Perak , land approved to the people by the Pakatan government were cancelled by UBN’s rule . This portrays the true colour of Umno to the people as a whole . Undemocratic and unjust ? There’s no Islamic justice at all . In practice it’s only cosmetic and propaganda of Islamic Hadhari which is now gone with the wind of Najib’s cronies and fantasies deceiving the people with MEB which is a dupilcate of NEB failures due to cronyism and corruptions; where Malaysia is at the verge of bankruptcy by the year 2019 according to Idris . The minster in the Prime Minister Department as due to subsidies which was actually due to the scandals in UBN’s rule. Such as the two oil wells worth RM320Billion given to Brunei, Bumiputra shares lost RM 52 Billion, Bakun RM 1 Billion. Forex lost RM 32 Billion by Rosmahnajib’s gamble of Bank Negara’s money but broker survives , PKFZ etc.
DS Nizar has allocated 1,000 hec. of land to SAR ( Public Religious School )and also the same acerage were given to the Chinese Schools . But the coup or court’s CM ( Zambry ) has cancelled it out ; and in addition has allocated money the sum of RM400,00 to the Chineses schools ( 7 schools all together ) whilst SAR are being ignored ; just to wow the Chinese votes in the next 13th GE. But, the worst part is, as came out in the media . All MCA’s branches , each will be given RM50,000. What rights as the CM to use the government money which is actually the people’s money; given to a particular party . This is a plain mockery of Umno’s political bribery without any attempt of investigations by SPRM which apparently being a tool of Umno as an unregistered member of UBN. This obviously proves that Umno is a typical tool of MCA not PAS or DAP perfoming this act or political mockery . Umno supporters just ‘mouth wide openend ‘ seeing their leaders deceiving the followers by abusing the ‘People’s Money “
While in Penang, the CM Lim Guan Eng, amazingly has allocated the sum of RM1 Million to SAR. Because he said we need educated citizens as an asset for the future of the nation. The CM has also strictly prohibited the use of crony and introduced ‘e- Tender’ which is the only viable cable use by all.This system coincides with the Islamic system which is agaist cronyism and monopoly of any kind. The CM has also engaged the State Governmet with the newly form State Ulama Council to check and balance the government as a direct advisor not as Najib engaged APCO( Zionist based agency ) as the national consultant. Thus , Umno is APCO and APCO is Umno as revealed by the Pakatan’s parliamentarians.
By : Nash Ar-Rawy/ 2.7.10 ( http://www.ureka.asia )
1. The Desperate
Politics Of Umno by : Nash Ar-Rawy
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com )
Umno desperate politics is a second failure attempts after losing hope on PAS in its entrapment of the Unity Government by manipulating and speculating its agenda in the media which had caused confusion and conflicts among PAS top leaders. Umno motive was to create distrust among the Chinese and Indian voters towards PAS . But , it did not materialize at all ; instead PAS is getting stronger and stronger everyday despite of the ruling party’s propaganda and afflictions.
The current attempt is by hoping that a third-party will come into being to convince PAS in making a political collaboration with Umno. Umno has made a big mistake and a blunder by misconceived that PAS is as Umno in term of its principle, policy , ideology and approach.
Umno is a racist based Malay Nationalist Party . Whereas PAS is a Universal based Islamic Party . PAS has proven its Universal and Islamic course by engaging the non – muslims regardless of race to be members of its new wing or council called PAS SUPPORTERS ASSEMBLY COUNCIL . Which operates on its own within the sphere of PAS’s by law . It stands at par and independent as the Ulama Wing , Women and the Youth Wing.
It has about 20,000 members and it has its representatives in the branch, state and national level of PAS leadership. Umno being a racist and Malay nationalist party could not tolerate this phenomena which was once a proposal of PAS Deputy President; the second man after Almarhum Prof. Dr. Burhanuddin in PAS leadership i.e. Almarhum Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Muhammad which materialized in the new millennium, alhamdulillah.
Umno could not accept Non-Malays as members in PAS wing . So , PAS has being accused as a traitor to the Malays and also as transgressor or astray. Umno could not prove it in an open debate with PAS. But as a desperado party now ; it’s hoping for any third-party to merge PAS with Umno. PAS is the most pretties girl in the world for Umno to elope from PAKATAN. It’s extremely important for Umno to continue its life span. PAS is the only source or the only party that could bring Umno to life.
PAS leadership’s stand , let it be TGNA ( Mursyidul Am) the highest post in PAS or TGHA ( PAS President) and also in PAS Muktamar in Ipoh , Perak and in Kelantan has reaffirmed its solid collaboration with PAKATAN in its plight to save one Malaysia with Keadilan , DAP and SNAP in its course to form a “ welfare based sovereign “. Kelantan being its living model recognized by Transparency International as ‘ZERO CORRUPTION. Thus, ‘Justice For All “ really materializes in practice.
Umno’s sentiment of Malay racist has opened the eyes of the masses that it is only a play for the benefits of its cronies . In the name of Bumiputra and Malays .Umno has deceived the Malays for more than 50 years. What happened to RM52 Billion of the Bumipurtras shares; gone with the wind with its psychopants. RM 1 Billion of the masses money dumped in Bakun and the latest being the lost of Felda’s cash flow amounted to RM 2 Billion; which is the sweats of the innocent peasants.
No sober Malay will trust Umno anymore . Don’t talk about PAS, but Malays as a whole being the core electorates are swaying to PAKATAN now . In constituencies of 90% Malays. Umno is due to lose to Pakatan i.e. to PAS as in Kelantan and Kedah . The next target of PAS is specifically Trengganu ,and Perlis while maintaing Kelantan and Kedah by the grace of God with Pakatan.
For constituencies of 65% Malay electorates Umno/BN has lost to Pakatan such as in Selangor, Perak ( before the coup incident ) and also in Penang because the Chinese electorates are fed up of UBN . The next targets of PAKATAN are Perak, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan and giving a close fight in Johor and Malacca; while maintaining the present ruling states. The most promising new ventures are Sarawak and Sabah . Sibu , being its ‘CATALYST” . This means that, there’s no more state which is secured or a ‘fixed deposit’ for Umno / BN now. A frightening phenomena for Umno/BN which has never occurred before.
That’s why Umno is yearning for the beautiful gorgeous lady called PAS despite of kicking out PAS from BN and accusing PAS as astray and traitor.
Remember, the top leader of PAS, Keadilan and DAP have reaffirmed to defend the Federal Constitution and defend Islam as the official religion and the bumiputra special rights while maintaining other race Malaysian rights and religious beliefs.
But Umno through NEP has betrayed the Bumiputras and forgo the Hudud Law which is only meant for the muslims . Umno is the actual traitor of Islam ( astray ) and the Bumiputras.
Umno could only be supported by the Malay electorates in the remote rural areas, ‘orang asli’, Felda settlers and postal voters. Whereas the middle –class and educated Malays are for a change with PAKATAN as the best only choice for the better future of Malaysia. Malaysians do no want racial sentiments such as ‘ Perkasa ‘ or “Perkasa Cina or Perkasa India’. We are educated people and civilized post –‘merdeka ‘ voters. We want ‘Justice For All “ coincide with ‘ ISLAM FOR ALL “ being the plight of PAS in PAKATAN
PAS , Keadilan, DAP and SNAP in PAKATAN is the best political and social platform for universal justice for it is not racial based as in UBN. A two party system may emerge after the 13th GE by the grace of God when PAKATAN takes over and dethrone Umno/BN in Putrajaya and the Parliament. This is a scary dream of UMNO and PAS is not giving a damn to Umno . PAS political pact with PAKATAN ; i.e. with DAP , Keadilan and SNAP is FINAL in accordance with the people’s trust and plight . So, to be in the save side , it’s better for Umno followers to join in PAS or Keadilan or DAP for that matter . Rather than to be the tools of the traitors and cronies in UMNO and let as save Malaysia. Let’s leave the leaders in Umno in insanity without followers. Besides, Umno/UBN is a sinking ship now ; fighting with each other. Subsidies being cut off due to the scandals after scandals in UBN’s rule , mismanagement, corruptions, breach of trust and abuse of power . Right from BMF, Perwaja Steel, PKFZ , Felda and what not coming soon .
The MEB is just a replica of DEB of the same source and practices . Vincent Tan the gambler tycoon is still in the MEB’s vultures group together with Mukhriz and Anaconda Krishnan. This is what Umno and BN really is! . Sayonara UBN and welcome to PAKATAN RAKYAT! Najib and Muhyiddin should face the reality of the Malaysian cyber politics now and be prepared to be the new future OPPOSITION LEADERS in a new two system party after the 13th GN by the grace of God. It’s a ’wheel –turned’ for PAKATAN .
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com )
Umno desperate politics is a second failure attempts after losing hope on PAS in its entrapment of the Unity Government by manipulating and speculating its agenda in the media which had caused confusion and conflicts among PAS top leaders. Umno motive was to create distrust among the Chinese and Indian voters towards PAS . But , it did not materialize at all ; instead PAS is getting stronger and stronger everyday despite of the ruling party’s propaganda and afflictions.
The current attempt is by hoping that a third-party will come into being to convince PAS in making a political collaboration with Umno. Umno has made a big mistake and a blunder by misconceived that PAS is as Umno in term of its principle, policy , ideology and approach.
Umno is a racist based Malay Nationalist Party . Whereas PAS is a Universal based Islamic Party . PAS has proven its Universal and Islamic course by engaging the non – muslims regardless of race to be members of its new wing or council called PAS SUPPORTERS ASSEMBLY COUNCIL . Which operates on its own within the sphere of PAS’s by law . It stands at par and independent as the Ulama Wing , Women and the Youth Wing.
It has about 20,000 members and it has its representatives in the branch, state and national level of PAS leadership. Umno being a racist and Malay nationalist party could not tolerate this phenomena which was once a proposal of PAS Deputy President; the second man after Almarhum Prof. Dr. Burhanuddin in PAS leadership i.e. Almarhum Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Muhammad which materialized in the new millennium, alhamdulillah.
Umno could not accept Non-Malays as members in PAS wing . So , PAS has being accused as a traitor to the Malays and also as transgressor or astray. Umno could not prove it in an open debate with PAS. But as a desperado party now ; it’s hoping for any third-party to merge PAS with Umno. PAS is the most pretties girl in the world for Umno to elope from PAKATAN. It’s extremely important for Umno to continue its life span. PAS is the only source or the only party that could bring Umno to life.
PAS leadership’s stand , let it be TGNA ( Mursyidul Am) the highest post in PAS or TGHA ( PAS President) and also in PAS Muktamar in Ipoh , Perak and in Kelantan has reaffirmed its solid collaboration with PAKATAN in its plight to save one Malaysia with Keadilan , DAP and SNAP in its course to form a “ welfare based sovereign “. Kelantan being its living model recognized by Transparency International as ‘ZERO CORRUPTION. Thus, ‘Justice For All “ really materializes in practice.
Umno’s sentiment of Malay racist has opened the eyes of the masses that it is only a play for the benefits of its cronies . In the name of Bumiputra and Malays .Umno has deceived the Malays for more than 50 years. What happened to RM52 Billion of the Bumipurtras shares; gone with the wind with its psychopants. RM 1 Billion of the masses money dumped in Bakun and the latest being the lost of Felda’s cash flow amounted to RM 2 Billion; which is the sweats of the innocent peasants.
No sober Malay will trust Umno anymore . Don’t talk about PAS, but Malays as a whole being the core electorates are swaying to PAKATAN now . In constituencies of 90% Malays. Umno is due to lose to Pakatan i.e. to PAS as in Kelantan and Kedah . The next target of PAS is specifically Trengganu ,and Perlis while maintaing Kelantan and Kedah by the grace of God with Pakatan.
For constituencies of 65% Malay electorates Umno/BN has lost to Pakatan such as in Selangor, Perak ( before the coup incident ) and also in Penang because the Chinese electorates are fed up of UBN . The next targets of PAKATAN are Perak, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan and giving a close fight in Johor and Malacca; while maintaining the present ruling states. The most promising new ventures are Sarawak and Sabah . Sibu , being its ‘CATALYST” . This means that, there’s no more state which is secured or a ‘fixed deposit’ for Umno / BN now. A frightening phenomena for Umno/BN which has never occurred before.
That’s why Umno is yearning for the beautiful gorgeous lady called PAS despite of kicking out PAS from BN and accusing PAS as astray and traitor.
Remember, the top leader of PAS, Keadilan and DAP have reaffirmed to defend the Federal Constitution and defend Islam as the official religion and the bumiputra special rights while maintaining other race Malaysian rights and religious beliefs.
But Umno through NEP has betrayed the Bumiputras and forgo the Hudud Law which is only meant for the muslims . Umno is the actual traitor of Islam ( astray ) and the Bumiputras.
Umno could only be supported by the Malay electorates in the remote rural areas, ‘orang asli’, Felda settlers and postal voters. Whereas the middle –class and educated Malays are for a change with PAKATAN as the best only choice for the better future of Malaysia. Malaysians do no want racial sentiments such as ‘ Perkasa ‘ or “Perkasa Cina or Perkasa India’. We are educated people and civilized post –‘merdeka ‘ voters. We want ‘Justice For All “ coincide with ‘ ISLAM FOR ALL “ being the plight of PAS in PAKATAN
PAS , Keadilan, DAP and SNAP in PAKATAN is the best political and social platform for universal justice for it is not racial based as in UBN. A two party system may emerge after the 13th GE by the grace of God when PAKATAN takes over and dethrone Umno/BN in Putrajaya and the Parliament. This is a scary dream of UMNO and PAS is not giving a damn to Umno . PAS political pact with PAKATAN ; i.e. with DAP , Keadilan and SNAP is FINAL in accordance with the people’s trust and plight . So, to be in the save side , it’s better for Umno followers to join in PAS or Keadilan or DAP for that matter . Rather than to be the tools of the traitors and cronies in UMNO and let as save Malaysia. Let’s leave the leaders in Umno in insanity without followers. Besides, Umno/UBN is a sinking ship now ; fighting with each other. Subsidies being cut off due to the scandals after scandals in UBN’s rule , mismanagement, corruptions, breach of trust and abuse of power . Right from BMF, Perwaja Steel, PKFZ , Felda and what not coming soon .
The MEB is just a replica of DEB of the same source and practices . Vincent Tan the gambler tycoon is still in the MEB’s vultures group together with Mukhriz and Anaconda Krishnan. This is what Umno and BN really is! . Sayonara UBN and welcome to PAKATAN RAKYAT! Najib and Muhyiddin should face the reality of the Malaysian cyber politics now and be prepared to be the new future OPPOSITION LEADERS in a new two system party after the 13th GN by the grace of God. It’s a ’wheel –turned’ for PAKATAN .
By : Nash Ar-Rawy / 18.7.10
Thursday, September 23, 2010
1. Umno Loses Power Not
Malay By: Nash Ar-Rawy
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com ) ( http://www.twitter.com/adnanrawa ) What a stupid racist game of Umno to win over the heart of the Malay electorates when Mahadthir said that Malay will lose power . Aren’t TGNA, Ustaz Azizan and Khalid Ibrahim being the Chief Ministers of the State of Kelantan, Kedah and Selangor from PAS and PKR are Malay leaders in Pakatan Rakyat ? As to Guan Eng from DAP of Penang in Pakatan Rakyat?( Before was Soo Koon of Gerakan ) These are the contemporary reality of Malaysia’s cyber politics of anti racism and anti Umno and BN where the masses are not for racist based party and they don’t buy racism.
It has been proven that that one Malaysia Malaysian has ousted Umno racist Malay plight and MCA racist Chinese for good. What the people want now is to oust racist based parties such as Umno , MCA and MIC .
The rakyat are politically aware and literate with the internet . They are not the victims of racist game and manipulations of UBN in RTM and the media .They want dedicated and good Malay , Chinese and Indian leaders and leadership in PAS , PKR and DAP as in Pakatan Rakyat giving them good governance as seen in Kelantan , Selangor, Kedah and Penang.
Whereas Umno is a bunch of liars as the lost of RM52Billion untraceable Bumiputra shares by Umno’s psychopans . Feclra settlers in Kelantan being manipulated and won three court cases with million of dollars . Felda ‘s settlers cash flow RM 9Billion gone . Bahasa Melayu being emforced and widely used in schools, Universities and courts during Razak’s time now being discarded and terminated by Umno/Mahathir/Najib . Royalty for the people of Kelantan being denied ; worth RM2 Billion.
Umno/Mahathir denounced the Royalties immunities and introduced a special court to punish them . Scholarships granted by the Federal Constitution to Bumiputras are terminated by Umno/Mahathir/Najib.
These are the treacherous acts of Umno to the Malays as a whole. Who did this . Is it DAP or PAS or PKR ? If not Umno betraying the Malays who else ? Don’ play racist sentiment Umno/ Mahadthir/ Najib! Remember, 13May did not occur in Kelantan even the muslims are there Majority . Umno not only betrayed the Malays but also the nation as well.
Just to satisfy Umno’s cronies . RM32Billion worth of two oil wells were given to Brunei without the prior consent of the parliament and DYMM Yang Di Pertuan Agong . Malaysia is on sale by Umno traitors . Tanjung Pagar being the assets of Malaysia ( KTMB ) wihich is higly historical and meaningful as the nation’s heritage easily given to Umno’s psychopans and Singapore . The nation has also lost RM32 Billion of Rosmah gamble with Bank Negara’s Forex . But broker benefits ! It’s our money lost just like that ! RM32 Billion is equivalent to Penang State Budget for 100 YEARS ! according to Nga of DAP. Just imagine RM32Billion( Rosmah ) , RM 320 Billion( Oil Wells ) , RM 9 Billion( Felda) , RM 52Billion ( Bumiputras’ Shares ) RM 8Billion ( MAS ) and what not . Thus, if the nation turns bankrutcy as the minster in the Prime Minister Department said it’s not because of subsidies allocated to the ‘rakyat ‘ precisely is because of UMNO/BN treachery to the nation for the sake of their psychopans . Umno can do anyuthing under the sun !
What a hypcricy! When Guan Eng announced RM400 be given to the government servants for raya . Immediately Najib up RM100 making it RM500! Whereas the money allocated for it is more than the total amount of money for the five( 5) subsidies than has been withdrawn by the government. ( How come that’s money n let the rakyat suffer with GST !
PAS is an Islamic Party , not a racist chauvinist Malay party as Umno is . Don’t bulshit that PAS leaders met Tunku to eliminate the Chinese and forfeit their proverty . Did it happen in Kelantan where the muslims are the majority . As a matter a fact , there are about 20,000 non –muslims in PAS now under it’s new wing i.e. PAS SUPPORTERS ASSEMBLY CONGRESS ( WING )
Umno is a threat for peace and harmony to the nation . Beware of Umno. Umno is not Malay and Malay is not Umno . Umno has been ousted by the Malays in Kelantan, Kedah , Selangor and Penang and by HIS Grace more States will come under PAS, PKR and DAP in Pakatan Rakyat . Malay electorates are getting literate and enlightened with the policies of Pakatan Rakyat and PAS i.e. ISLAM JUST FOR ALL regardless of race, ethnic religion and political ideology . There are many achivements as an advocating State and good governance. Just one example is the ‘ Ladang Rakyat” for all . Chinese, Malays , Indians , Siamese etc who are poor are allocated the shares and getting a monthly dividen .
Thus , Umno is playing with fire and it is dangerous to the nation as a whole . We want peace and harmony in this country and justice be given to everybody regardless of race and religion. The issues of “cow’s head” , burning of churches , non-muslims in the mosque etc . These are not the true teachings of Islam . Leave Umno alone with their racist groups ; MCA and MIC and Perkasa ( Ibrahim Perkasam /pickles) and Mahathir with their unwanted recipees which are not meant for one Malaysia .
Malays and Non-Malays electorates have to detrone Umno from power for good and let PAS and PKR to take over the country with a good and dedicated MALAY LEADERSHIP and oust the Malay leaders in Umno. PAS/Pakatan will make a better good governance for the people with the IGP, Lord President, AG, SPRM , SPR and IC Department come under the Parliament; no more being the subordinate of PM .
Oust Malay leaders in Umno and empower good Malay leadership in PAS and PKR with DAP ( oust MCA and MIC ) in PAKATAN RAKYAT for a new just Malaysia in the 13th GN by the Grace of God. Peace Be Upon You ! “ God Is The Greatest ! “
By: Nash Ar-Rawy / 24.9.10 ( Ureka.Asia ) Guest Writer.
( http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com ) ( http://www.twitter.com/adnanrawa ) What a stupid racist game of Umno to win over the heart of the Malay electorates when Mahadthir said that Malay will lose power . Aren’t TGNA, Ustaz Azizan and Khalid Ibrahim being the Chief Ministers of the State of Kelantan, Kedah and Selangor from PAS and PKR are Malay leaders in Pakatan Rakyat ? As to Guan Eng from DAP of Penang in Pakatan Rakyat?( Before was Soo Koon of Gerakan ) These are the contemporary reality of Malaysia’s cyber politics of anti racism and anti Umno and BN where the masses are not for racist based party and they don’t buy racism.
It has been proven that that one Malaysia Malaysian has ousted Umno racist Malay plight and MCA racist Chinese for good. What the people want now is to oust racist based parties such as Umno , MCA and MIC .
The rakyat are politically aware and literate with the internet . They are not the victims of racist game and manipulations of UBN in RTM and the media .They want dedicated and good Malay , Chinese and Indian leaders and leadership in PAS , PKR and DAP as in Pakatan Rakyat giving them good governance as seen in Kelantan , Selangor, Kedah and Penang.
Whereas Umno is a bunch of liars as the lost of RM52Billion untraceable Bumiputra shares by Umno’s psychopans . Feclra settlers in Kelantan being manipulated and won three court cases with million of dollars . Felda ‘s settlers cash flow RM 9Billion gone . Bahasa Melayu being emforced and widely used in schools, Universities and courts during Razak’s time now being discarded and terminated by Umno/Mahathir/Najib . Royalty for the people of Kelantan being denied ; worth RM2 Billion.
Umno/Mahathir denounced the Royalties immunities and introduced a special court to punish them . Scholarships granted by the Federal Constitution to Bumiputras are terminated by Umno/Mahathir/Najib.
These are the treacherous acts of Umno to the Malays as a whole. Who did this . Is it DAP or PAS or PKR ? If not Umno betraying the Malays who else ? Don’ play racist sentiment Umno/ Mahadthir/ Najib! Remember, 13May did not occur in Kelantan even the muslims are there Majority . Umno not only betrayed the Malays but also the nation as well.
Just to satisfy Umno’s cronies . RM32Billion worth of two oil wells were given to Brunei without the prior consent of the parliament and DYMM Yang Di Pertuan Agong . Malaysia is on sale by Umno traitors . Tanjung Pagar being the assets of Malaysia ( KTMB ) wihich is higly historical and meaningful as the nation’s heritage easily given to Umno’s psychopans and Singapore . The nation has also lost RM32 Billion of Rosmah gamble with Bank Negara’s Forex . But broker benefits ! It’s our money lost just like that ! RM32 Billion is equivalent to Penang State Budget for 100 YEARS ! according to Nga of DAP. Just imagine RM32Billion( Rosmah ) , RM 320 Billion( Oil Wells ) , RM 9 Billion( Felda) , RM 52Billion ( Bumiputras’ Shares ) RM 8Billion ( MAS ) and what not . Thus, if the nation turns bankrutcy as the minster in the Prime Minister Department said it’s not because of subsidies allocated to the ‘rakyat ‘ precisely is because of UMNO/BN treachery to the nation for the sake of their psychopans . Umno can do anyuthing under the sun !
What a hypcricy! When Guan Eng announced RM400 be given to the government servants for raya . Immediately Najib up RM100 making it RM500! Whereas the money allocated for it is more than the total amount of money for the five( 5) subsidies than has been withdrawn by the government. ( How come that’s money n let the rakyat suffer with GST !
PAS is an Islamic Party , not a racist chauvinist Malay party as Umno is . Don’t bulshit that PAS leaders met Tunku to eliminate the Chinese and forfeit their proverty . Did it happen in Kelantan where the muslims are the majority . As a matter a fact , there are about 20,000 non –muslims in PAS now under it’s new wing i.e. PAS SUPPORTERS ASSEMBLY CONGRESS ( WING )
Umno is a threat for peace and harmony to the nation . Beware of Umno. Umno is not Malay and Malay is not Umno . Umno has been ousted by the Malays in Kelantan, Kedah , Selangor and Penang and by HIS Grace more States will come under PAS, PKR and DAP in Pakatan Rakyat . Malay electorates are getting literate and enlightened with the policies of Pakatan Rakyat and PAS i.e. ISLAM JUST FOR ALL regardless of race, ethnic religion and political ideology . There are many achivements as an advocating State and good governance. Just one example is the ‘ Ladang Rakyat” for all . Chinese, Malays , Indians , Siamese etc who are poor are allocated the shares and getting a monthly dividen .
Thus , Umno is playing with fire and it is dangerous to the nation as a whole . We want peace and harmony in this country and justice be given to everybody regardless of race and religion. The issues of “cow’s head” , burning of churches , non-muslims in the mosque etc . These are not the true teachings of Islam . Leave Umno alone with their racist groups ; MCA and MIC and Perkasa ( Ibrahim Perkasam /pickles) and Mahathir with their unwanted recipees which are not meant for one Malaysia .
Malays and Non-Malays electorates have to detrone Umno from power for good and let PAS and PKR to take over the country with a good and dedicated MALAY LEADERSHIP and oust the Malay leaders in Umno. PAS/Pakatan will make a better good governance for the people with the IGP, Lord President, AG, SPRM , SPR and IC Department come under the Parliament; no more being the subordinate of PM .
Oust Malay leaders in Umno and empower good Malay leadership in PAS and PKR with DAP ( oust MCA and MIC ) in PAKATAN RAKYAT for a new just Malaysia in the 13th GN by the Grace of God. Peace Be Upon You ! “ God Is The Greatest ! “
By: Nash Ar-Rawy / 24.9.10 ( Ureka.Asia ) Guest Writer.
Posted by Nash Ar-Rawy at 8:17
PM 0 comments http://nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/10/nash-ar-rawys-articles.html
2. SUFISM 17 by : Nash Ar-Rawy
“ Aku tiupkan sedikit daripada roh ku ( ciptaan DIA ) ke dalam physique nabi adam “ . Sedikit bagai DIA ; tetapi sebenarnya banyak bagi kamu ! . Ibarat setitk air yang melaut di samudera dalam dan luas ( Ocean ) . Ibarat sebutir pasir yg menggunung tinggi ! .
Yang sedikit inilah yang menghidupkan kami . Tanpa yg sedikit ini ; kamu sebenarnya mati ! . Apakah jasad kamu bisa bergerak tanpa yg sedikit anugerah DIA ini . Namun kamu melupai dan alpa akan yg sedikit ini kerna kamu merasakannya hanya sedikit sahaja .
Sevenarnya yg sedikit inilah amalan yg sebenarnya . Nabi bilang sebanyak-banyak amalan adalan yg sedikit kekal dan konsisten ! . Inilah dia yg sedikit yg ada dalam diri kamu yg sering kamu lupai . Kerna yg sedikit inilah yg bisa ‘ annihilated ‘ ( zu’ ) dengan DIA bukanya pada physique kamu itu yg kamu banggakan ; tetapi sebenarnya mati ( ‘ D Dead Person ) . Tetapi diri kamu yg sebenar ; ‘ D living Person “ di dalam rumah kamu itu kamu tinggalkan , kamu pinggirkan . Bagaimana kamu bisa menemui DIA . Itulah amalan yg sedikit tetapi berkekalan kerna yg sedikit inilah yg bisa zu’ dengan DIA ! DIA bilang; ‘ Sedetik kamu zu’ dengan aku ibarat kamu beribadah selama 1,000 tahun ) maksud Al-Qur’an . Ini lah dia yg sedikit itu yg kekal dan berkekalan ! .
Kerna yg sedikit itulah yg bisa bawa diri kamu yg sebenar kepada DIA . Kamu serahkan diri ‘ Si Mati “ sepnenuhnya 100 % kepada diri ‘ Si Hidup ‘ . Ia bisa bawa diri kamu kepada YANG MAHA HIDUP ! .
“ D Dead Person ‘ ( Rumah kamu atau physique kamu ) iaitu Si Mati ; dihidupkan – Hidup – menghidupkan – Maha Hidup ! . Sequence Frequency adalah :
Dihidupkan – Hidup ( Roh ) – menghidupkan ( Diri Sebenarnya Diri – Diri Rohani ) - YANG MAHA HIDUP ! . Ertnya , yang sedikit itulah merupakan “ CONTACT-POINT “ Diri Rohani dengan DIA : “ AKU.DIA “ .
Bagaimana kamu bisa memperbaikan rumah kamu jika kamu tiada serahkan rumah kamu ( physique kamu ) kepada yg sedikit di dalam yg sebenarnya adalah “ TUAN RUMAH “ . Siapakah yg sebenarnya memperbaiki rumah kamu yg rosak ! Tingkap pintu yg pecah , atap yg kebocoran dan lantai yg kotor serta rumah yg tiada kemas ! . Rumah tiada bisa memperbaiki rumah .
Tahukah kamu “ The Soul Heals The Self “ . iaitu yg sedikit itu Tuan Rumah yg memperbaiki rumah! Pastikan Rumah serahkan segala urusan kepada Tuan Rumah dan Tuan Rumah serahkan segala urusan kepada YANG EMPUNYA RUMAH ; YG EMPUNYA KUASA DAN YG BERKUASA DI ATAS SEGALA SESUATU !
“ Aku tiupkan sedikit daripada roh ku ( ciptaan DIA ) ke dalam physique nabi adam “ . Sedikit bagai DIA ; tetapi sebenarnya banyak bagi kamu ! . Ibarat setitk air yang melaut di samudera dalam dan luas ( Ocean ) . Ibarat sebutir pasir yg menggunung tinggi ! .
Yang sedikit inilah yang menghidupkan kami . Tanpa yg sedikit ini ; kamu sebenarnya mati ! . Apakah jasad kamu bisa bergerak tanpa yg sedikit anugerah DIA ini . Namun kamu melupai dan alpa akan yg sedikit ini kerna kamu merasakannya hanya sedikit sahaja .
Sevenarnya yg sedikit inilah amalan yg sebenarnya . Nabi bilang sebanyak-banyak amalan adalan yg sedikit kekal dan konsisten ! . Inilah dia yg sedikit yg ada dalam diri kamu yg sering kamu lupai . Kerna yg sedikit inilah yg bisa ‘ annihilated ‘ ( zu’ ) dengan DIA bukanya pada physique kamu itu yg kamu banggakan ; tetapi sebenarnya mati ( ‘ D Dead Person ) . Tetapi diri kamu yg sebenar ; ‘ D living Person “ di dalam rumah kamu itu kamu tinggalkan , kamu pinggirkan . Bagaimana kamu bisa menemui DIA . Itulah amalan yg sedikit tetapi berkekalan kerna yg sedikit inilah yg bisa zu’ dengan DIA ! DIA bilang; ‘ Sedetik kamu zu’ dengan aku ibarat kamu beribadah selama 1,000 tahun ) maksud Al-Qur’an . Ini lah dia yg sedikit itu yg kekal dan berkekalan ! .
Kerna yg sedikit itulah yg bisa bawa diri kamu yg sebenar kepada DIA . Kamu serahkan diri ‘ Si Mati “ sepnenuhnya 100 % kepada diri ‘ Si Hidup ‘ . Ia bisa bawa diri kamu kepada YANG MAHA HIDUP ! .
“ D Dead Person ‘ ( Rumah kamu atau physique kamu ) iaitu Si Mati ; dihidupkan – Hidup – menghidupkan – Maha Hidup ! . Sequence Frequency adalah :
Dihidupkan – Hidup ( Roh ) – menghidupkan ( Diri Sebenarnya Diri – Diri Rohani ) - YANG MAHA HIDUP ! . Ertnya , yang sedikit itulah merupakan “ CONTACT-POINT “ Diri Rohani dengan DIA : “ AKU.DIA “ .
Bagaimana kamu bisa memperbaikan rumah kamu jika kamu tiada serahkan rumah kamu ( physique kamu ) kepada yg sedikit di dalam yg sebenarnya adalah “ TUAN RUMAH “ . Siapakah yg sebenarnya memperbaiki rumah kamu yg rosak ! Tingkap pintu yg pecah , atap yg kebocoran dan lantai yg kotor serta rumah yg tiada kemas ! . Rumah tiada bisa memperbaiki rumah .
Tahukah kamu “ The Soul Heals The Self “ . iaitu yg sedikit itu Tuan Rumah yg memperbaiki rumah! Pastikan Rumah serahkan segala urusan kepada Tuan Rumah dan Tuan Rumah serahkan segala urusan kepada YANG EMPUNYA RUMAH ; YG EMPUNYA KUASA DAN YG BERKUASA DI ATAS SEGALA SESUATU !
3. Posted by Nash Arrawy at 6:37 PM No comments: http://nasharrawy.webs.com/apps/blog/show/30175971-sufism-22
6. http://nasharrawy.webs.com/apps/blog/show/30175971-sufism-22
HIM ! By : Nash Ar-Rawy
1. SUFISM 22
A Real and a True “ SUFIST “ is feared by d munafikuns( hiprocrites ) , zolimun ( Unjust Ruler ) . Fasikun ( Sinners ) and Kafirun I infidels ) ; i) ‘ almaghdubi’alihim ‘ such as d jews ; Zionist, Mossad n Israel and ii) “ Addolin “ such as d Christians : transgressor or astray ( do not follow Jesus as a prophet and as a Muslims ‘cos all d prophets from Adam a.s. till Muhammad s.a.w. are muslims ! But d Christians take him as ‘ D son of God ‘ ; eventhough there’s no one sentence in d Injil ( bible ) did Jesus say , “ I’m d son of God ! “ NEVER! . They astray such as the snoopers i.e. CIA. FBI n America ! are against ‘Islamic Sufist”
Proven “ almaghdubi’alaihim and Addolin “ ( America , Europe and Israel ) were against d ‘Spiritual Leader “ Ayatullah Khomeini . And now they make use of d munafikun ( Gen Sisi and d Secularist opposition Amru Musa ) toppled d first elected Pres. Of Egypt thru’ a Millitary Coup ; massacre their own people ; with d supports of Munafic Saudi and UEA and d kuffar America ( CIA and FBI ) and Israel ( Zionist and Mossad ) !
Why? ‘cos Morsi ; the First Elected President and d parliament has passed a new Islamic Constitution for Egypt !. Morsi is an ‘ AL-Hafiz ‘ and implementing d teaching of d Al-Quran . And he has opened d door of Rafah for d muslim brothers in gaza after 30 yrs blocked by Mubarak but now d illict devil Military Autocrat Rule ; . Gen. Sisi had closed it ; Sisi is a traitor to Islam ; appointed by Morsi but collaborated with d Yahood Zionist Israel and America Chuck Hagel in d Defense Ministry of America ! .
A true and real ‘ SUFIST “ never dies n will arise through out d world ; openly or secretly in his intimate prayers; in his esoteric , annihilated ecstasy with d Almighty . Yahood n Nasora r not scared of d Arab Kings ! at all ‘cos they r not “ SUFIST “ . Imam Mokhtar of Libya was a ‘ SUFIST ‘ and d Sultan of Acheh, Sumatra was also a ‘ SUFIST “ who droved away d Dutch Colonizer! Salehuddin Al Ayubi who liberated : " MASJIDIL AQSA ' from d Zionist Yahood! ;http://bloggerpakatan.com/v/5743 was also a ‘ SUFIST ‘ ; only qiamulail soldiers were allowed to go . The rest stayed in. This is “ ISLAMIC SUFISM OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM “ which is applicable in d cyber world ! ; Now and Forever ; till d doomsday ! . for d Sufists ! I Inner Power ) from ‘ HIM “ and of “ HIM “ THE ALMIGJHTY ! “ AL LAHU AKBAR !!!
Remember Omar Al Kattab was feared by e enemies of Islam !. When he just holds his sword , d munafikun and kafir just ran away from him ; they dare see his face !. Even satan could not walk-in the places where there r his footsteps ! . Why ? It's because of d power of 'SUFISM " of ' HIM " is ' WITH-IN " Omar Al-Kattab! Even when he was delivering a sermon at one conjucture ; he saw enemies snooping behind d hill n shouted out ! Hey muslims ; there r kafir army attacking u from d hill ! and they were saved .
Whereas, he was not there . Who was there? n who saw enememy . This is d power of " Sufi Of HIM " !! nor Omar but " OF HIM " Oh MY GOD! Thank U ! U r d Almighty ! REMEMBER; during d " AL BADAR Al KUBRA " mukmin ( core "Sufists) were only 300 but d kuffar batallion with all d sophisticated weaponary at time amounted to 1,000! .But Islam won d war which detrmined d life n death of Islam ; Now or never! . How and Why d victory ! . This was due 2 " d power of SUFISM OF HIM" ; implanted by HIM n HE sent down HIS miliitary of Angels answering d ' SUFIST DOA' This is what d Kuffar Mutakbirin scared of! . The latest being America , Israel and its sycophants ; Yahood, Zionist, Mossad, CIA , FBI etc.
Remember, in d modern times of a cyber era and cyber world ! Us radar jet fighters collided each other in d air when trying to attack Iran . Ronald Reegan at time was so scared of Ayatullah Khomeini ! Why? . This is d power of " SUFI OF HIM " with-in U ! .At d end of d day, d Us Millitary ; being d world " Mustakbirin" ( Oppressor n Suppressor ); imperialist and colonizer ; and its CIA were driven out of Iran ! by d Grace of d Almighty ! And remember, many boms dropped by US airforce in Iraq did not explode! .Tons of boms were dropped n missiles sent as much as d " atomic boms dropped at Hiroshima n Nagasaki ! But, Iraq was not destroyed ! And tere was no " Nuclear Plant " as deceived by Us ; But was merely a " Milk Factory " ! .This is ' SUFISM OF D NEW MILLENNIUM OF HIM ! "
By ; Nash Ar-Rawy/10.7.13
A Real and a True “ SUFIST “ is feared by d munafikuns( hiprocrites ) , zolimun ( Unjust Ruler ) . Fasikun ( Sinners ) and Kafirun I infidels ) ; i) ‘ almaghdubi’alihim ‘ such as d jews ; Zionist, Mossad n Israel and ii) “ Addolin “ such as d Christians : transgressor or astray ( do not follow Jesus as a prophet and as a Muslims ‘cos all d prophets from Adam a.s. till Muhammad s.a.w. are muslims ! But d Christians take him as ‘ D son of God ‘ ; eventhough there’s no one sentence in d Injil ( bible ) did Jesus say , “ I’m d son of God ! “ NEVER! . They astray such as the snoopers i.e. CIA. FBI n America ! are against ‘Islamic Sufist”
Proven “ almaghdubi’alaihim and Addolin “ ( America , Europe and Israel ) were against d ‘Spiritual Leader “ Ayatullah Khomeini . And now they make use of d munafikun ( Gen Sisi and d Secularist opposition Amru Musa ) toppled d first elected Pres. Of Egypt thru’ a Millitary Coup ; massacre their own people ; with d supports of Munafic Saudi and UEA and d kuffar America ( CIA and FBI ) and Israel ( Zionist and Mossad ) !
Why? ‘cos Morsi ; the First Elected President and d parliament has passed a new Islamic Constitution for Egypt !. Morsi is an ‘ AL-Hafiz ‘ and implementing d teaching of d Al-Quran . And he has opened d door of Rafah for d muslim brothers in gaza after 30 yrs blocked by Mubarak but now d illict devil Military Autocrat Rule ; . Gen. Sisi had closed it ; Sisi is a traitor to Islam ; appointed by Morsi but collaborated with d Yahood Zionist Israel and America Chuck Hagel in d Defense Ministry of America ! .
A true and real ‘ SUFIST “ never dies n will arise through out d world ; openly or secretly in his intimate prayers; in his esoteric , annihilated ecstasy with d Almighty . Yahood n Nasora r not scared of d Arab Kings ! at all ‘cos they r not “ SUFIST “ . Imam Mokhtar of Libya was a ‘ SUFIST ‘ and d Sultan of Acheh, Sumatra was also a ‘ SUFIST “ who droved away d Dutch Colonizer! Salehuddin Al Ayubi who liberated : " MASJIDIL AQSA ' from d Zionist Yahood! ;http://bloggerpakatan.com/v/5743 was also a ‘ SUFIST ‘ ; only qiamulail soldiers were allowed to go . The rest stayed in. This is “ ISLAMIC SUFISM OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM “ which is applicable in d cyber world ! ; Now and Forever ; till d doomsday ! . for d Sufists ! I Inner Power ) from ‘ HIM “ and of “ HIM “ THE ALMIGJHTY ! “ AL LAHU AKBAR !!!
Remember Omar Al Kattab was feared by e enemies of Islam !. When he just holds his sword , d munafikun and kafir just ran away from him ; they dare see his face !. Even satan could not walk-in the places where there r his footsteps ! . Why ? It's because of d power of 'SUFISM " of ' HIM " is ' WITH-IN " Omar Al-Kattab! Even when he was delivering a sermon at one conjucture ; he saw enemies snooping behind d hill n shouted out ! Hey muslims ; there r kafir army attacking u from d hill ! and they were saved .
Whereas, he was not there . Who was there? n who saw enememy . This is d power of " Sufi Of HIM " !! nor Omar but " OF HIM " Oh MY GOD! Thank U ! U r d Almighty ! REMEMBER; during d " AL BADAR Al KUBRA " mukmin ( core "Sufists) were only 300 but d kuffar batallion with all d sophisticated weaponary at time amounted to 1,000! .But Islam won d war which detrmined d life n death of Islam ; Now or never! . How and Why d victory ! . This was due 2 " d power of SUFISM OF HIM" ; implanted by HIM n HE sent down HIS miliitary of Angels answering d ' SUFIST DOA' This is what d Kuffar Mutakbirin scared of! . The latest being America , Israel and its sycophants ; Yahood, Zionist, Mossad, CIA , FBI etc.
Remember, in d modern times of a cyber era and cyber world ! Us radar jet fighters collided each other in d air when trying to attack Iran . Ronald Reegan at time was so scared of Ayatullah Khomeini ! Why? . This is d power of " SUFI OF HIM " with-in U ! .At d end of d day, d Us Millitary ; being d world " Mustakbirin" ( Oppressor n Suppressor ); imperialist and colonizer ; and its CIA were driven out of Iran ! by d Grace of d Almighty ! And remember, many boms dropped by US airforce in Iraq did not explode! .Tons of boms were dropped n missiles sent as much as d " atomic boms dropped at Hiroshima n Nagasaki ! But, Iraq was not destroyed ! And tere was no " Nuclear Plant " as deceived by Us ; But was merely a " Milk Factory " ! .This is ' SUFISM OF D NEW MILLENNIUM OF HIM ! "
By ; Nash Ar-Rawy/10.7.13
Thursday, July 4, 2013
BY : Nash Ar-Rawy
Ii ) You write but he’s d writer !
You profess u teach , but he’s d teacher!
“ Guru Segala Guru ! “ ; U know HIM thru’ HIM ( HE’s Frequency )
U drive , HE’s d Driver !
“ Kamu mengobat menjaga diri sendiri; kerna DIA bukan kuli kamu; dan kamu tiada bertuhankan diri; DIA Pengobat, Penjaga, Jangan Lupa Diri ; Jangan lupa “Rumah Muhammad “ ; Lupa “ Rumah Muhammad “ bererti lupa diri ; kerna diri datang DIA yang memasukkan sedikit darapada Roh Ciptaan DIA . Justeru bertuhankan Roh hul Kudis “ dan bertuhankan diri adalah SYIRIK ; dosa yg tiada bisa diampun DIA ! Kerna DIA bukan Roh dan Bukan Diri kamu, dan bukan Nur ; Kerna DIA adalah yg empunya Roh ; yang empunya Diri dan yg empunya Nur ! . Awas jangan bisi Syirik ! nauzubillahi minzalik!. JANGAN LUPA SOLAT !!!
youtube.com/watch?v=2dIGJO8zIVg&list=UUVaEucv7zmWECwc3ghrtbGg&index=1 … SUFI SONGS 05 ; " DIA "http://www.Youtube.com ( nasharrawy ) http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com www.twitter.com/adnanrawa www.facebook.com/nasharrawy10
SUFI LYRICS : nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/03/lirik-nash-ar-rawy-terma-dan-kondisi.html … " LIRIK NASH Ar-RAWY " ; TERMA DAN KONDISI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQqqYj1A3g&list=UUVaEucv7zmWECwc3ghrtbGg&index=1 … … SUFI SONGS 04: CITRA DIRI by: Nash Ar-Rawy
PLS C : http://bloggerpakatan.com/v/2840
Nash Ar-Rawy @Adnanrawa 2m
http://nasharrawy.webs.com/apps/blog/ :SUFISM OF D NEW MILLENNIUM By Nash Ar-Rawyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dIGJO8zIVg&list=UUVaEucv7zmWECwc3ghrtbGg&index=1 … DIA SUFI SONGShttp://nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/03/lirik-nash-ar-rawy-terma-dan-kondisi.html … LYRICS TERM
BY : Nash Ar-Rawy
Ii ) You write but he’s d writer !
You profess u teach , but he’s d teacher!
“ Guru Segala Guru ! “ ; U know HIM thru’ HIM ( HE’s Frequency )
U drive , HE’s d Driver !
“ Kamu mengobat menjaga diri sendiri; kerna DIA bukan kuli kamu; dan kamu tiada bertuhankan diri; DIA Pengobat, Penjaga, Jangan Lupa Diri ; Jangan lupa “Rumah Muhammad “ ; Lupa “ Rumah Muhammad “ bererti lupa diri ; kerna diri datang DIA yang memasukkan sedikit darapada Roh Ciptaan DIA . Justeru bertuhankan Roh hul Kudis “ dan bertuhankan diri adalah SYIRIK ; dosa yg tiada bisa diampun DIA ! Kerna DIA bukan Roh dan Bukan Diri kamu, dan bukan Nur ; Kerna DIA adalah yg empunya Roh ; yang empunya Diri dan yg empunya Nur ! . Awas jangan bisi Syirik ! nauzubillahi minzalik!. JANGAN LUPA SOLAT !!!
youtube.com/watch?v=2dIGJO8zIVg&list=UUVaEucv7zmWECwc3ghrtbGg&index=1 … SUFI SONGS 05 ; " DIA "http://www.Youtube.com ( nasharrawy ) http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com www.twitter.com/adnanrawa www.facebook.com/nasharrawy10
SUFI LYRICS : nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/03/lirik-nash-ar-rawy-terma-dan-kondisi.html … " LIRIK NASH Ar-RAWY " ; TERMA DAN KONDISI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQqqYj1A3g&list=UUVaEucv7zmWECwc3ghrtbGg&index=1 … … SUFI SONGS 04: CITRA DIRI by: Nash Ar-Rawy
PLS C : http://bloggerpakatan.com/v/2840
Nash Ar-Rawy @Adnanrawa 2m
http://nasharrawy.webs.com/apps/blog/ :SUFISM OF D NEW MILLENNIUM By Nash Ar-Rawyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dIGJO8zIVg&list=UUVaEucv7zmWECwc3ghrtbGg&index=1 … DIA SUFI SONGShttp://nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/03/lirik-nash-ar-rawy-terma-dan-kondisi.html … LYRICS TERM
2. Al - Furqon : sentence 63 : "And the servants of (Allah)
Most Gracious ( Ar-Rahman )are those who walk on the earth in humility, and
when the ignorant ( Jahilun) address them, they say, "Peace!" (
Salamun : 2 ALL ) Thus Islam spreads PEACE n LOVES n it's meaning is PEACE.
'Rahmatan lil'alamiin ' ( Blesseth 2 d whole wo...rld : 4 ALL) Dewan Himpunan
Penyokong PAS ( DHPP ) www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com www.nasharrawy.webs.com )
PLEASE C : nasharrawy.blogspot.com TQ LOVES!
PLEASE C : nasharrawy.blogspot.com TQ LOVES!
By : Nash Ar-Rawy / 15.5.10
( www.nasharrawy.webs.com )
By : Nash Ar-Rawy / 15.5.10
( www.nasharrawy.webs.com )
3. 1. Kemanusiaan
5. Oleh: Nash Ar-Rawy
6. Kemanusiaan adalah
aspek esensi untuk kesejahteraan hidup dan penghidupan manusia itu sendiri
selaku penghuni ‘ domain ‘ dan makhluk berpolitik di muka bumi ini.Asas kemanusiaan
yang fundamental dan terpenting demi untuk menjadikan dunia ini sebagai tempat
tinggal yang aman damai dan sejahtera kepada semua kaum , kumpulan etnik ,
bangsa dan penganut agama adalah kasih sayang sesama manusia dan saling bantu
membantu, cukup-mencukupi , penuh memenuhi dan lengkap –melengkapi sesama
sendiri .Lantaran menjadikan dunia ini sebagai ‘ The best place to live in and
suffice for all “( Tempat yang paling selesa dan mencukupi untuk semua )
7. Bersesuaian dengan
sifat yang empunya global iaitu; Ar- Rahman dan Ar-Rahim yakni Yang Maha
Pengasih lagi Yang Maha Penyayang. Maka untuk mendekati frekuensinya selaku
khalifah di muka bumi demi untuk perlaksanaan tugas-tugas hamba; . manusia juga
perlu bisa juga memiliki kualiti tersebut yang mengasihi dan menyayangi sesama
species ‘ homo-sapien “( insan ) .
8.Semua manusia
berasal daripada Tuhan yang satu yakni daripada elemen roh ciptaan yang empunya
global sebagaimana firmanullahu “ Aku tiupkan roh daripada ciptaan ku ke tubuh
nabi Adam “. dan ayat yang bermasksud “ Bertakwalah kamu yang menjadikan kamu
dari diri yang satu “( Suratul Nisa’ : ayat 1 ). Manusia semua berasal daripada
moyang yang satu , iaitu , Adam dan Hawa . Ini bererti manusia semua adalah
adik beradik dan bersaudara .; satu nyawa , satu jiwa dan satu nafas
9. Maka, apa perlunya
bisa ada semangat , perasaan dan fahaman perkauman dalam diri manusia. Ini
adalah kejahatan yang merosakkan tamaddun manusia dan kemanusiaan itu sendiri
yang memporakperandakan alam maya ini dengan peperangan, permusuhan, perseruan
dan ‘hostile’ yang berlaku di mana –mana jua.
10. Sebagai anologi,
doktor tiada bertanya kamu bangsa Cinakah, Melayu atau India? Atau agama
buddhistkah , Islam atau kristian sewaktu transfusi darah ( ‘ blood
transfusion’) hendak dilaksanakan..
11. Akan tetapi, yang
paling esensi sekali adalah jenis darah kamu dari kumpulan mana? ‘ A’ , ‘B’ . ‘
AB ‘ atau ‘O’ kerna nyawa manusia yang sedang kritikal perlu segera
diselamatkan.Artinya, keamanusiaan itu sebenarnya dari darah yang sama tanpa mengira
bangsa, keturunan dan agama dan tiada batasan geografi samasekali.Secara verbal
manusia semuanya adalah ‘ blood brothers ‘ dan bersaudara.
12. Aspek tauhid dan
agama adalah hak masing-masing untuk memilih kerna yang empunya global sendiri
mengesahkan di dalam kitabullah, “ La iqra ha fiddeen “ ( Tiada paksaaan di
dalam agama ) kerna para daie hanya bisa berdakwah sedangkan yang membuka pintu
hati adalah yang empunya global itu sendiri.
13. Manusia yang jahat,
korupsi, dan tiada jujur dan amanah ada di mana –mana . Ada pada bangsa Melayu,
Cina dan India. Ada di dalam surau , masjid, tokong, gereja , kuil, parlimen ,
pejabat swasta dan kerajaan tanpa mengira ras( kaum) dan anutan agama.
14. Justeru itu, ada
amil dan pengarah Jabatan Zakat yang songlap wang zakat ! Ada guru qur’an yang
memperkosa anak muridnya. Ada Al – Hafis yang sodomi ( liwat ) dan sebagainya.
Yang penting sekali, berilmu dan beramal soleh bukan beramal syaitan dan selalu
jujur dan istiqamah meniru stail nabi ; iaitu, sidek, amanah, tabligh, fananah.
Ada orang bukan Islam yang berperangai dengan sifat yang baik dan mahmudah ,
cuma belum lagi sampai hidayah dan ada di kalangan orang Islam yang ketara
sekali PHDnya dan tertera sifat atau perangai yang keji atau mazmumah seperti
hasad dengaki , ego, ria’, takabur dan adu-domba; tanpa disedari itu adalah
amalan syirik kafi mengkafi ( halus tersembunyi ) kerna dari species manusia
yang bertuhankan diri. .
15. Siapa itu ‘azazil’
yang pernah seketika dahulu menjadi “tok guru’ dilangit yang dipergurui oleh
sekelian para malaikat yang kemudiannya kantoi menjadi ‘iblis’ kerna mengkufuri
perintah yang empunya global !. Ternyata ilmu tiada bisa menyelamatkan manusia
selagi bertuhan kepada ilmu dan tiada bertauhid kepada yang empunya ilmu .Ini
bererti , kejahatan itu bisa berlaku di mana-mana dan kebaikan serta kebajikan
itu juga bisa berada di mana-mana jua. Pokoknya, tepuk dada tanya iman
16. Ukuran warna
kulit,dan fahaman politik perkauman tiada bisa lagi dijadikan platform
perjuangan kerna bisa memusnahkan kemanusiaan. Keadilan mestilah bisa diberikan
kepada semua manusia berasaskan kepada kriteria keperluan bukan perkauman.
17. Sebagai anologi,
bot besar di laut luas di berikan kepada manusia nelayan, bukannya kepada
manusia petani atau penternak kerna itu bukannya keperluan bagi mereka .
18. Justeru itu ,
bantuan yang berasaskan budaya kronisma dan monopoli yang mengkayakan manusia
yang tertentu sahaja dan mempertidakkan hak orang yang sepatutnya di bantu
kerna bukan kroni adalah gejala kerosakan kemanusiaan yang menyebabkan perpecahan
sesama manusia kerna hilangnya sifat belas kasihan kepada golongan marhein
kerna rakus dengan kebendaan dan keduniaan tanpa segan silu merampas hak orang
lain yang memerlukan.
19. Manusia yang tiada
tanah untuk mendirikan rumah secara legal dan merempat dinafikan hak mereka.
Sedang manusia yang sudah pun memiliki tapak rumah kediaman sendiri kerna tamak
dan haloba merampas hak orang yang miskin dengan menambahkan lagi harta
memboloti empat atau lima keping tanah lagi dan lebih. Lantaran itu menjadi kaya
raya , bongkak , ego dan rakus.
20. Berikan yang hak
kepada manusia yang berhak tanpa mengira kaum dan agama . Yang empunya global
menyatakan ,” Tiada bisa dibenarkan kekayaan sesebuah negara itu berputar di
kalangan orang-orang yang tertentu sahaja” ( Maksud Qur’an ) . Artinya ,
manusia selaku khalifah di muka bumi ini; perlu bersikap menentang sebarang
bentuk dan amalan sistem monopoli , nepotisma , kronisma dan rasuah politik
agar kemanusiaan itu terbela dan tiada bisa berlaku penganiayaan sesama manusia.
21. Sebarang elemen
yang bersifat persengketaan perkauman yang bisa mengucarkacirkan kehidupan
manusia hendaklah dihakiskan sesama manusia . Kumpulan –kumpulan manusia yang
perjuangannya bernaunsakan kaum( kaumiyyah ) dan bangsa atau kebangsaan (
assobiyyah ) hendaklah di nyahkan dan disingkirkan kehadiran dan ideologi
mereka sepenuhnya dan putuskan sebarang talian hayat mereka di muka bumi ini
kerna bumi ini kepunyaan Yang Empunya Global untuk dikongsi bersama dan
dinikmati oleh sekalian manusia tanpa batasan kaum dan agama.
22. Manusia yang tiada
punya pegangan hidup bisa menjadi lebih teruk daripada binatang yang berkaki
empat atau sebaris dengan syaitan, nauzubillahiminzalik.
23. Yang empunya global
menyatakan, “ Sesungguhnya ( wahai Muhammad ) musuh kamu yang paling nyata
adalah syaitan dari kalangan manusia dan jin “ (Maksud Qur’an)
24. I. Justeru itu,
manusia jangan jadikan iblis sebagai ‘ scape goat’ ( kambing hitam ). Tepuk
dada tanyalah iman. Selamatkan kemanusiaan dengan addenul Islam , “Islam For
All “ iaitu , “ Nafideenillah “ ( Mengikut cara Allah ) dengan menolak fahaman
sesat sekular nasionalisma..( Parti Kebangsaan )
28. ke-TUHAN-an
30. Oleh: Nash Ar-Rawy
31. ‘Dia’ tiada di luar
tetapi berada di dalam diri kendiri . “Dia” tiada bisa di pegang atau disentuh
, kerna ‘Dia’ tiada berupa atau berbentuk ( ‘shapeless ‘ and ‘ formless’)
‘timeless’ , ‘nothingness’ and ‘emptiness’ ‘infinity’; jitu didalam diri. ‘Dia”
dirasai, rasa, merasa dan terasa di dalam frekuensi “Dia” di dalam diri. (HIS
Kingdom is WITHIN you ). Justeru itu, kebahagian yang dicari ada di dalam yang
hidup di luar semuanya MATI ! kerna frekuensi ‘Dia ‘ Yang Maha Sejahtera Yang
Maha Pengasih Penyayang.
32. “Contact point “
Dia . Aku ialah yang berasal dari ‘ Dia’sendiri ‘OF HIM’ but not HIM iaitu roh
ciptaan ‘Dia’ yang ditiupkan ke dalam tubuh nabi Adam. “ Ya haiyum ya qhoiyum “
Dia yang Maha Hidup lagi Menghidupkan . “ Nurun ‘ala nurin yah dil lahu
linurihi maiyasya’ “( Anur: ayat 35 : Cahaya di dalam cahaya diberikan kepada
sesiapa yang aku kehendaki .) Tetapi jangan bertuhankan cahaya kerna itu bukan
‘Dia’ Cuma cahaya dalam cahaya . Melalui cahaya menemui yang empunya cahaya.
33. Akan tetapi, ‘Dia’
yang empunya nur, yang empunya roh, yang empunya diri, yang empuya nyawa, yang
empunya nafas, yang empuya rezeki , yang empunya pangkat dan kedudukan dan yang
empunya segala.
34. ‘Dia’ yang empunya
i) Diri yang terdiri ( Roh jasad, mental ) ii) Diri yang terperi ( Roh ) dan
iii) Diri yang sebenarnya diri ( Aku yakni Dia ).Namun tauhid itu sendiri ialah
tiada syirik kepada ‘Dia’ dan tiada bisa bertuhankan diri atau roh. atau
35. Untuk duduk di
dalam frekuensi ‘Dia’, diri hendaklah bisa di tenggelamkan (Convertion) pada
frekuensi “ Dia “ pada hakikatnya ‘ Selfless’ ( Hapus Aku ) “ La mauwud bil
hakki ilallah “ ( Tiada yang wujud yang berhak hanyalah Allah ).Tauhidul
makrifah. Hapus diri dan konversi diri pada frekuensi ‘Dia’ ( zu’ annihilated)
36. ‘Dia “ tiada bisa
dinyatakan dalam ilmu kerna dia bukan objek yang bisa di lihat tetapi ‘ beyond
all sciences’ tetapi ‘Dia ; bisa ada di dalam frekuensi rasa bagi sesiapa yang
dianugerahinya : merasainya . Rasa tiada bisa di sainstifikkan kerna mahu rasa
sedapnya kopi ‘cow’ tiada bisa pindah teknologi tetapi hanya rasa sendiri bukan
dengan ilmu bancuhan kopi i) Ilmu yakin atau melihat kopi ii) ainul yakin
tetapi dengan meminumnya dan merasai ni’matnya sendiri iii) hakkul yakin dan iv
) Kemalatul Yakin ( Kesempurnaan Yakin ) ; dan v) Aku ‘Dia’ dalam ;Dia ‘Aku”
Hanya ‘Dia’ yang wujud.
37. ‘Aku” dalam “aku “
Aku yang ghaib tenggelam di dalam “aku” yang ghaib : Batin ku , di dalam batin,
di dalam batin yang tiada bisa diceritakan kerna di luar ilmu dan merupakan
pengalaman peribadi anugerah daripada ‘Dia” ; Aku berikan kepada sesiapa yang
aku kehendaki ( “ yah dillahu linurihi maiyasya” ).lantaran menjadi ‘ selfless’
kerna tiada bisa yang ada, yang ada melainkan ‘Dia “ Yakni, bukankah “ firman
dia” yang menyatakan “ lahu kun fayakun “ ( surah yasin dua ayat yang terakhir
) ‘Dia’ bukan firman ( ‘word’) tetapi yang empunya firman ( ‘Master of say
bukan say ‘ )
38. Seandainya ‘Dia’
tiada berfirman masakan bisa ada manusia yang akan panggilnya Tuhan, God atau
apa nama sekalipun kerna ‘ Dia’ sebenarnya “ Dia” yang tiada bernama ( ‘ The
nameless one ‘ ) Justeru, masakan ada Malaikat dan syaitan serta keseluruhan
ciptaannya seluruh universe ini. Pada hakikatnya ‘ Dia’ yang “Se’ dan yang Maha
Esa.; Tauhidul zat, sifat asma; af’al dan makrifah.(‘actuality’)
39. “Dia” ada ( pada
frekuensi rasa ) tapi tiada ( tiada pada rupa dan bentuk ) , Ada tapi tiada,
Tiada tapi ada . Jauh tiada berantara , dekat tiada bersempadan kerna dia
‘spaceles’ dan ‘ timeless’ . tiada bertempat dan tiada berwaktu . “Dia’ ada di
mana –mana jua.” wahuwa ma’akum ainama kuntun” maksud Qur’an ( Aku berada di
mana kamu berada )
40. Tiada tergerak
sesuatu sebesar zarah kecuali dengan izinnya i) ilahul hak ( Izin dalam redha
bagi amalan soleh ) dan ii) ilahul batil ( Izin dalam murka jika beramal
maksiat ) kerna ‘ Dia’ tiada bisa menzalimi hambanya . “ Sesungguhnya aku tiada
bisa menzalimi hamba ku walau sebesar zarah sekalipun “ ( maksud Qur’an ) dan
“Aku mengharamkan diri aku melakukan kezaliman ke atas hamba-hamba ku dan aku
tiada mahu manusia sesama manusia melakukan kezaliman sesama sendiri “ ( Maksud
Al-hadis ). “ Barang siapa yang berjalan di muka bumi ini dengan sombong dan
bongkak tidak bisa cium bau surga ( maksud Al –hadis ) kerna “ kerna
kesombongan dan kebanggaan itu pakaian aku dan barang siapa yang memakainya
akan di campak ke dalam neraka (maksud Al Hadis Qudsi) Bukankah ‘Dia’ yang
empunya global ! Dalam universe manusia tiada wujud(‘minute’ even the earth is
not even a dot ! So, who in actuality /hakikah exists ! )
41. Ternyatalah orang
yang sombong dan bongkak itu telah melakukan syirik kafi lagi mengkafi ( halus
lagi menghalus ) kerna melakukan syirik yang tersembunyi termasuklah mereka
yang ria’ takabur, ego dan ‘arrogant.’ Kerna bertuhankan diri/nafsu.
42. Dengan menjadi
‘Selfless” ( hapus aku) adalah pencapaian tauhid yang terbaik kerna penyerahan
total kepada :’Dia’ zahir dan batin kerna ‘ wama romaita izromaita wala
kinnallah haroma “ maksud Qur’an ( Wahai Muhammad bukan kamu yang membaling
tetapi ‘tangan’ aku yang membaling ) dan “ qolakokum wama ta’malun” (
Sesungguhnya aku yang menciptakan kamu dan segala perbuatan kamu ) kerna
perserahan diri ( ‘Selfless’) kepada ‘Dia’ bukan sewaktu kemalangan atau
kecemasan tetapi dengan “ Bismil lahi walhamduli lahi” ( maksud Al-Hadis )
segala perbuatan sejak azali dan awalan dan permulaan segala ikhtiar dan doa
sudah pun di serahkan awal-awal lagi bukan bila tersempit baru bisa mencari
‘Dia’., Perhambaan dan selaku ‘Haprak’ di sisinya kerna manusia tiada memiliki
apa –apa pun kecuali dimiliki oleh “Dia’ yang empunya segala.dari mula hingga
akhir, zahir dan batin , luar dan dalam semuanya kepunyaan ‘Dia’, Ternyata
dalam frekuensi ke-Tuhan-an berlaku HAPUS DIRI baru bisa ‘Se’ ( ‘Selfless’) Mardhatillah
‘Dia’ yang dicari bukan keredhaan manusia.
43. Pinta kepada ‘Dia’
yang empunya kata kun yang empunya firman ( ‘words’) .Pada hahikatnya diri
adalah ‘alfatihah’ kerna Aisyah menyatakan Muhammad adalah Al-Qur’an yang
bergerak , yang berjalan ( The walking Qur’an ) Diperhalusi dalam Alfatihah itu
adalah Bismillah , Dalam Bismillah itu ada ‘Ba” dan dalam ‘Ba” itu ada
‘Titik”sebagai nuklias . Dari titik itu jadinya ‘Alif” dan seperti
dipertegaskan di dalam Al –Qur’an Alif Lam Mim, zalikallita bula roibafi hi
hudallil muttakin Justeru , sewaktu berdiri hakikahnya Alif , sewaktu ruku’
hakikahnya Lam dan sewaktu sujud hakikahnya adalah Mim. Artinya selain solat 5
waktu orang mukmin senantiasa ‘Solatun Daimun ‘ maksud Qur’an ( kekal dalam
Solat ).’Sesungguhnya gerak kamu dari kalangan orang yg sujud “( “
wataqollubaka fissajidin “ Al-Qur’an ) Yang ada hanyalah Kalimah dan yang
empunya kalimah.
44. ‘Dia’ tiada i)
huruf ii) suara iii) ruang iv) waktu v) ilmu vi) amal vii) awal viii) akhir ix)
zahir x) batin . “ Dia “ ‘beyond science ‘ ( The Existance of None but exists )
“Kewujudan Tiada” ; hanya bisa dalam zu’ ( ‘cognative annihilated ecstasy’)
dalam frekuensi ‘Dia” dalam rasa, merasa dan terasa bagi yang merasainya. Namun
, tiada bisa menjadi ‘Dia; anologinya : sehelai daun dari pokok tetapi tidak
bisa jadinya pokok. “ A ship in the ocean , an ocean in the ship “ One in all .
all in one ‘ Microcosmo is the containment of macro cosmo . Satu dalam semua ,
semua dalam satu , itulah hakikah “Se’ dan hakikah tauhid sebenarnya “Se’ dalam
zahir batin. Awal akhir dan senantiasa konsisten dengan ‘Solatun Daimun” kekal
dengan nya ‘fissajidin(mim) ‘ InsyaAlla Hu Ta’ala.
50. Rukun Wajib, Hakikat
51. 1. Aug 11th, 2009 |
By webmaster |
Category: Team PerakExpress, nash ar-rawy ( www.perakexpress.com )
53. Oleh : Nash Ar-Rawy
54. Rukun Islam mempunyai
lima perkara. Mengucap dua kalimah syahadah ( syahadatain ), Solat , Puasa ,
Zakat Fitrah dan Haji. Semua perintah Tuhan itu adalah wajib dilaksanakan .
Namun pada hakikahnya adalah saja sahaja. Iaitu , amalan soleh yang dilakukan;
saja ikhlas kerna ‘ Dia’ bukan dek kerna sesuatu atau kerna bermotifkan syurga
, takutkan neraka atau kerna mahu pahala dan takutkan dosa . Tetapi, saja
dilakukan kerna Yang Empunya Syurga dan Neraka dan tiada dek kerna apa- apa
kepentingan. Syurga adalah ciptaan ‘Dia’ , Jika amalan soleh kerna syurga
bermakna amalan segala rukun Islam itu adalah kerna ciptaannya bukan kerna
‘Dia’ yakni, bukan kerna Yang Maha Pencipta, Tidakkah anda berada dalam syirk
kahfi lagi mengkahfi yakni, syirik yang halus lagi menghalusi. Apakah benarkah
anda bertauhidkan ‘Dia” ?
55. Firmanul Lahu : :
‘waqhosyiar rahma nabil ghoib” ( Dan IKHLAS kerna Yang Maha Ghaib )Yasin: 11.
Semua amalan rukun Islam dengan sendirinya terbatal jika dilakukan tiada ikhlas
kerna “Dia’ tetapi kerna ‘ Ada udang di sebalik ‘ mee seperti dek kerna syurga
atau pahala yakni , bukan kerna ‘Dia’ tetapi kerna ciptaan ‘Dia’ ( syurga ) dan
kepentingan pahala. Bagaimana jika tiada syurga atau pahala ! Apakah anda akan
solat , puasa , sedekah dan sebagainya !. Apakah anda bertauhidkan syurga(
ciptaan “ Dia’ bukan “ Dia’ sebenarnya ) atau bertuhankan Yang Empunya syurga
kerna syurga adalah ciptaan ‘Dia’ bukan ‘Dia’.Apakah anda sebenarnya IKHLAS
kerna ‘Dia’ bukan dek kerna sesuatu ?.
56. Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
adalah pembawa risalah yang betul lagi benar kerna beliau bersifat sidek(
benar) amanah , tabligh dan fatanah dan semuanya itu dilakukan kerna ikhlas lil
lahi Ta’ala; Risalah tauhid baginda ialah tiada syirik seratus peratus; itulah
sebenarnya tauhid . Jika 99.99 peratus dan Cuma berbaki poin 1 peratus saja
dikira batal tauhid dan syirik Yakni, 100% – 99.99 peratus di kira KOSONG yakni
batal terus tauhid, tiada maaf bagi mu kerna syrik adalah dosa yang tidak bisa
diampun ‘Dia” kerna tauhid bukannya ikut-ikut orang tetapi hakkul yakin dan
kemalatul ( kesempurnaan ) yakin yang totok ; tanpa bisa ada kompromi
samasekali tiada bisa menyengurtukan ‘Dia’.
57. Syahadatain, adalah
keyakinan dalaman ( kemalatul yakin ) yang menguasai luaran, perbuatan,
pengakuan dan i’tikad yang bukan dibuat-buat, lakunan atau ikutan tetapi,
persis kerna kesempurnaan keyakinan yang jitu di dalam. Justeru itu, ‘ Dia’
berfirman . “
58. La iqra hafiddin “ (
Tiada paksaan dalam agama ) : Maksud Qur’an . Artinya, rukun dibuat bukannya
kerna digula-gulakan dengan tawaran syurga dan bidadari . Tetapi , justeru saja
kerna Dia” yakni , Islam yang bermaksud : Perserahan diri kepada ‘Dia” secara
total zahir dan batin , luar dan dalam 100% totok dan mutlak ‘ semata-mata saja
kerna ‘Dia’( Islam ) ; bukan dek kerna sesuatu atau apa-apa kepentingan atau
suapan kerna syurga itu urusan ‘Dia’ dan milik ‘Dia’ semata dan kamu hanyalah
‘Si Haprak’ yang tidak bisa memiliki apa-apa dan jika dikira nilai sebiji mata
ini pun tidak bisa di bayar dengan amalan kamu seumur hidup ! Bukankah begitu !
59. Justeru, masuk syurga
jika kerna amalan kamu yang dirasa terlalu banyak dan ‘Dia’ mesti masukkan kamu
ke dalam syurga; sedangkan ni’mat sebelah mata pun kamu tidak bisa membayarnya
. Apakah kamu yang mencipta syurga dan milik kamu atau ‘Dia’ yang empunya
syurga atau syurga itu tok kamu yang punya. ‘Dia” sebenarnya melihat hakikat
amalan kamu itu; apakah kerna ria’, takabur , ‘ujud ( kekaguman kepada
kehebatan diri sendiri yang sebenarnya tidak ada apa ; kerna ‘Dia” adalah Yang
Maha Hebat! ) Tidakkah itu semua syirik kahfi mengkahfi ; halus lagi menghalusi
dan terbatal segala amalan justeru kerna syirik kepada ‘Dia’ ; dosa yang tidak
bisa diampun ‘Dia’.
60. Firmanul lahu “
Fawailullil musollin” ( Masukke neraka veil orang yang solat kerna lalai )
justeru kerna batin amalan itu syirik kahfi walaupun zahir nya kelihatan baik
dan dihias cantik . Tetapi , di dalamnya ( amalan batin ) terlalu kotor dan
jijik justeru kerna syirik kahfi yakni ; berhala dalam diri , nafsu yang
tersembunyi : Tepuk dada tanyai diri anda; betul atau tidak? , benar atau salah
? ‘ ; kerna ‘Dia’ tahu dan melihat apa yang ada di dalam hati kamu ( amalan
batin kamu ) dan pasti tidak bisa tertipu atau ditipu dengan hiasan luaran ;
pakaian indah yang menyembunyikan diri kamu yang sebenar.
61. Tahukah kamu di dalam
neraka, ada neraka yang neraka lain yang di sekitarnya amat takut sekali
berjiran dengannya , kerna kepanasannya itu neraka sendiri pun terlalu takut
dengannya. Kerna neraka itu adalah tempatnya terkumpul semua manusia yang
hebat-hebat belaka , ternama , masyhur dan terkenal seantero dunia . Terdiri
daripada para Al – hafis, ustaz, guru, ulamak, pejuang Islam , ahli sedekah,
dermawan, penulis, karyawan, dan sebagainya . Tetapi , sayang sekali, segala
amalan mereka itu hanya salutannya sahaja tetapi , di dalamnya rupa-rupa nya
ada berhala dan nafsu yang tersembunyi ; iaitulah SYIRIK KAHFI LAGI MENGKAHFI
kerna mahu gelaran( ‘Title’) mahu nama, mahu dipuji , mahu di angkat dan
disanjung, ria’ , takabur, ego , sombong dengan ilmu terasa hebat kagum kepada
kehebatan diri sendiri ( ‘ujud”) : bukankah itu semua ‘ BERTUHANKAN DIRI
SENDIRI. na’uzubil lahi minzalik.
62. Berpuasa hanya bisa
dapat dahaga dan lapar kerna memberi orang makan buka puasa ( more ) kerna mahu
namanya ditulis di ‘white –board’ bukan kerna ‘Dia’ . Mengerjakan haji kerna
mahukan “ Title” haji bukan kerna ‘Dia’ dan membayar zakat fitrah dengan
rungutan di dalam hati yang bisa didengarinya ; yakni. bukan kerna ‘ Dia’
63. Memang Rukun Islam
itu wajib , tetapi hakikatnya SAJA. Yakni, menyempurnakan semua rukun tersebut
saja kerna ‘Dia’ bukan dek kerna sesuatu 100 % tanpa apa-apa kepentingan
samasekali kerna kamu hanya ‘Si Haprak”. Apa yang hendak di pandangnya kamu .
Jika tiada amalan dalaman yang berjenama syirik kahfi lagi mengkahfi ; halus
lagi menghalusi. InsyaAllah Hu Ta’ala , Hati itu , ‘Rumah Muhammad’ ( Qolbun
Salim ) dan tuanpunya rumah itu adalah “Lahu Qolbun” ( ‘Hati” “Dia” ) alias “
Istana ‘Dia’ ) bukannya berhala ( bertuhankan diri atau nafsu yang tersembunyi
) justeru kerna perlakuan dalaman yang berjenama syirik kahfi lagi mengkahfi.
Justeru itu, hapuskanlah ‘Aku” yakni, berhala di dalam diri . Runtuhkan berhala
( destroy the temple ) di dalam diri kamu itu dan menjadi ‘SELFLESS” tanpa
sebarang kepentingan diri dan ‘Hapus Diri “ di dalam ‘SE” . Hanya ‘Dia’ zat
wajibal wujud . kerna tiada bisa ada dua ‘Se” supaya Insya Allahu ‘ Kadim puji
Kadin’ ( ‘Dia’ puji dirinya sendiri ) bukan lagi muhadas yang bersifat baharu
yang memuji kadim yang kekal. ; di dalam solat dan senantiasa di dalam solatun
daimun ( Kekal dalam solat ) yakni , mengingati ‘Dia’ .Firmanul lahu .” Wa
aqimissola talizikri “ ( Dan mendirikan solat kerna mengingati “Dia’ selalu ).
64. Justeru kerna ‘wujud’
kamu adalah wujud jais yakni ada pun tak pa , tak ada pun tak pa ( harus sahaja
bukannya wajib ) kerna kamu tidak penting samasekali buat ‘Dia’. Hanya dengan
rahmat ‘Dia’. kurnia ( anugerah ) “ Dia’ dan Nur ‘ Dia’saja : anda di masukkan
di tempat rahmah ‘Dia” ( Syurga ). Justeru itu , banyaklah pinta ampun akan
diri anda sendiri kerna Rasulullahi pun bisa istighfar sebanyak minima 70
hingga 100 kali sehari; sekalipun baginda di jamin rahmat ‘Dia” kerna takut
jatuh syirik kahfi yakni, ‘Berhala dalam diri’ kesan daripada nafsu yang
tersembunyi,. di dalam diri ; nau’zubil lahi minzalik. InsyaAllahu amalan
dalaman dan luaran sama-sama bersih kerna lahir daripada hati yang bersih ,
suci murni ; melaksana rukun bukan kerna wajib tetapi memang saja ikhlas kerna
‘Dia’, Justeru , kerna manifestasi amalan batin dan amalan zahir yang bersyukur
selalu di atas segala ni’mat kurnia ‘Dia”.dan ‘BUKAN DEK KERNA SESUATU supaya
100% tidak syirik . Itulah risalah TAUHID yang di bawa oleh Rasulullahi S.A.W.
; betul lagi benar.
67. Sesuai untuk
paparan di Mozilla Firefox dan di resolusi skrin 1280×768.
1. Jul 21st, 2009 |
By webmaster |
Category: Penulis Tamu, Team PerakExpress, nash ar-rawy :
Oleh : Nash Ar-Rawy
Manusia tiada upaya mencari jalan
keluar dalam menangani apa-apa
problema hidup jika tidak dengan ilham daripada yang empunya firman
iaitu ; firmanul lahu ( Firman ‘Dia”) atau kalamul lahu ( Kalam ‘Dia”)
yang Maha Pengasih lagi yang Maha Penyayang; membimbing manusia. .” Dan
barang siapa yang berusaha dan bersungguh-sungguh di jalan kami,
pastinya kami bisa pimpin mereka kapada jalan kami” Maksud Qur’an (
Surah Ankabut: 69 ) ‘ Justeru kerna , “Dia” yang menyatakannya “ Lahu
kun fayakaun “.( Dua ayat sebelum akhir surah yasin )
problema hidup jika tidak dengan ilham daripada yang empunya firman
iaitu ; firmanul lahu ( Firman ‘Dia”) atau kalamul lahu ( Kalam ‘Dia”)
yang Maha Pengasih lagi yang Maha Penyayang; membimbing manusia. .” Dan
barang siapa yang berusaha dan bersungguh-sungguh di jalan kami,
pastinya kami bisa pimpin mereka kapada jalan kami” Maksud Qur’an (
Surah Ankabut: 69 ) ‘ Justeru kerna , “Dia” yang menyatakannya “ Lahu
kun fayakaun “.( Dua ayat sebelum akhir surah yasin )
Yang empunya kata kun itulah (
“Master of say” ) sahaja yang bisa
melakukannya. kerna kontak manusia dengan ‘Dia’ adalah melalui ilham
secara langsung daripadanya tanpa disedari oleh manusia itu sendiri
‘kehadirannya’ di dalam kalbu memberikan inspirasi . Apabila manusia
itu tiada lagi ‘ Body ‘, ‘ Mind’, and ‘Soul’. Yakni, dalam keadaan
‘Selfless’ mematikan dirinya setelah perserahan total kepada yang
empunya firman yang berlaku pada ‘ The living person’ di dalam
(Insider) bukannya ‘ The dead person” di luar ( Outsider ).
Kehadirannya di dalam hati yang disebut Qur’an sebagai Qolbun Salim(
Surah Saffat: 84 ) dan Lahu Qolbun ( Istana ‘Dia’) bukannya “ Istana
iblis” apabila si hamba yang haprak itu benar-benar zakirin, zakirat
yang tidak bisa lupa diri . Kerna jika “aku-diri” itu yang disangka
hebat ; itulah nafsu yang tersebunyi atau syirik kafi dengan keegoan .
bongkak dan kesombongan.
melakukannya. kerna kontak manusia dengan ‘Dia’ adalah melalui ilham
secara langsung daripadanya tanpa disedari oleh manusia itu sendiri
‘kehadirannya’ di dalam kalbu memberikan inspirasi . Apabila manusia
itu tiada lagi ‘ Body ‘, ‘ Mind’, and ‘Soul’. Yakni, dalam keadaan
‘Selfless’ mematikan dirinya setelah perserahan total kepada yang
empunya firman yang berlaku pada ‘ The living person’ di dalam
(Insider) bukannya ‘ The dead person” di luar ( Outsider ).
Kehadirannya di dalam hati yang disebut Qur’an sebagai Qolbun Salim(
Surah Saffat: 84 ) dan Lahu Qolbun ( Istana ‘Dia’) bukannya “ Istana
iblis” apabila si hamba yang haprak itu benar-benar zakirin, zakirat
yang tidak bisa lupa diri . Kerna jika “aku-diri” itu yang disangka
hebat ; itulah nafsu yang tersebunyi atau syirik kafi dengan keegoan .
bongkak dan kesombongan.
Justeru kerana ‘Dia’ lah guru segala
guru yang sebenarnya , yang
setiap detik mengajar manusia bukan secara tertonggok . Tetapi secara
langsung yakni Ilham atau mimpi atau melalui isteri, anak-anak atau
rakan-rakan atau di atas sesuatu kejadian yang berlaku. Jika manusia
mengambil i’tibar daripadanya kerna “Dia’ yang sebenarnya sedang
mengajar kamu secara sedar ; bukan ‘menurun’. Tetapi kamu pula yang
tidak bisa sedar akannya; cukup malang sekali tidak bisa merasainya dan
melihatnya kerna hijab itu adalah diri kamu itu sendiri yang tidak bisa
sensitif dan observasi akan kehadirannya di dalam diri ,” ‘Dia”
sembunyi di dalam terang.kerna ‘ Dia’ ‘shapeless” ‘formless’ : Kosong
semata-mata ( ‘emptiness) maka diri juga bisa kosong untuk masuk
frekuensi ‘Dia” iaitu: “ Jauh tidak berantara, dekat tiadak bersempadan
‘ Yakni, “Ketiadaan Ada” atau “ The Existance Of None” : ‘Noneness ‘ ‘
Nothingness’ .Namun, dalam kekosongan dan ‘infinity’ itu , “Dia” bisa
saja berfiman “ Kun fayakun” ertinya bisa kembali kepada frekuensi(
wasilah ) “ Dia’ yang original sebelum wujud alam maya ini lagi ( ‘Loh
Kun’ ) “ Now and Forever”.
setiap detik mengajar manusia bukan secara tertonggok . Tetapi secara
langsung yakni Ilham atau mimpi atau melalui isteri, anak-anak atau
rakan-rakan atau di atas sesuatu kejadian yang berlaku. Jika manusia
mengambil i’tibar daripadanya kerna “Dia’ yang sebenarnya sedang
mengajar kamu secara sedar ; bukan ‘menurun’. Tetapi kamu pula yang
tidak bisa sedar akannya; cukup malang sekali tidak bisa merasainya dan
melihatnya kerna hijab itu adalah diri kamu itu sendiri yang tidak bisa
sensitif dan observasi akan kehadirannya di dalam diri ,” ‘Dia”
sembunyi di dalam terang.kerna ‘ Dia’ ‘shapeless” ‘formless’ : Kosong
semata-mata ( ‘emptiness) maka diri juga bisa kosong untuk masuk
frekuensi ‘Dia” iaitu: “ Jauh tidak berantara, dekat tiadak bersempadan
‘ Yakni, “Ketiadaan Ada” atau “ The Existance Of None” : ‘Noneness ‘ ‘
Nothingness’ .Namun, dalam kekosongan dan ‘infinity’ itu , “Dia” bisa
saja berfiman “ Kun fayakun” ertinya bisa kembali kepada frekuensi(
wasilah ) “ Dia’ yang original sebelum wujud alam maya ini lagi ( ‘Loh
Kun’ ) “ Now and Forever”.
Bukankah yang empunya firman
menyatakan, “ ‘allamal insa na malam
ya’lam “ ( Sesungguhnya Akulah yang mengajar manusia akan perkara yang
tidak pernah di ketahuinya ) : Suratul ‘alaq: ayat 5 . ii) “ Then he
inspired it ( with the knowledge of ) what is wrong for it and what is
right for it’ ( Suratul shams: ayat 8 ) seperti solat sunat istiqarah
yang dilakukan. iii) “ Wallah Hu qolakolum wama ta’ malun” ( Allah Hu
yang mencipta kamu dan segala perbuatan kamu ) : Saffat: 96 . Alangkah
baiknya jika semua masjid dan musolla di dunia ini, pada setiap waktu
selepas solat sunat maghrib melakukan solat sunat hajat. Pasti ramai
yang bisa ‘tumpang sekaki’ kerna hajat masing-masing malu diceritakan.
Justeru kerna mahu berimam , tak bisa bikin sendiri. Bukankah itu lebih
baik daripada menghabiskan kopi . Semua umat Islam sedunia bisa
mendapat munafaat daripadanya dan menyelesaikan problema ummah setiap
hari pinta pada yang empunya firman. InsyaAllah masjid bisa diimarahkan
jika ianyanya dijadikan agenda tetap masjid.
ya’lam “ ( Sesungguhnya Akulah yang mengajar manusia akan perkara yang
tidak pernah di ketahuinya ) : Suratul ‘alaq: ayat 5 . ii) “ Then he
inspired it ( with the knowledge of ) what is wrong for it and what is
right for it’ ( Suratul shams: ayat 8 ) seperti solat sunat istiqarah
yang dilakukan. iii) “ Wallah Hu qolakolum wama ta’ malun” ( Allah Hu
yang mencipta kamu dan segala perbuatan kamu ) : Saffat: 96 . Alangkah
baiknya jika semua masjid dan musolla di dunia ini, pada setiap waktu
selepas solat sunat maghrib melakukan solat sunat hajat. Pasti ramai
yang bisa ‘tumpang sekaki’ kerna hajat masing-masing malu diceritakan.
Justeru kerna mahu berimam , tak bisa bikin sendiri. Bukankah itu lebih
baik daripada menghabiskan kopi . Semua umat Islam sedunia bisa
mendapat munafaat daripadanya dan menyelesaikan problema ummah setiap
hari pinta pada yang empunya firman. InsyaAllah masjid bisa diimarahkan
jika ianyanya dijadikan agenda tetap masjid.
Manusia, masakan bisa mencipta atau
menulis , mengarang, melukis ,
mengajar dan berkarya kerna sebenarnya ‘Dia’ yang memberikan ilham
kepada kamu untuk melakukan itu semua ! Bukanlah terbukti ‘Dia’ adalah
‘Guru segala guru”;
mengajar dan berkarya kerna sebenarnya ‘Dia’ yang memberikan ilham
kepada kamu untuk melakukan itu semua ! Bukanlah terbukti ‘Dia’ adalah
‘Guru segala guru”;
Yang Maha Pencipta alam semesta ini
kerna “Dia’ yang empunya ilmu
yang mengajar kamu sepanjang masa jika kamu menyedarinya; dalam
senantiasa berhubungan dengannya sepanjang masa melalui ilham daripada
‘Dia’. ‘Dia’ juga yang empunya ilmu laduni yang diberikan kepada
sesiapa yang dikehendakinya asal sahaja perserahan diri kamu itu total
, hati yang bersih dan bertuhankan yang empunya ilmu bukan kepada ilmu.
yang mengajar kamu sepanjang masa jika kamu menyedarinya; dalam
senantiasa berhubungan dengannya sepanjang masa melalui ilham daripada
‘Dia’. ‘Dia’ juga yang empunya ilmu laduni yang diberikan kepada
sesiapa yang dikehendakinya asal sahaja perserahan diri kamu itu total
, hati yang bersih dan bertuhankan yang empunya ilmu bukan kepada ilmu.
Justeru kerna, ilmu tidak bisa
menyelamatkan kamu, kecuali jika kamu
bertauhid kepada yang empunya ilmu. Contohnya, azazil yang dipergurui
oleh para malaikat kantoi kerena lupa kepada yang empunya ilmu yang
bisa menyelamatkan bukan ilmu . Justeru orang yang merasakan dirinya
hebat dan pintar serta memandang orang lain semuanya rendah belaka.;
sebenarnya manusia yang paling bodoh sekali di dalam dunia kerna yang
Maha hebat dan Maha Bijaksana adalah “Dia” yang empunya ilmu , sedang
kamu sebenarnya Si Haprak ! yang tidak tahu apa-apa dan tidak memiliki
apa-apa; sebaliknya dimiliki “Dia” yang empunya segala.
bertauhid kepada yang empunya ilmu. Contohnya, azazil yang dipergurui
oleh para malaikat kantoi kerena lupa kepada yang empunya ilmu yang
bisa menyelamatkan bukan ilmu . Justeru orang yang merasakan dirinya
hebat dan pintar serta memandang orang lain semuanya rendah belaka.;
sebenarnya manusia yang paling bodoh sekali di dalam dunia kerna yang
Maha hebat dan Maha Bijaksana adalah “Dia” yang empunya ilmu , sedang
kamu sebenarnya Si Haprak ! yang tidak tahu apa-apa dan tidak memiliki
apa-apa; sebaliknya dimiliki “Dia” yang empunya segala.
Oleh yang demikian, untuk membolehkan
bisa selalu berkomunikasi
dengan ‘Dia’ insyaAllah melalui ilham banyaklah menjadi zakirin (
lelaki) dan zakirat( perempuan) yang berzikir , mosollin, solatun
daimun , fissajidin , qolbun salim dan merendahkan diri ( hamba yang
‘humble’)kepadanya. Sebarang perlakuan anda hendaklah bukan dek kerna
sesuatu dan tidak bisa punya apa-apa kepentingan “ waqosyiarrahma nabil
ghoib “ ( ikhlas kepada yang Maha Ghaib ) : Surah Yasin: ll .
dengan ‘Dia’ insyaAllah melalui ilham banyaklah menjadi zakirin (
lelaki) dan zakirat( perempuan) yang berzikir , mosollin, solatun
daimun , fissajidin , qolbun salim dan merendahkan diri ( hamba yang
‘humble’)kepadanya. Sebarang perlakuan anda hendaklah bukan dek kerna
sesuatu dan tidak bisa punya apa-apa kepentingan “ waqosyiarrahma nabil
ghoib “ ( ikhlas kepada yang Maha Ghaib ) : Surah Yasin: ll .
Zu’ juga adalah suatu keadaan
berkomunikasi dengan Dia’ secara
‘hapus diri’ atau ‘selfless” , ‘ mindless’ bodiless’ dan ‘soulless’.
Waktu itu, bukan lagi muhadas yang berbicara dengan kadim, tetapi kadim
puji kadim . Kamu berada di suatu tempat yang tidak ada yang ada atau
‘Virtual Reality “ yakni , ‘The Unseem Truth “ in the ‘Unknown horizon
‘ tetapi di dalam keadaan anda sedar dan nampak sekeliling tetapi lihat
tanpa melihat ( ‘see without seeing ) dengar tanpa mendengar ( ‘listen
without listening’ ) dan bicara tanpa berbicara ( ‘Talk without
talking” ) bukannya ‘menurun” tetapi sedar,
‘hapus diri’ atau ‘selfless” , ‘ mindless’ bodiless’ dan ‘soulless’.
Waktu itu, bukan lagi muhadas yang berbicara dengan kadim, tetapi kadim
puji kadim . Kamu berada di suatu tempat yang tidak ada yang ada atau
‘Virtual Reality “ yakni , ‘The Unseem Truth “ in the ‘Unknown horizon
‘ tetapi di dalam keadaan anda sedar dan nampak sekeliling tetapi lihat
tanpa melihat ( ‘see without seeing ) dengar tanpa mendengar ( ‘listen
without listening’ ) dan bicara tanpa berbicara ( ‘Talk without
talking” ) bukannya ‘menurun” tetapi sedar,
ni adalah kerna komunikasi yang luar
biasa ini berlaku di dalam
kerna yang ghaib sahaja yang bisa tenggelam dengan yang Maha Ghaib ) .
:’Nurun ‘ala nurun”( Cahaya dalam Cahaya ) Roh tukar ‘Channel” kepada
Rohani , kepada cahaya ., Nur Muhammad tenggelam di dalam Nurullah dan
kepada Nur zat . Namun jangan bertuhankan, diri , nyawa, nafas, roh,
dan cahaya kerna “Dia’ bukan itu semua tetapi yang empunya diri,nyawa,
nafas , roh, rohani dan nur.
kerna yang ghaib sahaja yang bisa tenggelam dengan yang Maha Ghaib ) .
:’Nurun ‘ala nurun”( Cahaya dalam Cahaya ) Roh tukar ‘Channel” kepada
Rohani , kepada cahaya ., Nur Muhammad tenggelam di dalam Nurullah dan
kepada Nur zat . Namun jangan bertuhankan, diri , nyawa, nafas, roh,
dan cahaya kerna “Dia’ bukan itu semua tetapi yang empunya diri,nyawa,
nafas , roh, rohani dan nur.
Binatang pun bisa mempunyai nyawa
tetapi tidak bisa ada roh .
Justeru itu, yang bisa zu’ dalam komunikasi dua hala atau ‘Bi Lateral”
itu adalah ‘ The Living Person’ yang di dalam yang bertukar kepada
rohani dan nur secara automatis dalam berinteraksi secara batin dalam
batin , Ghaib dalam Ghaib . Cahaya dalam cahaya. Namun , ‘The dead
person” yang di luar yakni, batang tubuh tiada bisa zu’ ( ‘Cognitive
annihilated ecstasy) kerna dia materi atau physique. Yang bisa kembali
kepada tanah secara fisikalnya dan Si Ghaib pula bisa kembali kepada
Yang Maha Ghaib InsyaAllahu jika bisa berlaku ‘Mati’ sebelum mati
dengan izinnya bisa berlaku sekarang . “Now and Forever” secara sedar
kerna melalui ‘Nur’ yang di dalam (‘Insider’)bukan yang di luar (
‘Outsider’) Yakni ,” being Selfless” (Hapus aku ) yang ada hanyalah “
The Supra Living Being “ yang ada sebelum alam ini ada : Yakni, Yang
Empunya Firman/’ words’ ; ( Master of say ) dahulu , sekarang dan akan
datang, yang senantiasa mengajar kamu melalui ilham . Pintalah pada
Firmanul lahu ( Firman ‘Dia’) yang empunya kata kun. Bukankah ‘Dia’
sumber inspirasi yang bisa berikan ilham kepada semut dan lebah membina
rumah. Jadikan rumah kamu ‘ Rumah Muhammad’ ( Qolbun Salim ) dan
tuanpunya rumah itu ‘ Lahu Qolbun :” ( Istana ‘ Dia’) dalam kalbu;
rasa, merasa dan terasa kehadirannya dan kalimahnya di dalam diri .
Akhirnya, yang wujud hanyalah kalimah dan yamg empunya kalimah (
‘words’) : Alif( berdiri ), Lam( Ruku’) Mim(Sujud). Dan yang empunya
kalimah ( ‘Master of words” “Master of say “ ).
Justeru itu, yang bisa zu’ dalam komunikasi dua hala atau ‘Bi Lateral”
itu adalah ‘ The Living Person’ yang di dalam yang bertukar kepada
rohani dan nur secara automatis dalam berinteraksi secara batin dalam
batin , Ghaib dalam Ghaib . Cahaya dalam cahaya. Namun , ‘The dead
person” yang di luar yakni, batang tubuh tiada bisa zu’ ( ‘Cognitive
annihilated ecstasy) kerna dia materi atau physique. Yang bisa kembali
kepada tanah secara fisikalnya dan Si Ghaib pula bisa kembali kepada
Yang Maha Ghaib InsyaAllahu jika bisa berlaku ‘Mati’ sebelum mati
dengan izinnya bisa berlaku sekarang . “Now and Forever” secara sedar
kerna melalui ‘Nur’ yang di dalam (‘Insider’)bukan yang di luar (
‘Outsider’) Yakni ,” being Selfless” (Hapus aku ) yang ada hanyalah “
The Supra Living Being “ yang ada sebelum alam ini ada : Yakni, Yang
Empunya Firman/’ words’ ; ( Master of say ) dahulu , sekarang dan akan
datang, yang senantiasa mengajar kamu melalui ilham . Pintalah pada
Firmanul lahu ( Firman ‘Dia’) yang empunya kata kun. Bukankah ‘Dia’
sumber inspirasi yang bisa berikan ilham kepada semut dan lebah membina
rumah. Jadikan rumah kamu ‘ Rumah Muhammad’ ( Qolbun Salim ) dan
tuanpunya rumah itu ‘ Lahu Qolbun :” ( Istana ‘ Dia’) dalam kalbu;
rasa, merasa dan terasa kehadirannya dan kalimahnya di dalam diri .
Akhirnya, yang wujud hanyalah kalimah dan yamg empunya kalimah (
‘words’) : Alif( berdiri ), Lam( Ruku’) Mim(Sujud). Dan yang empunya
kalimah ( ‘Master of words” “Master of say “ ).
Bukannya ‘Istana Iblis’ yakni ‘
Berhala dalam diri’ kerna bersada
nafsu yang tersembunyi . syirik kafi lagi mengkafi ( halus lagi
menghalus) kerna bertauhidkan diri bukan ‘SE’ pada ‘Dia’,
nafsu yang tersembunyi . syirik kafi lagi mengkafi ( halus lagi
menghalus) kerna bertauhidkan diri bukan ‘SE’ pada ‘Dia’,
Ini semua, aksi dan reaksi kerja di
balik batang; sirih kembali ke
gagang yakni: jalan mahu kembali kepada ‘Dia’; mati’ sebelum mati
dengan seizin ’Dia’; kerna ‘Dia’ yang berbuat .
gagang yakni: jalan mahu kembali kepada ‘Dia’; mati’ sebelum mati
dengan seizin ’Dia’; kerna ‘Dia’ yang berbuat .
Monday, July 1, 2013
Sunday, June 30, 2013
youtube.com/watch?v=2dIGJO8zIVg&list=UUVaEucv7zmWECwc3ghrtbGg&index=1 … SUFI SONGS 05 ; " DIA " http://www.Youtube.com ( nasharrawy
) http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com www.twitter.com/adnanrawa
SUFI LYRICS : nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/03/lirik-nash-ar-rawy-terma-dan-kondisi.html … " LIRIK
NASH Ar-RAWY " ; TERMA DAN KONDISI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQqqYj1A3g&list=UUVaEucv7zmWECwc3ghrtbGg&index=1 … … SUFI SONGS
04: CITRA DIRI by: Nash Ar-Rawy
PLS C : http://bloggerpakatan.com/v/2840
Sunday, June 30, 2013
1. Wednesday, January 30, 2013
BY UMNO-MAHATHIR! by: Nash Ar-Rawy
Citizenship is not a game to be played with as a mockery by the politicians ,
National Leadership and government servants such the Immigration Department,
NRD “ PDRM “ , “ SPRM” and EC. Because it involves the future of
the country and national security. But Mahathir had sold out Malaysia just to win
the General Election in Sabah . He had also humiliated the Chinese and Indians
in this country when he argued about the one million citizenship given by Tunku
to the British Subjects in Malaysia.
As a matter a fact, many old Chinese who came here until now were not given the
Blue IC’s and many Indians who were born here are “ nationless “ . But, on the
other hand; foreigners such as Bangla, Indon, Filipinos, Pakistani and
Mynmars were given the Blue IC’s by NRD and listed as voters in the ELECTORAL
ROLL by EC! . The act of treason by Mahathir of the BLUE IC’s SCANDALS in a
syndicate collaborations of : Mahathir ( now with Najib) – NRD and EC and the
key person in NRD is Wan Ahmad b. Wan Omar ; who was the traitor of BLUE IC’s
syndicate since 1999 being the Sabah EC Director and now still in office as the
Deputy EC Malaysia Director . How come a traitor of the nation is still in
office? And how come there's no room for Mahathir; the traitor in ISA!
How did Mahathir sold the nation with the NRD and EC Collaborations:
Phase 1 : G17( Group 17 ) BLUE IC’s
Projects : 1990-1992
1. Leader: Ex Sabah NRD
Chief : Abdul Rauf Sani ( 1990-1092)
2. G17 Blue IC’s
syndicate members:
2.1 . NRD officers: Kee
Dzulkifly Kee Abdul Jalil, Yakub Damsah, Asli Sidup.
2.2 Politician: Political
Sec.of Mahathir at that time: Aziz Shamsuddin.
2.3 Duration: Since 1990
1. Sabah NRD officers
processed between 40,000 to 100,00 BLUE IC’s for foreigners; particulars and
IC’s at that time were processed by hand.
2. After the particulars
were written in the respective cards according to the forms supplied to the
respective officers; it’s being sent to NRD HQ at Petaling Jaya to be laminated
prior to sending it to Kota Kinabalu.
3. The respective
officers told that they never argued on the application forms and how they
received it , and only filled up the forms for the BLUE IC’s purpose.
4. They claimed operation
operated from Tan Sri Aziz Shamsuddin’s residence at Kpg Pandan. Asli
Sidup described the activities as “ Extra Ordinary Practices “.
5. Another officer, Khee
Dzulkifly Khee Abdul Jalil described the operation as “ G17 “ ( Group 17 )
said: they also issued about 200,000 BIRTH CERTIFICATES to the immigrants.
6. These documents are
essential for the application of BLUE IC’s follow-up. It’s called G17
because it involved 17 members.
7. The Operation Chief,
abdul Rauf Sani confirmed about the info ( above ) but denied using the
name “ G 17” he claimed acted on his own.
8. All the known
personalities were later detained under the ISA for at least 2 years.
9. Only one i.e. Abdul
Rauf, was detained under ISA for 2 months, followed by a house limitation
detained for 5 months.
10. Abdul Rauf now is he
Chief Executive Officer of Totalisator Board of Malaysia under the Ministry Of
1. Leader: Operation
Chief: Ramli Kamaruddin ( 1993-1995)
2. Syndicate Members:
2.1. Ex Sabah NRD Chief: Ramli Kamaruddin (
1993-1995 )
2.2. Ex Sabah NRD Deputy Chief Director: Mohd
Nasir Sugip
2.3. Asli Sidu NRD Officer also a member
of G17
2.4. Ex Sabah EC Chief: WAN AHMAD WAN OMAR (
The Current Deputy Director Of EC Malaysia still )
2.5. Ex Sabah CM : Osu Sukam.
2.6. Ex Deputy Minister Of Home Affairs: Megat
Junid Megat Ayub.
3.DURATION: Since 1993
1. Sabah EC gave
electorates info to Sabah NRD. All info were taken inclusive of names, I.C. No.
of registered voters who never voted or died.
to foreigners using these info ( above ) implaced the foreigners as legal
and registered voters in order to vote as the original voters! ) .
3. According to the
Election Regulations; these TEMPORARY RECEIPTS issued prior to issuing of the
Blue Ic’s are good enough to ALLOW ANY INDIVIDUAL TO VOTE . In this case
involving FOREIGNERS!
4. “ PANTOM VOTERS” were
implaced in areas difficult for UBN to win according to the RCI witnesses.
5. The Operation Chief,
Ramli Kamaruddin clarified that; he implemented these projects after he
received the DIRECTION in a meeting with the EX DEPUTY HOME MINISTER, Megat
6. Also presence at the meeting
was Asli Sidup;. NRD Officer and OSU SUKAM who was later became the Sabah CM in
The current Deputy EC Malaysia,( WAN AHMAD WAN OMAR ) must RESIGN
effective immediately or must be suspended for good; for the sake of the nation
safety and security; for he’s the man involved in EC scandals with NRD
initiated by Megat Junid and Aziz Shamsuddin with Mahathir as the MASTER MIND
as admitted by him himself! .The well known veteran devil TRAITOR OF THE
NATION . Why he’s not send to ISA! Or awaiting to become as Suharto ! or
And how the nation was sold with: 138,000 of ‘ PANTOM VOTERS “ unidentified
locality but allowed by EC Selangor; just for the reason that their names have
been registered as voters . And Lajim parliamentarian of Sabah said: 40,000 of
Sabahans were sent by EC as voters in Selangor! 80% are foreigners; Filipinos
and Indonesia. And PM of Bangladesh once said many Bangla were given BLUE IC’s
by NRD and registered as voters in the ELECTORAL ROLL by EC ! ( the portal in
the internet was deleted then ) .
If all these Mahathir( and Najib now ) –NRD- EC scandals has occurred in Sabah!
Who could say no it won’t recur in Selangor , Penang, kedah, Terengganu and
Kelantan with the same MODUS OPERANDI ! “SPRM” SUHAKAM must take up these
treacherous matter with the Parliament and Agong LEGAL authorized to
clean up the ELECTORAL ROLL immediately in order to avoid “ Arab Spring”
Thus! it's crystal clear EC and NRD could not be trusted any more being the SUBORDINATES and BRANCHES of Umno to create a FALSE VICTORY in the GE13!; its senior officers must be SUSPENDED immediately ! RCI should also move on with its TRANSPARENT INQUIRY and look into the FALSE ELECTORAL ROLL SYNDICATES in Selangor, Penang, Perak, Terengganu and Kelantan as well! .
Thus! it's crystal clear EC and NRD could not be trusted any more being the SUBORDINATES and BRANCHES of Umno to create a FALSE VICTORY in the GE13!; its senior officers must be SUSPENDED immediately ! RCI should also move on with its TRANSPARENT INQUIRY and look into the FALSE ELECTORAL ROLL SYNDICATES in Selangor, Penang, Perak, Terengganu and Kelantan as well! .
SOURCE: RCI FINDINGS in harakah dated : 1-3
FEB 2013
by: Nash Ar-Rawy/31.01.13.
by: Nash Ar-Rawy/31.01.13.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
By; Nash Ar-Rawy
PAS is One Malaysia Islamic Party formally a section of Umno religious group
left Umno when the Welfare Lottery was approved by the government . In
replacement ; PAS has been continuing the plight of Hisbul Muslimin which was
banned by the British Colonial except for Umno . Being the “ Neo-Colonization “
party inspired and groomed by the British colonial . Till now Umno has
been the “ Neo-Colonial “ of the British rule by refuting the Hudud Law.
Eventhough it’s only meant for the muslims only !.
The latest being Najib’s press statement in 29 SEPT 2011 that Malaysia can
never implement the Hudud Law ! . Whereas ; PAS had gazetted the Hudud Law in
the Kelantan and Terengganu State Assemblies . But was restricted by UBN
Federal Government based on a letter of threat from the Prime Minister’s dest
i.e Mahathir to the Chief Minister TGNA of Kelantan! .
Meaning , all these while Islam is merely a mockery of Umno ; the peak of the
Islamic values such as Islamic Banking System and Islamic University are merely
a show case . To compete with PAS Islamic plight when the end result is refuted
Hudud Law . Because Islamic Bank could give them money , but Hudud Law can’t
fill up their bellies ; But will put them in troublesome!!.
Felda, Felcra and kampong folks are deceived by Umno because they don’t get the
latest updated information as received by the Urban and Sub-Urban Muslims with
the internet at their finger tips . To them; Umno is the savior of Islam and
the Malays !
They are not bothered RM52 Billions of Bumi Shares swindled by Umno leaders !
PKRZ and Syarizat Cowshit scandals etc . They are satisfied with the BRIM and
lived happily with Umno’s cronism, corruptions and abuses of power! . These are
the mentality of the rural Malays imbued with Umno’s propaganda on the
electronic media ; “ TV Tiga Suku “ Berita Hairan and Utusan Meloya ‘. They do
not know the other side of the story until they never realized that Umno is “
Melayu Tipu Melayu “ . New Economic Policy and in whatever renamed policy is
merely for people like Ananda Krishnan, Syed Mokhtar, YTL etc . The majority of
the Malays , Chinese, Indians, Kadazans , Muruts, Dayak are still poor
especially in Sabah and Sarawak ; rich states but poor people! .
And for the average people they could just survive with all the economic
pressure with the prices of things gone up and GST imposed on them ; whereas
they don’t even get BRIM for that matter . And everybody is paying for the
repercussions of UBN 47% minority rule .
Thanks to Bangsa Malaysia 51% Majority Popular Votes . But EC “ Electoral
Cheaters “ or “ Electoral Culprits “ had been the tools and fools of Umno for
UBN fake or frauds victory . Proven by even Umno filed up its petitions
against EC as well ; not only from PR !!. Especially when the indelible ink was
not even indelible at all. But still the Electoral Cheaters or Culprits
insisted of resignation!
Now is not the era of racial mockery of Umno, MCA and MIC !!.The first
President of Umno left Umno and formed Party Negara because Umno refuted
non-Malays to join Umno . The latest being Umno rejected One Single Party i.e.
turning Umno into BN as one party ! . This proves that Umno is a purely Malay
Racist Party and not for Bangsa Malaysia . One Malaysia is merely a mockery of
Umno for “ ONE CRONY ONE MALAYSIA” !!!.It’s an eye-washed !!!.
Since Islam is based on the Kitabullah ( Al –Qur’an ) and Assunnah ( Presedents
and Hadis of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.) .And there’s no such “ Kitab “
for Islam Arabs, Islam Persians , Islam Turkeys , Islam Indians, Islam Chinese
or even Islam Malays for that matter! Racism is out from the picture ; let it
be partially or fully as Umno is !! . But there is only ONE : “ ISLAM
ISLAM “ as “ rahmatan lil’alameen “ ( a blesseth to the whole world ) . “ Adden
Waddah and Addeen wa Syariah “ ( government and Islamic Law ).
Rasulullah s.a.w. even joined the plight against injustice with a “ tahaluf
siasi “ ( Political Co-operation ) with the Madinah Yahood against the
Mekkah Arab kabilahs musryrikin ( pagans ) when injustices were done towards
the prophet and the Yahood. Injustices is being done by Umno Rule ;
Abuses of power as in the Sedition Act ! Mahthir not arrested when he humiliated
the Malay Sultanate in the Constitution Crisis! Umno also withdrawn the bumi
scholarships and Bahasa Melayu being degraded ! ; the massacres of the Memali,
blocking Royalty to the Kelantanese 90% are Muslims ; refuted the Hudud Law,
swindled RM52 Billions Bumi Shares
history proven that when Umno is ‘strong’ they kicked out PAS from BN until PAS
is flattened and now thanks to the almighty ; PAS has reemerged stronger as
ever ! Will PAS join UBN ?? Remember, Activists of the Black 505 GE13 Frauds
Protests were arrested under the Sedition Act but RACISTS such as Mahtir, Najib
( Chinese Tsunami ; actually Bangsa Malaysia Tsunami ) , Zul and Ibrahim
frogies , Ali Rustam and Mohd Noor were not arrested! A crystal clear injustice
of the 47% minority rule. A continuation of the Electoral Frauds done by
Mahthir, Aziz Shamsuddin and Megat Junid as revealed by RCI in Sabah ; the same
Wan Ahmad is in the peninsula abetments with Umno for a fake victory .RCI must
clean up the EC “ Electoral Cheaters “ for injustices have been done and set a
new body of EC recognizes by UBN and PR ; then only set under the Agong’s
Jurisdiction ( Parliament not under PM ) !! .
It’s a stupidty if you don’t learn through history . You must know who is
the known Devil as Mahathir reaffirmed when asked by reporters, “ We ( UMNO/BN
) are the one . When the post GE13 concluded . Mahathir said,” Umno is only
meant for the wealthy cronies ; filling up their bellies only ; Umno is not for
the people at all “ . without realizing that his family is one of them
inclusive he himself that has turned Umno into what it is now !!! not as in the
era of Tunku !!! . Full of Corruptions , Cronyism and abuses of power . Even
Tunku died outside Umno !
By : Nash Ar-Rawy
/24.6.13 www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com
For: www.multiversiti.wordpress.com
For: www.multiversiti.wordpress.com
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
http://nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/03/sulu-conspiracies-umno-mahthir-megat.html |
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
According to Mat Sabu in his meeting with EC; when asked how many of the ½
million Umno IC projects in Sabah are sent to Peninsula? The number could not
be revealed due to RCI case is still on.( Pending for six months to save Umno
from further denounces by the masses! ) Meaning which; the number not
known; but they were sent to Peninsula to support Umno votes in the GE13! ;
refer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLkUVWKMzMY&feature=youtu.be
Sabah parliamentarian; Datuk Lajim said. “ 42,000 of them were sent to
Selangor! . And Selangor Pakatan Government findings that costs RM1Million
found out that ; 132,000 electorates are without localities! But EC permitted
them to vote in the GE13 for they are registered voters! In Bagan Dato Perak,
parliamentary seat; 5 Pakistani were traced as some of the illegal immigrants
granted IC’s and names in the ELECTORAL ROLL being given in Sabah! Who gave
the IC’s in the first place; if not the conspiracies and treachery efforts
made by Umno- NRD and EC ! ; being Umno SUBORDINATES AND UMNO BRANCHES!
Umno tries to divert our security failures in Lahat Datu and semporna when 10
of our security forces men died! ; by accusing Tian Chua as saying they died
as “ Mati Katak “ which he did not uttered at all! . Najib abuses power using
the Sedition Act which he promised to abolish once! Again here: “ JANJI
DICAPATI “ talking lies for Umno survival! .But did not work for we now have
the social internets which revealed the whole truth about it and Umno’s
mockery and political games! And Tian Chua is the victim of Umno; being the
‘Scape Goat “ in the Sulu Standoff! .
According to ‘ Solidarity Lahat Datu ‘ forum dated March 15 2013; organized
by Pak Sako Academy ; Ex General Datuk Ghafir info; Military
intelligents were used as Umno Intelligents for Umno politics purposes and
not to fully focused on defending the nation from any intrusion such as the
Sulu Sultan ; 200 armed intruders in Lahat Datu and Semporna!.
Najib fails to explain why his meetings with the Sulu Sultan occurred before
the intrusions. Is he the traitor and conspirator at the expense of 10 men of
our Security Forces died! Refer;http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/03/sulu-standoff-towards-mageran-and.html andhttp://www.malaysiakini.com/news/223430 ( Princess Jacel Kiram ) and http://mb.com.ph/article.php?aid=2403&sid=1&subid=1#.UT1TKDeGJbl ( Meriam Kiram ) and http://mb.com.ph/article.php?aid=1201&sid=1&subid=1#.UT1TkDeGJbl ( Nur Misuari
Why in the initial stage; the military did not step in? It has nothing to do
with the 1949 Geneva Convention as Umno excuses; not until after our 5 men
from the Security Forces died; then the Military came in with the air
strikes!!! To protect the national boundaries is not the duty of the
police ; but it must be the enforcement of our military fundamental duties!
When US intruded Somalia and Columbia; where is the Geneva Convention! It’s
Umno BULSHIT! And failures ! Meaning which the Sabahans and our nation is not
safe under Umno/BN rule! It has totally disqualified Najib’s premiership .
Thus; for the sake of the nation security and peace; Umno is “ mandatorily”
must be dethroned in the GE13! For good! .
For Mahthir suggestion to illegalized the “ Kampong Air “ is ridiculous
because they have been there for more than 50yrs! Why during his premiership;
they were not given a proper resettlement in the land. The Suluk
intruders are not due to these “ Kampong Air”; don’t simply blame them; But
it was Umno and Mahthir as the traitor to the nation by giving ½ million IC’s
and their names as electorates in the ELECTORAL ROLL; with his and Umno
conspiracies with NRD and EC! . And don’t blame the government servants
because they were forced to do so as been loyal to Umno Government; and in
returned they were sent to Detention Camp ( ISA).
Mahthir, Harris Salleh and Aziz Samsuddin must be taken to the court now for
being the traitors to the nation! Most of the IC’s holders are Filipinos
residing in Lahat Datu and Semporna! They had been there in the own “ SULUK
VILLAGERS” for more than 23yrs since before the 1990 GE! Meaning which it’s
the likeness of Penangites as “ INTRUDERS” in Butterworth of Province
Wellesly! They are all their relatives and they are very familiar with
Lahat Datu and Semporna ! ; Especially when the Sulu Moro Liberation front
under Nur Misuari were trained in Sabah before!.
Ammunitions and weapons were hidden in these areas; given by Ghadafi through
Malaysia assistance ; in the course of MNLF against the Philippines
Government for an autonomy rule in Southern Philippines. But the Sulu
Sultanate course was omitted in the negotiations for being a small army force
. The worse part of it; being Malaysians and their siblings could have
been 23 yrs old or more ; some are recruited in the Military and SB’s as well
. Meaning which; they are the insiders or informers to the Sulu Sultan army .
They know our security forces whereabouts! We sympathize our police and
soldiers who died for the nation ; just because of umno’s politics ; they are
the victims! Still !
the Raja Muda of Sulu Sultanate wanted to see Najib when easily landed in
Lahat Datu.Refer:www.globalnation.inquirer.net dated
Feb.15 2013; “ Malaysia security forces blocked their landings and demanded
they surrender their weapons.” …….. “ But there was no fighting.
We talked. We have an “ OPEN LINE “ to a “ HIGH MALAYSIAN OFFICIALS “ and “
he talked to us referring to me as YOUR EXCELLENCY ; YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS “ as
told by Raja Muda in his phone conversations .
At this point; Najib must be taken to RCI to know who is in actuality ;
the TRUE CONSPIRATOR and TRAITOR ; Anuar/Pakatan or Najib/Umno! Najib
has truly DISQUALIFIED HIMSLF AS THE PREMIER with his late action on the Sulu
Standoff! And poor Military aquipments and alertness as told by our four
Ex-Generals in Pakatan Rakyat !. They are ready to ensure and assist
with their experiences in the Military Force ; by the grace of the Almighty
that ; Pakatan will take over Putrajaya without any havoc or
disorder if “ premeditated by Umno “ ! to do the otherwise! Likewise;
High ranking Police personnels in PAS will give their assistance to
PAKATAN ADVISORY SECURITY COUNCIL for a smooth and peaceful transition of
government from UBN to PAKATAN RAKYAT! “ ALLAH HU AKBAR! “
Tian Chua issue is merely a slanderous attitude of Umno to divert the masses
attention of Umno conspiracy and treachery towards the nation and endangers
the Sabahans , Peace and National Security ! . Vote for ABU; “ ANYTHING BUT
By: Nash Ar-Rawy/20.3.13
Updated by :
www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com and www.twitter.com/adnanrawa
SUFI LYRICS : nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/03/lirik-nash-ar-rawy-terma-dan-kondisi.html … " LIRIK NASH Ar-RAWY " ;
TERMA DAN KONDISI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQqqYj1A3g&list=UUVaEucv7zmWECwc3ghrtbGg&index=1 … … SUFI SONGS 04: CITRA DIRI by:
Thursday, June 13, 2013
youtube.com/watch?v=2dIGJO8zIVg&list=UUVaEucv7zmWECwc3ghrtbGg&index=1 … SUFI SONGS 05 ; " DIA
" http://www.Youtube.com ( nasharrawy ) http://www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com www.twitter.com/adnanrawa
SUFI LYRICS : nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2013/03/lirik-nash-ar-rawy-terma-dan-kondisi.html … " LIRIK NASH Ar-RAWY " ; TERMA DAN KONDISI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQqqYj1A3g&list=UUVaEucv7zmWECwc3ghrtbGg&index=1 … … SUFI SONGS 04: CITRA DIRI by: Nash Ar-Rawy ELECTORAL CHEATERS ( EC ) ; D PLAIN TRUTH N STRICT PROOFS ; NOT PRESUMPTION! PLS C : http://bloggerpakatan.com/v/2840 |
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
KOTA BHARU: Mursyidul
Am PAS Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat berkata beliau tidak akan
membenarkan sebarang usaha ke arah penyatuan PAS dan Umno selagi beliau masih
Menurut bekas Menteri Besar Kelantan itu, PAS adalah milik semua ahlinya dan sebarang tindakan atau keputusan yang dibuat perlu mendapat persetujuan daripada semua ahli khususnya melalui muktamar. “Tidak boleh sesiapapun mengatur usaha untuk mengadakan kerjasama antara PAS dan Umno apa lagi secara senyap-senyap, parti ini terbuka kepada orang ramai dan milik ahli. “Saya tidak bagi, selagi saya masih hidup saya tidak akan benarkan usaha untuk menjalin kerjasama PAS dan Umno dilakukan,” ujarnya. Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditemui Harakahdaily semalam. |
May 26: Petaling Jaya again hosted the Blackout 505 rally series, which held its ninth mammoth gathering at Padang Timur or Dataran Petaling Jaya, attracting more than 80,000 people who filled every inch of the iconic landmark. The rally, called by Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), kicked off at 5.00 pm amid drizzle, with a short break which saw the field as well as spaces inside the nearby Amcorp mall making way for Muslims to perform the Maghrib prayer. By 9.00 pm, tens of thousands were already sandwiched in the field with thousands more stranded at nearby entry points including at the Taman Jaya LRT station. Civil society groups, individual activists and top Pakatan Rakyat leaders including PAS's deputy president Mohamad Sabu and youth chief Nasrudin Hassan addressed the crowd. The rally concluded just before midnight with a fiery speech by Anwar Ibrahim who again vowed not to concede victory to BN in the controversial general election. The focus of last night's attacks by speakers was the Election Commission, with many banners condemning its head Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof and deputy Wan Ahmad Wan Omar. In recent times, the duo have been placed at the centre of growing calls for the EC's resignation, and last night appeared to be the clearest message by protesters. In his speech, Anwar urged for a mass lodging of police reports nationwide by those who witnessed fraud on polling day, saying this would further dismiss the denials by EC and BN leaders of electoral fraud. "At the very least, by this Monday, lodge a police report on the problem with indelible ink," he said. On the election petitions which PR was preparing, Anwar said Malaysians should have no illusion of justice, saying the 'people’s court' was the better judge. "You want to know about the courts, you ask Anwar," he said. "But we will go through the procedures. And we will keep gathering and we will not be cowed by your threats," Anwar added in a warning directed at Home minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi who had in the run-up to the latest rally warned the public that they were breaking the law. Anwar said EC deputy chief Wan Ahmad’s claim that GE13 was clean and fair was a blatant liar, calling him a liar "of evil proportion". "Let me make it very clear. We won the elections, and no way we will ever concede this government to the illegitimate Najib’s government. They have stolen lands, stolen tolls, stolen AES (Automatic Enforcement System), and now through the EC they have stolen our rights. Every voter has been cheated. "We will fight them, and fight them hard. We will never surrender," he stressed. SAMM chief Badrul Hisham Shaharin announced the search for 500,000 volunteers in the movement to press the authorities to address electoral fraud. He also vowed to mobilise a protest in front of the EC office to press for resignation of the commissioners. "We will sit-in there until the resignation of EC members,” he added. Related: 'Black Saturday' declared every week to mourn death of democracy Tuan Guru berkata Umno sejak awal lagi menolak dasar Islam sebagaimana yang diperjuangkan oleh PAS. Tambahnya, selain persoalan dasar parti, banyak lagi perkara yang perlu dikaji terhadap kesilapan Umno dalam perjuangan mereka. “Untuk itu tidak ada sebab kita ingin bersama mereka dan saya peringatkan pada yang lain jangan ada usaha ini,” ujarnya lagi. ONE AL HADIS SAYS: " A MUKMIN MUST NOT B BEATEN TWICE BY D SAME SNAKE IN D SAME HOLE! " THUS ! PAS WILL NEVER FALL IN SAME UBN'S HOLE AGAIN WITH D SAME SNAKE AWAITING ! D HOLE IS FULL OF SNAKES ; RACIST, CORRUPTIONS; MONOPOLISM. CRONISM N ABUSES OF POWER!; INJUSTICE 2 BANGSA MALAYSIA ; " PAS 4 ALL " IS WITH D NON RACIST PARTIES IN PAKATAN IS D NEW POLITICAL PLATFORM CONDUSIVE 2 ALL BANGSA MALAYSIA WITH 51% VOTES ; WHERAS UBN IS A RACIST PARTY OF A MINORITY 47 % RULE ! . IN PERAK UBN IS A MINORITY RULE OF ONLY 45% VOTES N PR IS D MAJORITY MANDATE OF 55% VOTES ! PR PERAK WILL SUBMIT EIGHT PETITIONS 2 HIGH COURT PERTAINING 2 D GE13 FRAUDS BY D EC " ELECTORAL CHEATERS '" ABETMENTS WITH UMNO 4 FAKE VICTORS! IF IT IS NOT CORRECTED NOW ; D SAME FRAUDS WILL RECUR N D GE14! ; BANGSA MALAYSIA DEMANDS EC " ELECTORAL CHEATERS " 2 RESIGN NOW N BROUGHT 2 COURT 4 JUSTICE ; WE WANT A CLEAN, JUST , TRANSPARENT NEW EC ACCEPTED BY UBN ; PR N BERSIH ! BERISH'S PEOPLE'S TRIBUNAL IS ON WITH D MORAL SUPPORTS OF 51% VOTES OF BANGSA MALAYSIA! ....NO WAY 4 PAS 2 JOIN UBN! IT'S A CORRUPTED, RACIST, CRONYISM , MONOPOLISM N ABUSES OF POWER! DEMOCRACY N ONE MALAYSIA IS ONLY A GAME N A PLAIN MOCKERY OF UMNO B4, NOW N FOREVER! 'COS UMNO COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT RACIST N CRONYISM CORRUPTIONS ; IT'S THEIR FLESH N BLOOD! ..... Nash Ar-Rawy/29.5.13 http://en.harakahdaily.net/index.php/headline/7289-pas-umno-merger-over-my-dead-body-says-nik-aziz.html |
SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2013
: SPR Kantoi Menipu!!!
Makkk aiiii
Aku mampos2 ingat gambar tue palsu. Pasal takde sesiapa sudi tampil jadi saksi kejadian di facebook. Di tambah pula ada page umno mana tah dok sebarkan statement yang gambar blackout tue palsu. Gambar masa latihan jek. So aku pun pepoyo arhh pergi percaya kan. Tunggu gak member2 pr sangkal hujah depa tapi sorang pun tak muncul. So tah macam mana tah aku boleh terpercaya dakwaan dari bn. Yang aku heran si SPR siap buat penafian menerusi tv dan radio beb. Gambar tersebut palsu. Aik? Kalau ko dah siasat pasal apa citer kat bawah neh bleh wujud plak? ; KENYATAAN AKHBAR ADUN SERI SERDANG YB NOOR HANIM ISMAIL GAMBAR LAKONAN BLACKOUT 505: MENYANGKAL DAKWAAN SPR Saya mengecam kenyataan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) melalui Timbalan Pengerusinya Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar yang menyatakan bahawa kejadian Blackout 505 yang tersebar di internet dan akhbar adalah fitnah dan lakonan yang dirakam sebelum PRU 13. Ternyata hasil penelitian dan siasatan awal yang dilakukan beliau bersama pegawai-pegawainya adalah sangat lemah dan hanya sekadar ingin menutup kelemahan sistem pilihanraya yang ada dan menafikan kejadian blackout yang benar-benar berlaku. Saya ingin menyatakan bahawa gambar yang tersebar tersebut adalah benar dan kejadian itu berlaku di SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN SERDANG, di bilik pengiraan undi Saluran 3. “Counting Agent” kami telah mengambil beberapa gambar sebelum dan selepas kejadian blackout tersebut itu berlaku. Saya juga melihat beberapa kelemahan Timbalan Pengerusi SPR dalam menilai beberapa aspek dikatakan Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) SPR sewaktu hari mengundi pada 5 Mei 2013 yang lalu. Bagaimana beliau sendiri tidak tahu pakaian rasmi petugas-petugas SPR berwarna kelabu pada hari tersebut. Saya juga berasa hairan kerana beliau juga tidak kenal kotak bekas kiraan undi yang digunakan oleh pihak SPR sendiri. Gambar tersebut dengan jelas menampakkan logo SPR di tepi kotak kiraan undi yang digunakan. Sewaktu kejadian itu berlaku, wakil calon kami juga telah berusaha membekalkan lampu suluh ke bilik kiraan undi tersebut bagi memastikan proses kiraan undi berjalan dengan lancar. Saya menafikan bahawa terdapat wartawan di lokasi kejadian kerana yang ada hanya Ketua Tempat Mengundi (KTM), petugas SPR, wakil calon dan anggota polis yang bertugas. Oleh itu, saya menyarankan agar pihak SPR khususnya Timbalan Pengerusi SPR Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar memohon maaf kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia kerana telah melakukan kesilapan dalam mengeluarkan kenyataan tanpa membuat kajian yang mendalam dan mengambil ringan isu yang dibangkitkan oleh rakyat. SPR sebagai badan rasmi yang menguruskan pilihanraya ini mesti dilihat profesional, adil dan telus serta tidak berpihak kepada mana-mana parti. YB NOOR HANIM ISMAIL ADUN SERI SERDANG. 25 Mei 2013 / 15 REJAB 1434 Melihat kepada cara depa menepis dakwaan tersebut boleh kita sifatkan mereka memang pandai menipu. Ingat senang ke nak jadi penipu yang berjaya? Susahhhh wooooooo Dah kalau ramai yang dok ingat gambar tue palsu dengan aku2 sekali terjebak sahla yang SPR memang pakar penipu. BN pun kalah kali neh. Tahniah di ucapkan. Kah kah kah Tahniah di ucapkan. Kah kah kah |
Pada pagi 10hb June 2013 seorang bekas guru besar Cornalius Gugkang terjumpa bag peti undi SPR di belakang Hotel Pedana Lawas Sarawak.
Selepas beberapa minit bag peti undi hilang
dari tempat tersebut.
Encik Cornalius telah menghubungi office PKR
dan DAP di Lawas dan telah memaklumkan perkara ini. Beliau juga akan membuat
satu laporan Polis di balai Polis Lawas mengenai insident tersebut.an calon BN,
Siti Salmah Mat Jusak.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Memperbetulkan SPR Lebih
Penting Dari Persempadanan Baru!
MESKIPUN perlembagaan membenarkan
persempadanan baru kawasan pilihan raya dibuat sekali selepas sepuluh tahun,
tidak bererti ia mesti dilakukan setiap sepuluh tahun.
Lazimnya persempadan baru dibuat tidak disebabkan faktor
persempadanan itu perlu dirombak tetapi ia dibuat bagi memastikan UMNO dan
sekutunya memenangi pilihan raya.
Memandangkan persempadan baru yang terakhir sepuluh tahun tidak
adil khususnya buat Kelantan, Terengganu dan Johor, mungkin tiba waktunya ia
dibetulkan. Kelantan dan Terengganu dalam penyusun itu tidak diberi tambahan
kerusi bagi menyekat PAS mendapat manfaat dalam pilihan raya, sedang Johor mendapat
tambahan kerusi bagi meramaikan YB BN baik di Parlimen mahupun DUN.
Tetapi buat masa ini perbincangan utama bukan untuk merombak
kawasan pilihan raya tetapi bagi membetulkan pengendalian pentadbiran SPR
yang tidak lagi mendapat keyakinan umum.
Sekalipun institusi polis, kehakiman, jabatan peguam negara dan
SPRM tidak mendapat keyakinan umum, SPR lagi tidak diyakini dan
perlu direformasi atau ditransformasi segera. Pembetulannya perlu diutamakan
dari yang lain-lain.
Apabila SPR dapat disempurnakan, maka jadi kunci kepada
pembetulan yang lain. SPR yang telus, bebas dan adil boleh membuka
kepada perubahan pemerintahan. Jika pertukaran kuasa tidak dapat dilakukan,
maka tidak ada ruang bagi melakukan di semua institusi yang lain. Jika dengan
SPR yang telus dan adil itu membuka peluang perubahan, maka pertukaran
kerajaan itu akan meletakkan polis, kehakiman, jabatan peguam negara dan SPRM
pada kedudukan yang betul.
Pada masa ini kita tidak mahu persempadanan baru, kita tidak
sedia membincangkan pemindahan SPR dari Jabatan Perdana Menteri kepada
jawatankuasa khas di Parlimen. Bukan ia tidak penting, tetapi yang aula ialah
merombak bagi memulihkan SPR.
Yang pertama kita mahu pengerusi dan timbalan pengerusi meletak
jawatan secara sukarela atau dipaksa. Jika mereka ada maruah jalan terbaik
ialah meletak jawatan. Jika tidak bermaruah, mereka terpaksa dipecat.
Pembentukan Suruhanjaya Diraja Penyiasatan tentang kecurangan
SPR adalah langkah terbaik dan perlu didahulukan dari yang lain-lain.
Kecurangan itu bukan baru. Ia sudah berlaku dalam setiap kali pilihanraya
umum dan pilihanraya kecil.
Justeru rakyat sebelum ini tidak berdaulat, tidak apa yang dapat
dibuat. Kita tidak berminat kepada Arab Spring. Jika tidak mahu penyakit Arab
itu tiba ke sini, buang segera pengerusi dan timbalan pengerusi SPR, adakan
pemulihan segera.
Majoriti rakyat khusus pengundi mengutuk SPR dan pengendalinya.
Semua meludah mereka dari belakang. Cari makanlah di tempat lain untuk
menanggung anak bini. Dunia ini luas untuk mencari rezeki. Atau bersara saja.
Duit pencen pun cukup makan hingga akhir hayat. Jangan khianati harapan
rakyat dan demokrasi.
Sebarang cadangan untuk mengadakan persempadanan baru biar
datang dari rakyat, bukan dari SPR yang pincang itu. Apa saja yang datang
dari SPR yang pincang tidak akan diterima oleh suara perubahan.
Dan apakah persempadanan baru itu yang memerlukan pindaan
perlembagaan boleh dibuat oleh kerajaan yang tidak ada majoriti
dua pertiga? Adakah boleh persempadanan dibuat dengan majoriti mudah
kerajaan. Jika ia memerlukan sokongan MP Pakatan Rakyat, tidak nampak
persempadanan baru itu boleh dibuat.
Buatlah apa yang boleh
dan apa yang senang dulu. Dan keutamaam ialah kita memerlukan SPR yang telus,
bersih dan adil. Lepas itu baru kita fikirkan membawanya di bawah
seliaan Parlimen dan membentulkan persempadanan yang tidak dilakukan secara
jujur sepuluh tahun lalu.
Dari MalaysiaKini
Walau berdepan kesulitan dan
amaran keras pihak berkuasa, Pakatan Rakyat meneruskan acara kemuncak
perhimpunan 'Black 505' di Padang Merbok, Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
Kumpulan perserta berkenaan dijadualkan berhimpun di tujuh lokasi utama yang ditetapkan dan akan berarak dari lokasi masing-masing ke padang itu - sebagai tanda bantahan mereka terhadap dakwaan berlakunya penipuan dalam pilihan raya umum lalu.Tujuh lokasi tersebut adalah di Jalan Pekeliling, ibu pejabat PAS di Jalan Raja Laut, kawasan sekitar Sogo di Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Sultan, Brickfields, Universiti Malaya dan Masjid Negara. Wakil parti politik dan NGO akan mengetuai peserta perhimpunan yang bakal memenuhi padang tersebut petang ini.Penganjur berkali-kali menegaskan bahawa perhimpunan hari ini akan berlangsung dengan aman, walau polismendakwa peserta akan menimbulkan provokasi terhadap pihak berkuasa dan mencetuskan huru-hara. Kumpulan peserta ini membawa tiga tuntutan utama - menuntut kepimpinan SPR meletak jawatan, mengadakan pilihan raya semula bagi 30 kawasan, dan menghentikan persempadanan semula sehingga kepimpinan SPR baru dilantik. Cuaca di Kuala Lumpur hari ini cerah, namun agak berjerebu. Ketua umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dijangka akan terus ke Padang Merbok dan tidak menyertai perarakan. Setakat jam 2 petang ini, dianggarkan seramai 10,000 orang telahpun berhimpun di lokasi berasingan dan akan bergabung di Padang Merbok. LAPORAN LANGSUNG 5.50pm: Padang Merbok - Sebanyak 30 buah khemah telah didirikan di atas Padang Merbok. Jurucakap SMM, Ehsan berkata, mereka menjangkakan seramai 100 orang yang akan berkhemah pada hari ini. Pada ketika ini juga orang ramai mula bersurai dari Padang Merbok. 5.30pm: Padang Merbok -Ketua umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam ucapannya mendesak kepimpinan SPR meletak jawatan. Katanya, pengerusi SPR Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusuf secara khususnya perlu meletak jawatan berhubung kegagalannya dalam isu penggunaan dakwat kekal.Katanya lagi, timbalan Abdul Aziz pula, Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar pula bersikap sombong. "Kamu tidak layak (memimpin SPR). Kamu bicara dengan sombong. Orang ini sepatutnya didakwa di mahkamah," katanya. Beliau juga memberi amaran kepada perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan juga menteri dalam negeri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi agar tidak mempertahankan SPR. "Kamu dah hilang mandat. Kamu tak sanggup ambil tindakan kepada mereka sebab mereka berjasa kepada Umno," katanya.Anwar juga menyatakan alasan di sebalik usul Pakatan untuk melantik Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan Datuk Abdul Kadir Sulaiman sebagai speaker Dewan Rakyat. "Kita ketengahkan beliau kerana, kita tidak mahu jadi alat pekakas Umno. "Kedua, kita tidak mahu disalahtafsir sebagai menghina Yang di-Pertuan Agong memandangkan keesokan hari, Tuanku akan merasmikan sidang parlimen. Dalam ucapan selepas itu, pengerusi SAMM Badrul Hisham Shaharin pula berkata NGO berkenaan serta pergerakan siswa SMM akan terus berkhemah di Padang Merbok. 5.10pm: Padang Merbok - Salahudin Ayub berkata walaupun beliau kalah dalam pilihan raya, tetapi beliau telah berjanji akan teruskan perjuangan 'Black 505'."Saya tak akan lari dan berundur, selagi BN tidak undur dan tersungkur dari bumi Malaysia. "Kawan Tiong chua kata, kalau saya tak menang pilihan raya boleh pergi Hong Kong, boleh berlakon filem sebab muka saya macam Jackie Chan. Tapi itu bukan pilihan saya, "Saya di sini untuk tumbangkan mereka tak lama lagi. Kita perlu berjuang hari ini, esok, bulan depan, selagi tak selesai.Kita berjuang atas nama kebenaran," katanya. Dalam ucapan sebelum itu, aktivis mahasiswa Adam Ali merayu rakyat supaya keluar daripada zon selesa dan merayu supaya pertahankan Dataran Merbok sehingga kepimpinan SPR letak jawatan. "Mahu seluruh turun ke Dataran Merbok perlu pertahan, jangan dirampas kembali kepada kuasa yang angkuh. "Jangan sia-sia perjuangan ini. Nak menang perlu perjuang terlebih dahulu. Kita datang untuk menang bukan untuk pulang. Kita akan robek kekuasaan BN," katanya. 4.50pm: Padang Merbok - Aktivis Hishamuddin Rais dalam ucapannya berkata beliau sering berpendapat bahawa usaha untuk menukar kerajaan melalui pilihan raya adalah jalan yang mustahil. "Saya sering katakan, mustahil. "(Caranya) Jalan raya, jalan raya," katanya berulang kali. Beliau memberi amaran bahawa golongan anak muda akan terus berkhemah di Padang Merbok sekiranya pemimpin SPR tidak meletak jawatan pada hari Isnin. 4.40pm: Padang Merbok - Dua orang pegawai penguatkuasa DBKL tiba ke kawasan khemah yang didirikan dan meminta para peserta untuk merobohkan struktur tersebut.Seramai 20 orang peserta yang tidak berpuas hati dengan amaran itu kemudiannya mengerumuni dan mengasak pegawai tersebut. Salah seorang daripada pegawai tersebut kemudiannya beredar dari kawasan tersebut. Namun rakannya membalas asakan para peserta dan menolak salah seorang dari anggota kumpulan terbabit sehingga individu tersebut terjatuh. Susulan itu, pegawai terbabit terpaksa diiring oleh sekumpulan kira-kira 10 orang pegawai DBKL lain serta unit amal PAS sehingga ke satu van milik DBKL. Van tersebut kemudiannya dikerumun oleh sekumpulan 50 orang lagi peserta himpunan yang kelihatan marah dengan tindakan pegawai tersebut sebelum itu. Pegawai tersebut kemudiannya dibawa meninggalkan kawasan itu dengan satu kenderaan lain, dengan iringan polis 4:35pm: Padang Merbok - Beberapa orang peserta dari kalangan aktivis SAMM, Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) dan NGO Suara Rakyat 505 mendirikan lima buah khemah di bahagian tengah Padang Merbok. Menurut jurucakap SMM, Ehsan Bukharee berkata, lebih banyak lagi khemah akan didirikan selepas ini. 4.30pm: Padang Merbok - Pengerusi majlis Badrul Hisham Shaharin mengumumkan bahawa perhimpunan hari ini berjaya mengumpul kehadiran lebih 55,000 orang. Beliau juga meminta para peserta agar tidak bersurai sehingga polis membebaskan naib presiden PAS Datuk Husam Musa. 4.00pm: Ampang - Naib presiden PAS Husam Musa dalam satu kiriman SMS berkata beliau ditahandan dibawa ke balai polis Ampang. Katanya, beliau ditahan untuk siasatan mengikut Seksyen 4(1) Akta Hasutan. Butiran lanjut mengenai penahanan berkenaan masih belum diperolehi namun ia dijangka mempunyai kaitan dengan kenyataannya beberapa hari lalu berhubung kehadiran ke perhimpunan 'Black 505' hari ini. Sementara itu di Padang Merbok, bekas MB Perak Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin dalam ucapannya berkata Pakatan Rakyat memenangi undi sebanyak 55 peratus di Perak, manakala BN hanya 44 peratus. Katanya, Ini membuktikan rakyat tolak BN, dan mahu pr terajui kerajaan. Katanya, peguam PAS telah hantar lapan petisyen pilihan raya bagi membukti segala salah laku yang didakwa yang dibuat oleh BN. "Kalau dua petisyen kalah, dia akan tumbang di Perak. Tuan-tuan nak tgk BN tumbang di Perak? Jadi doa terus. "Dari lapan, kita mohon dua utk menyebelahi kita dan tumbang bn dan zambry. Itu permintaan drpd Pakatan Perak," katanya. 3.23pm: Padang Merbok - Timbalan Speaker Selangor Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad berkata, kehadiran orang ramai ke perhimpunan itu membuktikan semua ancaman oleh Umno dan BN tidak berkesan. Katanya, ini kerana orang ramai mempunyai pesanan yang jelas iaitu "pilihan raya pada 5 Mei dimenangi rakyat dan Umno-BN ditewaskan".3.37pm: Padang Merbok - Pengerusi Bersama BERSIH Datuk S Ambiga mula berucap dengan menegaskan bahawa gabungan itu menyokong Black 505 untuk mendesak pengerusi SPR meletakkan jawatan. 3.25pm: Padang Merbok - Pemimpin PKR Datuk Johari Abdul umumkan jumlah peserta di Padang Merbok cecah 30,000. Beberapa pemimpin utama Pakatan akan berucap tidak lama lagi. Pemimpin NGO Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) Badrul Hisham Shaharin atau Chegubard sedang mempengerusikan majlis. 3pm: Padang Merbok - Bekas speaker DUN Perak V Sivakumar berkata, pembangkang mendapat 118,000 undi lebih banyak daripada BN di negeri itu. Oleh itu, katanya, Pakatan sebenarnya "tidak kalah" di Perak. Beliau juga berkata akan mencalonkan dirinya sendiri untuk menjadi speaker dewan sekali lagi.Beliau juga mengingatkan, BN juga boleh menjadi mangsa pertukaran kerajaan menggunakan kaedah sama yang berlaku secara kontroversi pada 2009. Beliau bercakap kepada kira-kira 20,000 peserta di Padang Merbok. Sementara itu, di tempat sama, pengarah Perhimpunan Black 505 Rafizi Ramli ketika ditemui sejurus tiba di Padang Merbok berkata, Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dijangka tiba pada jam 4 petang untuk memberikan ucapan. Beliau juga turut memberi jaminan bahawa perhimpunan pada hari ini juga akan berakhir pada kira-kira jam 7 petang. "Kita jangka menjelang Maghrib perhimpunan ini dah bersurai," katanya. 2:45pm: Jalan Parlimen - Peserta dari Jalan Sultan kini tiba di Padang Merbok. Di sepanjangJalan Parlimen kira-kira 500 orang sedang menunggu di tepi jalan untuk menyertai perarakan itu. Peserta kini sedang memenuhkan Padang Merbok. Di sekitar Padang Merbok kelihatan anggota polis di beberapa penjuru padang bagi memerhati perhimpunan. 2.45pm: Jalan Parlimen - Kumpulan peserta yang berarak dari ibu pejabat PAS, Sogo dan Brickfields kini bergabung di Jalan Parlimen dan seterusnya bergerak ke Padang Merbok. Sementara itu di Padang Merbok, sejumlah kira-kira 3,000 orang sudahpun berkumpul dan mendengar ucapan dari MP Sungai Petani Johari Abdul. Beliau menasihati para peserta agar tidak memusnahkan harta awam, menjaga kebersihan dan bekerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa. 2.42pm: Jalan Parlimen - Lebih 5,000 peserta yang bergerak dari Sogo di Jalan TAR memasuki Jalan Parlimen dan menuju ke Padang Merbok. Sebahagian dari peserta berkenaan yang terdiri daripada golongan muda menyanyi 'anak muda tolak BN" sambil bertepuk tangan. 2.30pm: Jalan TAR - Kumpulan peserta dari ibu pejabat PAS bergabung dengan peserta di hadapan kompleks membeii-belah Sogo dan bersedia untuk meneruskan perjalanan. Kumpulan berkenaan turut melaungkan takbir serta slogan "Tumbang SPR", "SPR penipu" dan "Reformasi". 2.20pm: Jalan Parlimen - Tren komuter KTMB yang sepatutnya bergerak melalui jambatan, yang merentasi Jalan Parlimen berhampiran Bank Rakyat, terpaksa berhenti seketika kerana terdapat peserta himpunan yang berdiri di atas landasan. Peserta berkenaan memenuhi kawasan landasan itu untuk merakam video dan gambar perarakan peserta lain yang menuju ke Padang Merbok. 2.12 pm: Jalan Raja Laut - Sekumpulan 2,000 orang yang diketuai naib presiden PAS Salahuddin Ayub berjalan melawan arus kenderaan menuju ke Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Mereka akan bergabung dengan kumpulan yang menunggu di hadapan kompleks membeli belah Sogo. 2.10pm: Jalan TAR - Sejumlah 2,000 orang menunggu ketibaan satu lagi kumpulan yang berarak dari ibu pejabat PAS di Jalan Raja Laut. Mereka seterusnya akan meneruskan perarakan ke Padang Merbok. 2pm: Brickfields - Naib presiden PKR Nurul Izzah Anwar mengetuai 1,000 orang berarak ke Padang Merbok. Dalam ucapannya sebelum itu, Nurul menangkis kenyataan polis bahawa peserta perhimpunan akan melakukan provokaasi ke atas pasukan keselamatan. "Kenyataan itu tidak berasas," katanya yang turut meminta para peserta agar menjaga keselamatan anak-anak, terutama dalam keadaan cuaca berjerebu. Sementara itu di Jalan Sultan, seramai kira-kira 2000 peserta yang berkumpul juga mula berarak ke Padang Merbo. Mereka akan melalui Jalan Hang Kasturi, Jalan Tan Cheng Lock, Jalan Tun H.S Lee, Jalan Pudu, Jalan Tun Perak, Jalan Parlimen dan seterusnya menuju ke Padang Merbok. Pergerakan kumpulan berkenaan dibantu oleh anggota polis trafik yang membantu mengawal lalu lintas. 1.55pm: Masjid Negara - Sekumpulan 5,000 orang yang berhimpun di Masjid Negara mula berarak ke Dataran Merdeka selepas menunaikan fardu Zohor. Kumpuian berkenaan dikawal oleh unit amal PAS, dan diketuai timbalan presiden PKR Azmin Ali. 1.20 pm: Dataran Merdeka - Seramai kira-kira 150 orang yang rata-rata berpakaian baju-T hitam sedang duduk-duduk berhampiran Dataran DBKL bersebelahan Dataran Merdeka. Kumpulan ini menunggu untuk menyertai perarakan kumpulan lain dan seterusnya menuju ke Padang Merbok. Selain itu, terdapat juga beberapa individu yang mengambil peluang untuk menjual kain selempang dan ikat kepala dengan yang mempromosi perhimpunan 'Blackout 505'. 1.12pm: Jalan Raja Laut - Salahuddin Ayub yang hadir bersama kira-kira 500 orang penyokong berkata PAS kesal dengan kenyataan Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur Datuk Mohmad Saleh yang mendakwa peserta akan melakukan kekecohan dalam perhimpunan ini."Kita kesal dengan kenyataan ketua polis Kuala Lumpur yang dengan sengaja mengeluarkan kenyataan berbaur hasutan, provokasi, bahawa peserta mahu pertempuran. "Kita yakin, kita adakan secara aman, kita ada rekod cemerlang dalam Bersih dan siri Blackout, terbukti aman, dijalankan dengan penuh tanggungjawab dan tak cetus provokasi... Itu komiten kita, kita tak bawa senjata," katanya. Turut hadir di perkarangan bangunan ibu pejabat PAS itu ialah ahli parlimen Kuala Terengganu Raja Bahrin. 1:10pm: Jalan Sultan – Jumlah peserta kini bertambah kepada seramai kira-kira 1,500 orang, yang dipimpin pengerusi Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) Badrul Hisham Shaharin. Badrul Hisham dalam ucapannya dari atas sebuah lori di kawasan berkenaan memimpin peserta untuk melaungkan slogan "SPR Penipu", "Jahanam SPR" dan "Bangkit rakyat". Turut hadir di perhimpunan itu ialah seorang peserta Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) yang menggunakan kerusi roda, Fennix Lim, 25. Katanya, beliau datang dari Kluang Johor dengan menaiki van bersama rakannya, semata-mata untuk menyertai perhimpunan ;Black 505'. Menurutnya, beliau ingin menuunjukkan kepada kerajaan bahawa rakyat mempunyai kuasa untuk menolakkan keputusan pilihan raya umum yang lalu. "Sebagai rakyat Malaysia saya nak tunjuk pasa kerajaan dan SPR yang kita semua menolak SPR. Saya datang demi demokrasi," katanya. 1.10pm: Masjid Negara - Naib presiden PKR Azmin Ali dan pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor Dr Abdul Rani Osman disambut oleh para peserta sebaik tiba di kawasan masjid. Kumpulan penyokong ini akan menunaikan fardu Zohor sebelum memulakan perarakan ke Padang Merbok.1pm: Universiti Malaya - Seramai kira-kira 100 orang berhimpun di kawasan Masjid Ar-Rahman, di kampus ini. Kebanyakan daripada peserta tersebut terdiri dari golongan muda dan aktivis siswa, yang akan berarak ke arah Brickfields dan bergabung dengan satu lagi kumpulan di situ. Beberapa orang pemimpin parti turut menyampaikan ucapan, termasuk MP Bukit Katil Shamsul iskandar Md Akin dan aktivis siswa Adam Adli. 12.30pm: Brickfields - Kumpulan pendesak Justice for Beng Hock muncul di satu kawasan berhimpun – Brickfields – untuk membangkitkan mengenai kes kematian K Murugan, yang merupakan pembantu politik kepada calon parlimen Tapah, K Vasantha Kumar. Jurucakap kumpulan tersebut, Ng Yap Hwa berkata beliau dan Vasantha akan menyerahkan satu memorandum kepada ahli Parlimen pada 27 Jun bagi menggesa agar siasatan dijalankan ke atas kes berkenaan. Kumpulan yang berhimpun di kawasan berkenaan, sementara menunggu untuk memulakan perarakan ke Padang Merbok, memenuhi kawasan gerai berdekatan. 12.28pm: Jalan Raja Laut - Ketika ditemui pemberita di luar ibu pejabat PAS, ahli parlimen Bukit Gantang Idris Ahmad berkata perhimpunan kali ini sebagai menunjukkan rasa tidak puas hati interaktif SPR dengan perjalanan PRU- 13."Mereka sering mendakwa kalau tak telus, bagaimana boleh menang tiga negeri menang. "Kita kata, sebab tak telus, kita menang tiga negeri. Kalau telus, 13 negeri kita menang," katanya. Katanya, beliau melihat kehadiran anak-anak muda daripada pelbagai kaum, datang sukarela dan mereka mahu tadbir urus SPR berjalan dengan baik. Mengulas andaian bahawa peserta akan melakukan kekecohan sewaktu perhimpunan ini, Idris berkata ia hanya andaian sahaja. Sedangkan sebelum ini banyak perhimpunan dianjurkan oleh pembangkang dan NGO seperti Bersih, Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat, mansuhkan Felda Global Venture berjalan dengan aman. "Semuanya aman elok. Tak ada provokasi. Kalau Bersih 1, sebiji pasu bunga tak pecah," katanya sambil menegaskan bahawa perhimpunan ini akan berjalan aman "Insya-Allah. Kita disiplin. Kita ada trek rekod. Kita cakap berdasarkan," katanya. Kira-kira 250 peserta telah mula berada di ibu pejabat PAS, ketika ini. 12.24am: Jalan Sultan - Memandangkan cuaca jerebu, terdapat peserta yang kelihatan memakai topeng muka. Penjual topeng muka juga mengambil kesempatan menjual di tepi Jalan Sultan kepada peserta perhimpunan. 1205am: Masjid Negara - Bekas menteri besar Perak Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin, anggota Parlimen Petaling Jaya Selatan Hee Loy Sian dan pemerhati Majlis Peguam yang juga anggota jawatankuasa BERSIH Andrew Khoo kelihatan tiba. 12:00pm: Jalan Sultan - Seramai kira-kira 200 orang peserta mula membanjiri satu kawasan kaki lima di Jalan Sultan. Kegiatan kumpulan berkenaan, yang turut mengumpul tandatangan untuk satu petisyen bagi membantah satu projek pembinaan di kawasan terbabit, diawasi beberapa orang anggota polis berpakaian seragam. Turut kelihatan tiga anggota polis trafik bagi membantu melancarkan aliran lalu lintas di jalan itu.12pm: Brickfields - Ratusan sudah berkumpul di Tun Sambathan. Suasana juga mula bingit dengan sorakan dan bunyi vuvuzela. Mereka juga memaparkan kain rentang memuatkan tiga tuntutan, antaranya supaya pengerusi SPR dan timbalannya berundur dengan segera. Secara kreatif, seorang peserta hadir dengan pakaian dan solekan ala-hantu, sebagai langkah sinis terhadap dakwaan wujudnya pengundi hantu dalam pilihan raya umum lalu. Penampilannya itu menarik perhatian pelbagai pihak. 'Hantu' itu juga membawa kota bertulis SPR. 11.45am: Sogo - Sebuah kedai roti dekat pintu masuk di kompleks membeli belah itu mungkin ditutup separuh hari. Pelanggannya sudah mencecah 200 orang. Pekerjanya memberitahu, mereka masih menunggu "arahan" untuk itu. Mereka juga mengambil gambar pelanggannya bagi membantu atasan mereka membuat keputusan. Bagaimanapun, perniagaan mereka nampak menguntungkan hari ini apabila ia menjadi tempat peserta perhimpunan dan wartawan bersarapan. 11.35am: Masjid Negara - Anggota PKR Tan Teck Huang, 47, antara yang berkumpul di Masjid Negara. Beliau bertolak dari Muar, Johor bersama saudaranya dan tiga lagi untuk ke perhimpunan hari ini. Katanya, ekoran cuaca di Muar teruk dicemari jerebu,menyertai perhimpunan di Kuala Lumpur hari ini amat dinikmati. "Pada mulanya saya jangkakan tidak ramai orang akan hadir kerana ia dibuat selepas pilihan raya. Saya terkejut dengan jumlah orang ramai yang berkumpul di sini," kata pekerja separuh masa dalam sektor pendidikan itu. 11.30am: Padang Merbok – Keadaan di kawasan utama perhimpunan masih tenang dan para peniaga dilihat mula membuka gerai di kawasan letak kereta berhampiran padang tersebut, dan juga di sepanjang Jalan Parlimen. Dianggarkan, seramai 200 orang peserta berada di kawasan tepi padang yang diteduhi pokok sementara menunggu acara kemuncak – dijangka bermula pada jam 3 petang. 11.05am: Masjid Negara - Sejumlah 14 buah bas yang membawa peserta perhimpunan dari Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Johor, Pahang dan Terengganu diparkir di kawasan berhampiran Masjid Negara. Sebanyak 50 buah kereta juga diparkir di bahu jalan di hadapan masjid dan kawasan ini mula mula dipenuhi orang ramai. Gerai yang dibuka di kawasan masjid menjual barangan seperti baju-T dan makanan manakala para peserta dilihar berlegar di sekitar kawasan berkenaan. Antaranya, Mazlan Mukhtar, 47, dari Nibong Tebal, Penang yang berkata beliau memandu sejak tengah malam tadi dan tiba pada jam 5 pagi. “Saya menyertai kesemua perhimpunan termasuk di Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya dan himpunan BERSIH,” katanya.10.50am: Jalan TAR - Sekumpulan kira-kira 100 orang peserta perhimpunan dilihat berkumpul di kawasan pintu masuk ke pusat membeli belah Sogo. Naib presiden PKR Tian Chua dijangka akan menyertai kumpulan berkenaan dan seterusnya berarak ke Padang Merbok. Kebanyakan para peserta merupakan kelompok penyokong PAS yang memakai baju berwarna hitam. 10.40am: Jalan Raja Laut - Seramai empat orang peguam daripada Majlis Peguam hadir sebagai pemerhati kepada perhimpunan Black 505. Kawasan itu juga dipantau sepasukan lima orang anggota polis, yang tiba dengan sebuah kenderaan peronda.10.30am: Jalan Sultan - Seramai kira-kira 30 orang mula berkumpul di kaki lima Jalan Sultan sambil memegang bendera PAS DAP dan PKR. Mereka turut meniupkan wisel meminta pemandu yang melalui jalan itu membunyikan hon sebagai tanda sokongan. Seorang peniaga, Abdul Kader Mydin, 50, yang telah berniaga selama 40 tahun di kaki lima Jalan Sultan berkata, kehadiran peserta himpunan Black 505 tidak mengganggu perniagaannya. "Tak adalah. Mana ada ganggu. Buat apa saya mahu tutup (kedai). Tak bahaya pun," katanya. Seorang pemilik hotel murah pula, Steven Yong, 70, juga berkata perhimpunan yang diadakan pada hari ini tidak menganggu peniaga. Beliau yang membuka hotel berkenaan sejak tahun 1973 di Jalan Sultan, berkata peserta pehimpunan kini bijak dan tidak akan menyebabkan peniaga kerugian. "Mereka ini ada baca punya orang (orang berpelajaran). Mereka takkan ganggu dan buat kacau. Bila polis datang kacau baru jadi lain. Baru kita tutup," katanya. 10.20am: Dataran Merdeka - Laluan dari Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman ke Dataran Merdeka dihalang oleh penghadang besi yang dipassang oleh petugas Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur. Pasukan polis pula dilihat meletakkan kon di sepanjang Jalan Parlimen untuk menghalang pemandu meletakkan kenderaan di jalan berkenaan. Anggota polis dan penguatkuasa DBKL dilihat berkawal di Jalan Parlimen. 10.00am: Jalan Raja Laut - Kira-kira 80 penyokong peserta Black 505 berada di perkarangan pejabat PAS untuk bersama kepimpinan PAS, yang akan berarak ke Padang Merbok.Mereka merupakan antara yang tiba dengan dua buah bas dari Alor Setar, pada pagi ini di pejabat parti berkenaan. Antaranya, Abdullah Abdul Rahman, 42, bekerja swasta yang berkata beliau cukup bersemangat untuk menyertai perhimpunan hari ini. "Kita desak habis-habis untuk kepimpinan SPR letak jawatan. Kalau tidak sampai kiamat macam ni (tak ada perubahan)," katanya yang berasal dari Alor Setar. Kumpulan peserta berkenaan dibekalkan dengan air minuman, yang disediakan di hadapan bangunan pejabat parti tersebut. Selain itu, terdapat juga individu yang mengambil kesempatan untuk menjual baju-T dengan slogan 'Black 505' di kawasan berhampiran ibu pejabat PAS. Pergerakan lalu lintas dilihat lancar, tanpa sebarang sekatan di sepanjang jalan berke |
Datuk, mengapa PAS bertahaluf
dengan DAP? Tidakkah DAP itu kafir? Mengapa PAS tidak bertahaluf dengan Umno?
Umno jelas Islam, mana lebih baik bertahaluf sesama Islam atau bartahaluf
dengan orang kafir? Penjelasan ini amat perlu khususnya dalam keadaan gawat
seperti sekarang ini yang ditunjukkan oleh keputusan PRU13 yang boleh
merugikan Islam.
Abdul Quddus Abdul Mukmin, Padang Jawa, Klang, Selangor. PERKARA pertama yang perlu anda tahu dan faham, bahawa tahaluf itu adalah sesuatu yang diharuskan oleh hukum syara’ dengan syaratsyaratnya. Apa yang dilakukan oleh PAS dalam isu tahaluf dengan DAP, sebenarnya tidak bercanggah dengan syarat-syarat syarak. Kedua tahaluf yang dilakukan bersama orang kafir, akan tetapi jika sesama Islam tidak pula dinamakan dengan tahaluf. Kerana asasnya umat Islam adalah bersatu pada asalnya, kerana umat Islam perlu bersatu dan tidak boleh berpecah-belah. Ketiga, Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah bertahaluf dengan Yahudi Madinah apabila kabilah-kabilah Arab Musyrikin Makkah membuat onar dan menimbulkan penindasan dan kezaliman terhadap Rasulullah dan juga Yahudi, maka apa yang dilakukan oleh Rasulullah untuk bertahaluf menghadapi kezaliman Musyrikin adalah diharuskan. Keempat, banyak kali berlaku pada Rasulullah s.a.w. bermuamalah dengan orang kafir sedangkan baginda boleh bermuamalah dengan orang Islam, contohnya ketika Rasulullah hendak berhijrah ke Madinah, baginda bermuamalah dengan Abdullah bin Uraiqit iaitu seorang musyrik, sedangkan pada waktu itu ramai lagi orang Islam yang boleh Rasulullah bermuamalah dengan mereka. Begitu juga Rasulullah pernah bermuamalah dengan seorang Yahudi dengan menggadaikan baju besinya kepada Yahudi itu untuk mengambil bahan makanan bagi keluarganya. Persoalannya di sini, mengapa dengan Yahudi Nabi bermuamalah? Mengapa tidak dengan orang Islam? Kalau dengan orang Islam, mungkin Nabi tidak perlu menggadai baju besinya atau tidak perlu membeli atau berhutang, mungkin orang Islam akan memberi sebagai satu hibah (pemberian) secara percuma kepada Nabi. Namun demikian, Nabi meninggalkan orang Islam dan bermuamalah dengan orang Yahudi. Mengapa berlaku demikian? Kerana hendak menyatakan ada ketika-ketikanya dengan sebab-sebab tertentu umat Islam diharuskan bermuamalah atau bertahaluf dengan orang kafir dan tidak dengan orang-orang Islam. Kelima, PAS pernah memasuki Pakatan Barisan Nasional dengan Umno pasca tragedi 13 Mei 1969, dengannya terselamat Umno daripada tumbang atas gelombang rakyat menolak Umno – Perikatan ketika itu. Dengan penyertaan PAS ke dalam Barisan Nasional (menggantikan Perikatan) ketika itu, maka selamatlah Umno, maka kuat semula Umno dan tegak semula BN. Maka ia terselamat daripada tumbang dan ditumbangkan oleh rakyat. Selepas Umno kuat semula dan merasakan PAS tidak diperlukan, maka Umno memecat dan menghalau PAS keluar daripada BN. Banyak pihak yang mengetahuinya, maka PAS ditendang daripada BN, kesannya PAS berpecah dan bercelaru serta banyak ahlinya meninggalkan PAS, ada yang menubuhkan Parti Islam yang perlu menandingi PAS, PAS hampir terkubur ketika itu angkara perbuatan Umno, pengalaman itu amat pahit dan PAS berhempas pulas untuk bangun semula, dan sekarang sudah terbangun. Sejauh ingatan saya, Umno tidak pernah menyatakan kekesalannya kerana memecat dan menghalau PAS keluar daripada BN, malah Umno tidak pernah meminta maaf kepada PAS hingga ke hari ini. Kalau itulah sikap Umno, maka bagaimana orang PAS mahu memikirkan untuk mendampingi Umno semula seperti ada usaha membayangbayangkan isu itu, pengalaman amat pahit itu bagi PAS amat berguna. Apabila PAS bertahaluf dengan Pakatan Rakyat khasnya dengan DAP, jelas PAS mengaut keuntungan yang ketara hasil daripada keputusan undi dalam PRU13 baru-baru ini, PAS semakin mendapat pertambahan pengundi dan penyokong. Namun demikian, ramai orang menyedari, bahawa ‘Tahaluf Siayasi’ bukanlah satu perkara yang qat’ie, ini adalah satu hasil ijtihad daripada ahli-ahli PAS yang layak, hasil ijtihad itu diterima pakai dan namun demikian ia tetap terdedah kepada pelbagai kemungkinan, ijtihad boleh kekal selagi tidak ada keperluan untuk menyemaknya seperti timbul masalah. Ada perkara-perkara penting yang menjadikan ijtihad itu lagho, maka barulah timbul keperluan untuk melihat semula perkara-perkara ijtihad yang lampau, atas dasar itulah persoalan mengapa PAS dan Umno tidak dapat disatukan yang dapat dilihat dari perkaraperkara yang telah saya sebutkan tadi, sekian wassalam. |
Konsep dan Semangat Unity Government (
Kerajaan Perpaduan / Rakyat ) ; YAKNI ; " KERAJAAN RAKYAT! "
Nik Aziz: " Selagi saya masih hidup saya
akan pastikan PAS tidak akan masuk BN ( lagi ) …….. petikan
Hadi Awang : " Perkukuhkan Pakatan
" ……. Keputusan Muktamar PAS di Ipoh , Perak.
Pakatan ( Universal ) BN ( Hidup dengan
perkauman, assobiyyah , kaumiyyah )
01 Speaker mengatasi kehakiman kerna beliau
adalah Ketua Badan Perundangan yg menggubal undang-undang samada di dalam
State Assembly" ( Dewan Undangan Negeri )
maupun di dalam Parliament ( Dewan Rakyat ) seperti yang dijamin di
dalam perlembagaan.
02 ‘Unity Governmen t" bermakna
Satu Kerajaan Tiada Pembangkang. Semua parliamentarians adalah anggota
kerajaan kerna elaun mereka
dibayar oleh kerajaan ( Rakyat ) bukan parti yang
diwakili. Namun status dan identiti kekal seperti sediaada. Tiada
sebarang perubahan dari segi
konsep dan prinsip perjuangan parti masing-masing.
dan ianya bukannya menjadi ‘Coalition Government" ( Kerajaan Campuran )
maupun ‘National Front"
BN atau Pakatan Rakyat. Konsepnya berlainan
samasekali sebab ‘Unity Government" sebenarnya pada
hakikatnya gugur BN, gugur Pakatan tegak RAKYAT
03. Tiada lagi wakil BN atau Pakatan.
Semuanya adalah wakil rakyat Malaysia bukan lagi wakil parti. ‘Mind -set
" parliamentarians kena berubah kerna
tatkala mengangkat sumpah sebagai parliamentarians
gugur habis pengaruh dan kongkongan kepartaian kerana semua anggota
parliament dalam Dewan
Rakyat yang mulia ini adalah bertaraf sama sahaja ;
Justeru kerna, rakyatlah sebenarnya yang membayar
elaun mereka dan yang pasti bukannya daripada sumber parti. Justeru itu, yang
ada hanyalah Kerajaan Perpaduan
( Rakyat ) bukannya kerajaan Parti
BN atau Pakatan. Semua parliamentarians terikat ‘uphold democracy
and eliminate authocracy of any kind as sworn in’ ‘ This is the BASIC
PAKATAN DAN BN. sesuai dengan ISLAM 4 ALL regardles of race and
religion ( Borderless, Raceless, Universal and Global )
04 Bukan parti yang bayar
elaun parliamentarians tetapi kerajaan Malaysia( WANG RAKYAT ) .
Justeru itu, di dalam parliament; tiada parti pemerintah
dan tiada parti pembangkang. Semua parti gugur
dan ahli parliament semua parti tiada lagi terikat dengan parti
masing-masing, BEBAS daripada sebarang
ikatan dan kongkongan parti( parti hanya
digunapakat sewaktu pilihanraya sahaja ). Bila menang dan angkat sumpah
selaku anggota parliament Malaysia;
automatis gugur parti dan element kepartaian dalam
parliament justeru kerna semua sudah menjadi angota kerajaan perpaduan
belaka , satu negara , satu warga.
Sudah bersumpah berkhidmat untuk rakyat tanpa
mengira parti lagi. Bahkan bukan lagi boleh dianggap sebagai wakil parti
kerna persidangan di Parliament bukan
lagi mesyuarat Bahagian atau Kawasn parti
masing-masing. Tenyata di dalam Parliament; parti bukanlah kerajaan dan
kerajaan bukanlah parti; tetapi kesemua parliamentarians adalah anggota kerajaan
Perpaduan ( Rakyat ) bukan lagi boleh dinisbahkan sebagai wakil parti lagi.
05 Justeru itu, tiada perlu
lagi ISA untuk tangkap pembangkang tanpa bicara , Akta Percetakan sekat akbar
pembangkang, Akta Universit/Kolej sekat pelajar
sokong pembangkang ( Di Kedah, Perak,
Selangor, Kelantan dan Pulau Pinang amalan konsep gunapakai sekarang
Umno/BN adalah pembangkang ) Kesuma
akta draconion ini dimansuhkan kerna di dalam dewan
mengikut Konsep ‘Unity Government" sudah tiada lagi parti
pembangkang tetapi kesemua ahli parliament
pada hakikatnya datang dari rakyat , kepada rakyat,
untuk rakyat; yakni untuk semua rakyat malaysia , mana ada parti lagi
mengikut konsep dan sumpah selaku
wakil rakyat.
OR PAKATAN; Satu Negara, Satu Kerajaan dan Satu Rakyat ( Warga )
yang SAMA
07 ‘Wakil Rakyat
BN’ atau ‘ Pakatan’ boleh kritik parliamentarians dari
parti masing-masing dlm berhujjah kerna pada hakikat dan konsepnya
tiada lagi wujud parti di dalam Dewan Rakyat
yang mulia ini. Justeru , nama pun DEWAN RAKYAT bukannya Dewan
BN atau Dewan Pakatan.
08. PM bukanlah Presiden
Parti di dalam Dewan Rakyat, tetapi PM rakyat Malaysia. Tiada lagi parti dan
gugur-mansuh kepentingan parti dan element-element
kepartaian kerna yang ada hanyalah KEPENTINGAN
Nescaya bisa tertegaknya Insya Allah Hu Negara
Baidatun Thoiyibatun Warobbun Ghafur( " Negara yang makmur , aman damai
dan mendapat
kerehaan Allah Hu Ta’ala.
09. PSRM, SPR, Jabatan
Pendafaran Negara, IGP, Peguam Negara, Hakim Negara, Pengarah Penjara, Audit Negara,
Akauntan Negara, Ketua
Tulus Tentera, dalam ‘Unity Government"
bebas lepas daripada ‘Ketiak" atau sebarang pengaruh PM
sebaliknya diletakkan seratus peratus
dibawah kuasa Parliament ( DYMM Agong )
Justuru , ruang lingkup sistem pemerintahan negara dalam ‘Uniy
Government"/KERAJAAN RAKYAT! BUKAN UBN! Insya Alla Hu Ta’ala,
dengan petunjuknya bisa menjadi telus,
berwibawa dan berintegrity tinggi kerna tiada amalan-amalan ‘
Bias" dan berkepentingan Kroni bisa
bertapak kerna PM ,Peguam Negara, Hakim
serta pegawai tertinggi kerajaan sendiri bisa di bawa ke muka pengadilan (
Mahkamah ) jika berlaku korupsi, salah
guna kuasa dan penyelewengan tanpa sebarang imunity
atau perlindungan politik . Rakyat bisa bicara bebas tanpa budaya takut
ISA yag dipaksakan utk
menyambung talian hayat ’parti
pemerintah’ dan negara akan berkembang maju dan makmur insya Alla
hu tanpa rasuah politik dan budaya kronisma.
Jika ada element yg mengancam negara bawa sahaja ke
mahkamah terbuka atau dakwa bawah Akta Hasutan yg boleh bela-diri
bukannay di cekup bawah
ISA yang ternyata zalim, primitif , tiada bertamadun
dan ketinggalan zaman.
10. ‘Unity
Government" juga bererti ; Tiada lagi campur tangan PM ke atas
kehakiman( Judisciary ), atau kehakiman ke atas badan perundangan/Legislatif
( Speaker ). tetapi berlakumnya ‘
Separation of Powers " secara teori dan praktis ke atas tiga
cabang Pemisahan Kuasa iaitu : i] Judiciary (badan Kehakiman )
ii) Badan Eksekutif dan iii)
Legislative ( Badan Perundangan ) 3 IN 1 yang
kembali kepada yang maha ESA yakni KITABULLAH dan ASUNNAH.
membolehkan AKta Hudud di perundangkan supaya HUDUD KISOS TA’AZIR
boleh terlaksa kerana ‘ la ikro hafideen "
(Tidak ada paksaan dalam agama /" There’s No
Compulsion In Religion) Hudud just meant for the muslims only n
non-muslim could be abide to the present
civil Law. Parliamen juga menerima pakai
SISTEM KEWANGAN DINAR sebagai penyelesaian ‘Global Economic Recession’
bebas-lepas daripada sistem kewangan riba, laba
dan cengkaman kapitalisma monopolisma.
Nash Ar-Rawy / 23.04.05
01 Nas
: i) Ani’budullah wajtanibut thoghut ( Beriman dgn Allah dan
menjauhi thoghut ) … Al Qur’an
ii) Amal ma’ruf nahi mungkar ( Menyeru kepad kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran) asas perpaduan … sumber Al Qur’an iii) Waqulja al hakku wazahaqol batil ( Apabila datang yang hak , maka musnahlah yang batil ) iv) Tegakkan agama ( Ad-deen ) dan memerintah dunia dengannya kerna Islamu yaklu wala yakla alaiah
Pembelajaran mata pelajaran matematik dan sains menggunakan Bahasa Pengantar
Bahasa Malaysia ( Bahasa Melayu )
sebagaimana peruntukan yang sediada dalam perlembagaan di samping memberikan kebebasan kepada Bahasa lain digunapakai 03 ‘Air Time’ yang relevent dan sekukupnya diberikan kepada semua parti politik yang bertanding pilihanraya di dalam RTM melalui Ketua-Ketua parti menyatakan dasar,agenda dan manifesto parti masing-masing secara adil dan saksama kerna RTM bukan milik mana-mana parti dan pembayar cukai kepada kerajaan berhak untuk mendapat maklumat daripada semua pihak dengan maklumat yang jelas , betul dan tepat daripada mulut ketua-ketua parti yang bertanding bukan daripada mulut parti lawan yang disogokkan dan yang dipaksakan.dengan fakta fitnah dan pembohongan. 04 ‘Air Time’ yang releven dan adil untuk semua ketua-ketua kerajaan negeri iaitu MB dan Ketua Menteri untuk menyatakan dasar-dasar kerajaan Negeri masing-masing untuk di nilai dan di justifikasi oleh rakyat kemudian secara adil melalui peti undi.Penghapusan JKKKP(Persekutuan);Hapuskan
‘kerajaan dalam
kerajaan’ mengikut PRINSIP FEDERALISMA yang menghormati wibawa dan
prerogatif MB.
05 Siaran langsung keseluruhan sidang Parliamen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri dan siaran ulangan sepenuhnya tanpa sebarang’censorship’ supaya rakyat bisa saksi siapa yang tidur , siapa yang bekerja dan layak sebagai wakil rakyat mereka. 06 Untuk menghapuskan sebarang keraguan ke atas SPR dan ketelusan serta ketulusan semua pihak; CHAP JARI ( DAKWAT ) digunapakai, semasa mengundi jika semua pihak jujur untuk hapuskan ‘Pengundi Hantu" , penghapusan UNDI POS TENTERA dan pendaftaran pengundi yang cukup umur dan layak secara " ON-LINE’ 07 Majlis Syura Ulamak Negara yang bebas dariapada belenggu mana-mana parti politik yang terdiri daripada golongan ulama’, profesyenal, dan pakar-pakar seperti jurutera, hakim, doktor , peguam, intelektual , professor, saintis, researcher dsb yang diketuai oleh Mursyidul Am yang bertindak sebagai ketua AL HISBAH yang bertanggungjawab langsung kepada Parliamen( DYMM AGONG ) bukan kepada PM atau Kabinet selaku PENGAWAL SELIA NEGARA ke atas perjalanan pemerintahan berjalan secara telus, tiada salahgunakan kuasa, nepotisma, kronisma, korupsi dan penyelewengan dengan menerapkan nilai -nilai sejagat dan universal sebagaimana yang dituntut dan diperintahkan di dalam KITABULLAH DAN ASSUNNAH sebagai ASAS FUNDAMENTAL yang ternyata cukup sesuai dengan FITRAH semulajadi kejadian manusia. ISLAM UNTUK SEMUA ( RAHMATAN LIL ALAMIN ) tanpa mengira kaum, ras, etnik, agama, ideologi dan pegangan ; JUSTICE 4 ALL insya Allah by HIS GRACE. |