[11/06, 11:21 am] . Nasharrawy: https://youtu.be/TfnGlB2XotE
[11/06, 11:36 am] . Nasharrawy: U r not guilty until u r proven guilty in d court of law!. Whereby AG Thomas n team will proof it in Accordance with D Rule Of Law by His Will.4 Malay Crook Ntr Keris Telanjang i) had d full power in his capacity as d
Chairman of 1MDB: Over any transaction of 1MDB.Further more he was also PM n FM as well. According 2 d Law of 1MDB n SOP. Even one cent could no b withdrawn without his prior consent. He could easily say Nolocontentary. I do not know. When he had d full power. n ii) He Could easily Abuse of Power 4 his personal benefits n interest 2b proven by AG Thomas n his team. on d 2 elements above. D People's Fund, d amount of RM55Billion given by d Govt. : PM Ntr keris telanjang: Given 2 FM Ntr n given 2 kolongmerate SRC : Ntr Proxy. Finally 2 Ntr's Personal A/C. D sequence of d Abuse of power n Money Laundery is yet 2B proven by AG Thomas n his team in d Malay Crook Ntr's RM42Million Corruption Trial in d KL High Court. D first time ever an Ex PM n FM of Malaysia is brought 2 justice in accordance with D Rule Of Law. Only When Malay Crook Ntr keris telanjang n his parti Bn was Dethroned in d GE14 by His Grace. As a matter a fact, A Bank Manager has verified in court that RM42 Million had been deposited into d Malay Crook Ntr's personl A/C. D 1MDB WATERGATE or Scandal is d biggest Corruption n Abuse of Power in d world by d PM n FM himself!.Malay Crook Ntr keris telanjang n Chinese Crook J. Low r d Traitors of d nation. Shame on U!. Let NEW : AG Thomas n his team, IGP Abdul Hamid n MACC Chief Lateefa Koya perform their missions professionally with STRICT PROOFS in accordance with D Rule Of Law, without fear or favor. So as 2 curb Corruption, Abuse of power n money laundering in all d Govt. Depatments n Ministeries. Where now all of them r solely reponsible directly 2 d Parliament n Agong sending their reports accordingly. Thus! IGP. AG, Judges n MACC r no more under d PM 's Supremacy : in accordance with d Parliamentary Reforms n Separation of power, in d Judiciary, Legislative n Executive. As a matter i) a new special court : Just 2 tackle pending Corruption cases. Which means d PH Putrajaya Govt. will also shorten d duration of time taken by d Federal Court n D Court of Appeal. As a matter a fact, a special court 2 deal with dishonest. Untrustworthy, Abuse of Power n Corrupted Judges us yet 2 b formed by d PH Putrajaya Govt. as revealed by PM
Nasharrawy: Mahthir, during his first premiership had also formed a special court. Just meant 4 d corrupted Sultans!. Congrat! Mahtir PH Putrajaya Govt. A magnificent! reform 4 a better Malaysia!. Free fr. Corruption, Abuse of power n Money Laundering! For d sake of Him n Islam. As Rahmatan lil Alamin. 4 a Good Governance n Justice in D Rule of Law." Ad Deen waddaulah wa Sharia". By : www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com/11.6.19.
[11/06, 11:36 am] . Nasharrawy: U r not guilty until u r proven guilty in d court of law!. Whereby AG Thomas n team will proof it in Accordance with D Rule Of Law by His Will.4 Malay Crook Ntr Keris Telanjang i) had d full power in his capacity as d
Chairman of 1MDB: Over any transaction of 1MDB.Further more he was also PM n FM as well. According 2 d Law of 1MDB n SOP. Even one cent could no b withdrawn without his prior consent. He could easily say Nolocontentary. I do not know. When he had d full power. n ii) He Could easily Abuse of Power 4 his personal benefits n interest 2b proven by AG Thomas n his team. on d 2 elements above. D People's Fund, d amount of RM55Billion given by d Govt. : PM Ntr keris telanjang: Given 2 FM Ntr n given 2 kolongmerate SRC : Ntr Proxy. Finally 2 Ntr's Personal A/C. D sequence of d Abuse of power n Money Laundery is yet 2B proven by AG Thomas n his team in d Malay Crook Ntr's RM42Million Corruption Trial in d KL High Court. D first time ever an Ex PM n FM of Malaysia is brought 2 justice in accordance with D Rule Of Law. Only When Malay Crook Ntr keris telanjang n his parti Bn was Dethroned in d GE14 by His Grace. As a matter a fact, A Bank Manager has verified in court that RM42 Million had been deposited into d Malay Crook Ntr's personl A/C. D 1MDB WATERGATE or Scandal is d biggest Corruption n Abuse of Power in d world by d PM n FM himself!.Malay Crook Ntr keris telanjang n Chinese Crook J. Low r d Traitors of d nation. Shame on U!. Let NEW : AG Thomas n his team, IGP Abdul Hamid n MACC Chief Lateefa Koya perform their missions professionally with STRICT PROOFS in accordance with D Rule Of Law, without fear or favor. So as 2 curb Corruption, Abuse of power n money laundering in all d Govt. Depatments n Ministeries. Where now all of them r solely reponsible directly 2 d Parliament n Agong sending their reports accordingly. Thus! IGP. AG, Judges n MACC r no more under d PM 's Supremacy : in accordance with d Parliamentary Reforms n Separation of power, in d Judiciary, Legislative n Executive. As a matter i) a new special court : Just 2 tackle pending Corruption cases. Which means d PH Putrajaya Govt. will also shorten d duration of time taken by d Federal Court n D Court of Appeal. As a matter a fact, a special court 2 deal with dishonest. Untrustworthy, Abuse of Power n Corrupted Judges us yet 2 b formed by d PH Putrajaya Govt. as revealed by PM
Nasharrawy: Mahthir, during his first premiership had also formed a special court. Just meant 4 d corrupted Sultans!. Congrat! Mahtir PH Putrajaya Govt. A magnificent! reform 4 a better Malaysia!. Free fr. Corruption, Abuse of power n Money Laundering! For d sake of Him n Islam. As Rahmatan lil Alamin. 4 a Good Governance n Justice in D Rule of Law." Ad Deen waddaulah wa Sharia". By : www.nasharrawy.blogspot.com/11.6.19.
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