Explanatory : Kelantan like any other
states in Malaysia is a unit of
Federalism . But,
religion ( Islam ) comes under Al Sultan
of Kelantan! Not under d Prime Minister ! So . this is not making religion as a
mockery but don’t mock at d Al Sultan of Kelantan authority n jurisdiction on
religion. Al Sultan of Kelantan is d head of religion ( Islam ) in Kelantan. So,
one must ‘ve d respect for Al Sutan of
Kelantan .
When Al Sultan agreed with d Kelantan State
Legislative on approving of d Hudud Law . Is it not an act of “ Play God “ .
Only one who don’t understand d duty of a muslim 2 implement “ God’s Law “ 4 d muslim will say that . Mind u its d duty of Al Sultan of Kelantan n
d muslims as d “ slaves “ of God 2 perform by d Al Sultan duty 2
d Almighty n 2 d muslims ( 97% of d muslims in Kelantan ) . Non muslims
should respect this ! Likewise, Al
Sultan of Brunei Darulsalam had done his responsibility earlier !. Congrat 2 Al
Sultan of Kelantan. So. Absolutely it’s not d “ play God “ business . As in Malaysia
hudud is constitutional, parliamentary n democratic ! Kelantan Govt. has
followed d democratic system ; right from it’s State legislative 2 d parliament
! It’s precisely not a “ Play God “ business! That’s Kelantan hudud law is
taken 2 parliament being a unit of d federalism . But has d fed. Govt .
followed d concept of federalism. Where is d royalty RM3 b due 2 d Kelantanese thru’ d
State Govt.??Is Kelantan a different country or a unit or a part of Malaysia ( Federalism ) ??
Therefor, one who doesn’t
understand d meaning of Schedule 9 of d federal Constitution is just
bulshitting by saying 2 Al Sultan “ don’t play God “ . ‘cos in Schedule 9;
clearly says that ; religion is d jurisdiction
of d state ( Al Sultan ). So, what “ play God “ . It’s within d constitution n
complied with ! One must ‘ve d respect of our Fed. Constitution ! n Al Sultan ! There’s no such thing as “ play
god “ here. Thus ! Al Sutan of Kelantan n d Fed. Constitution must b respected
by one bangsa Malaysia! .
In d state list of d Fed.
Constitution ; Hudud law ( Islamic Criminal Law ) is already been there 4 a very
long time n ordained . One should should
understand d Fed. Constitution in d first place b4 making a rubbish comment .
It has mentioned hudud
such as: Shurb ( intoxicants ) , zinah ( adultery ) 4 unmarried couple , qazaf
( accusation of zinah with 4-eye-witness ) n apostasy . Which comes under Al Sultan of Kelantan Jurisdiction ( Schedule 9 of d State List of d Fed. Constitution
! So. “ don’t play God “ does come here
at all ‘cos its within d State List of d State Jurisdiction n oso in d act 355
. that is “ Sharia’ Court Act 1965 which ordained d same thing of Hudud Law .
but d problem is it’s punishment is not in accordance with Islam . Maximum
canning is only 6 . To b amended 2: 40 slashes 4 Shurb ( Intoxicants ) , 80 slashes 4 Qazaf (
accusation of Zinah without 4-eye-witness ) n 100 slashes 4 zinah ( adultery
committed by unmarried couple ) . Thus !
a little knowledge is dangerous ! “ It’s not play God “ cos d
responsibility of Al Sultan 2 implement Hudud is already there ordained in d
Fed. Constitution ( Sharia’ Court Act 1965 ) n
Schedule 9 of d State List of Al Sultan jurisdiction on religion .
Unless if d non –muslims could remove d words Islam n Al Sultan in d Fed.
Constitution n in d Social Contract
pertaining 2 : Islam ( Official Religion ) , Al Sultan ( Head of
Religion ) , Bumi ( Muslims rights n prerogative ; civil n muslim rights ) n d
Malay Language whilst others rights r maintained .
Non –muslims should not
‘ve intervened Hudud Law ‘cos its purely d affairs of d muslims .
There’s no hudud law approved by d state legislative of Penang, Sabah n Sarawak
4 that matter ! . So y can’t d non
muslims especially could not respect d
muslims in Kelantan 2 perform their own religion as others do . Where is d
respect 4 each other.
Pertaining 2 “sariqah “ (
stealing ) n “ hirabah” ( armed robbery ) ; article 76A of d Fed. Constitution must b amended 4 parliament approval in order
2 implement it in Kelantan.
Thus. D concept of Federalism is followed n abode by d Al Sultan
n d govt. of Kelantan. ! That is 2 obtain d parliament approval of hudud law punishment
amendment thru ‘ d private bill by
hadi 4 d govt. n Al Sultan of Kelantan.
So Kelantan as a unit in Federalism must b respected by all if d hudud law
punishment amendment is approved by a simple majority in d parliament !
This is d concept of
federalism as d rights of Al Sultan n d Govt. of Kelantan 2 get d
parliament approval 2 impose hudud law
in Kelantan. So. Kelantan is not a country by itself but thru’ d parliament approval
Kelantan as one of d units in federalism
; thru ‘ d system of federalism has every right of its rights 2 implement hudud
in Kelantan by amending d existing “
Syariah Court Act 1965 n article 76A of
d Fed. Constitution “ yet 2 b amended ; that is hudud law punishment amendment by
a simple majority not thru’ a 2/3 majority ‘cos its not amending d Fed.
Constitution. If it’s approved then with d concept of federalism. Federal Govt.
has 2 assist with d “ PDRM “ n Prison department n all d Fed. Govt agencies full supports! 4 a smooth implementation of hudud law in
Kelantan by his grace! . thru’ d concept
of “ GOVT 2 GOVT “ cooperation n federalism n not thru’ “ ubn hudud unity govt “ . That’s
all . “ Alla Hu Akbar!”.
By: Nash Ar-Rawy/6.4.15 www.nasharrawy.blogpot.com www.Facebook.com/nasharrawy10
UPDATED ARTICLES OF NASH Ar-RAWY; http://nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2015/04/updated-articles-of-nash-ar-rawy.html … youtube.com/watch?v=TPvyYjm7aNA 29 APRIL 2013 !!
UPDATED ARTICLES OF NASH Ar-RAWY; http://nasharrawy.blogspot.com/2015/04/updated-articles-of-nash-ar-rawy.html … youtube.com/watch?v=TPvyYjm7aNA 29 APRIL 2013 !!
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